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New S^3 Mod "All Uniforms" in development (feedback is welcome)


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well, I found screenshots of new class we created 10 years ago : this guy ''Butcher'' is a mercenary from the new class "commando qualified'' with a perk tree on is own.

we created "radio operator", "machine-gunner", "Marksman" and ''sapper''.

Nothing to do with your project, but create new class is not a bad thing.


Is there someone able to create motion of the characters : the relieve oneself mouvement or "Pooh March" is definitively ...!!!???

Have nice day folks.


Wah, how good, man! Yhis is very cool!

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Small update.


The tank (Tiger) is just an adaptation for Silent Storm, and I haven't created it from scratch. All I did was some editing in Maya (optimizing/cutting/adding parts etc.) and small texture tweaks, which was pretty much of a job nonetheless. However I felt it would be right to make it clear for everyone.


Some changes/improvements:

- fixed T-34 skin (wrong outlines for a manhole) and made it darker

- added another variant of tiger (turret turned slightly left)

- added destroyed tiger


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Бро, а что вы с танками-то затеяли делать? А то я как не бился, не особо понял, что именно вы с Блунтером затеяли. В любом случае - я рад, что вы работаете вместе! Это ж каких делов вы сотворить сможете...

Может, вам создать страничку на патреоне - я был бы рад подкинуть деньжат на развитие мода. Наверняка они лишними не будут, да и помогут вам реализовать потенциал на более должном уровне.(До сих пор творю свой мод для варкрафта, теперь уже начал вливать в него малость деньжат - и это принесло свои плоды - хорошие плоды)

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Бро, а что вы с танками-то затеяли делать? А то я как не бился, не особо понял, что именно вы с Блунтером затеяли. В любом случае - я рад, что вы работаете вместе! Это ж каких делов вы сотворить сможете...

Может, вам создать страничку на патреоне - я был бы рад подкинуть деньжат на развитие мода. Наверняка они лишними не будут, да и помогут вам реализовать потенциал на более должном уровне.(До сих пор творю свой мод для варкрафта, теперь уже начал вливать в него малость деньжат - и это принесло свои плоды - хорошие плоды)

Танки точно не помешают, да и как объекты лишними не будут.

Вообще если получится их "оживить", можно будет сделать катсцену или придумать миссию, где танки не просто стоят как декорация. С Т-34 может и выгорит что, насчет остального - надо подумать. Но полноценными юнитами как в том же блицкриге сделать не получится - движок не понимает такого.

А что за мод по варкрафту (можно в личку)?

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Hey, it's been a long time...

About your images... Have you tried Google?

I've been using them for a long time with no problems. It's free and pretty efficient.





I am glad you are back in the saddle. I checked your post about the new classes and left a few comments there.

Thank you and good work!





Very nice models! Thank you.


Hey, I was thinking about introducing various factions who, depending on our actions, will treat us differently. They have to be distinct enough to be able to act independently of each other.

So far I've come up with these:


1) Partisans (we help them >> + to our favor with them; we attack or fail to help >> -...)


We can control it with global variables, starting at "10" being neutral. From "0-5" hostile, "6-9" cautious/mistrustful, "10-14" neutral, "15-18" friendly, to "19-20" ally.

- at "0-5" attack on sight, at low levels might attack your camp site.

- at "6-9" very uneasy, attack at the first provocation, won't trade.

- at "10-14" they are fine with us, might even trade, but won't offer anything special and won't share their line of sight with us.

- at "15-18" they trade, might offer special stashes for trade or exchange, share line of sight, might send a trader to our camp site from time to time.

- at "19-20" they trade, always offer special stashes and rare items if they have them, can access their chests and lockers, share line of sight, install a permanent trader at out camp site.


...earning favor with them through:


- successfully (and timely, if I can figure that one out) completing their missions

- helping them out with funds, materials

- ?????


To prevent abuse:

- the worse the relationship is and the larger the numbers of attacking/defending partisans the lower their levels are (less XP)/ higher spot and VP values (harder to kill and to hide from.)




2) Wehrmacht (attacking their posts and installations will generate heat with them)


We start with a Bolo (be on the lookout...) on us at "10"

"0-5" Very high security. They are hunting us down in large numbers (damn! I wish we had dogs in the game...), might attack our camp site, most German occupied installations and check points are on high alert (more soldiers, higher Spot skill, possibly better trained/ lower level defenders, no decent weapons)

"6-9" Heightened security, more soldiers. Mostly lower level soldiers (Lower XP) and weapons.

"10-14" are on the lookout for us. Default (since we escaped their captivity). Regular security. Occasional good weapons. (Reg XP)

"15-18" largely unaware of us. Lower than normal security. Frequently well equipped. Higher level soldiers (more XP)

"19-20" don't know we are here. Minimum security. Very well equpped. (Max XP)


To bring the heat down (or to stop it from going up) we can:


- hide the bodies/ destroy the bodies with acid (in a tub, with nitric acid) or in an incinerator if present

- make it look like an accident (a gas/munitions/gasoline explosion)

- plant evidence (incriminating bandits, UPA or a specific person or a group of people)

- kill all the witnesses (prevent enemies from escaping)

- reaching objectives in a non-violent way.

- ?????


To prevent abuse:


- same as above.




3) Civilians

4) UPA

5) Bandits

6) SS (Gestapo???)





BTW, I'm done with the first zone and am working on a A1Kiev chapter camp adding a makeshift workshop and a lab to it, along with a radio and a 'treasure' chest to 'deposit' (convert) money items into party funds.

I also finished the bike script, figured out the objectives (you know I usually use hints), created a few new RPG items including the 1942 Karbovanets and introduced a hidden objective - 'hide the bodies' to the goals...






А то я как не бился, не особо понял, что именно вы с Блунтером затеяли.


We are working on a partisan plot. That's the overall direction that we agreed upon.

There are several plot elements I already started developing while the rest are still to be determined.


The things I'm more certain about are:


1) The main character is an NKVD agent, who either failed their mission (the 'Escape' wasn't planned and our hero missed his/her target) or they were betrayed and captured as the result.

2) Either way they'd need to obtain some sort of a transceiver (possibly from a fallen aircraft), get within its operational range (50 - 400 km/30 - 250 mi) and contact their handlers... That could start the final missions...

3) For now they are stuck deep behind enemy lines with a couple of civilians under their command.

4) There is going to be no base. Just camps.

5) Going back to previous chapters will be blocked. Instead we'll be ambushed which in turn will raise the heat with whomever ambushed us (Germans most likely, but if we are hated by the Partisans or UPA then by them)


~ Blunter ~

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I think factions will do very well. Since I read a lot about the situation (for the period the game will take place), I will try to provide as much helpful feedback as possible.

Wall of text incoming!


I will use this format to better represent my thoughts.

Faction name: ...

Known members: ...

What they do: ...

Allies: ...

Enemies: ...

Description: ...

Thoughts: ...


Faction name: NKVD

Known members: player character

What they do: deal with traitors and spies (outsmart or eliminate them), defend home front

Allies: partisans, civilians, Red army

Enemies: Wermacht, fake partisans, SS punishers, UPA

Description: When on the enemy territory, they like to remain unseen/unwatched. Can be suspicious but not paranoid. Smart and intelligent. Very patriotic.

Thoughts: There were a few NKVD squads remaining in Ukraine, primarily to defend railways, communications, critical objects. Many of them were MIA (probably dead). I believe player should encounter at least one of their own and get some info or advice (like join the partisans and help each other).

If there are more of them, then this faction should me "active" and have a reputation bar as well.

min reputation = player is declared as a traitor. Game over. -- In my opinion, this is necessary.

ok reputation = when we start the game

good reputation = additional help or info -- since a player proved to be loyal and resourceful his/her faction provides its agent with some additional goodies



Faction name: Partisans

Known members: NPC you may encounter, partisan leaders etc.

What they do: fight the enemy, defend civilians, try to salvage weapons/supplies, sabotage the enemy in any way possible etc.

Allies: NKVD, civilians, Red army

Enemies: Wermacht, fake partisans, SS punishers, UPA

Description: they try to be as sneaky as possible. Can be very talented with explosives and tinkering (good mechanic skills, etc.), like using traps to crush unaware enemies.

Thoughts: pretty much the only logical choice for a player to join and support, and they have the same goal. Player should stick to them. However this faction should be somewhat weak, in need of our help (until 1943-44 partisans were very undermanned, undersupplied and had to craft a lot). So player should have a choice: just use them and move on (complete his/her objective > these people's lives) or help them as much as possible (more patriotic way, plus they will help back).

typical missions: help recruiting, salvage supplies, help with wounded (if enough med skill) / tinkering (same for engineering), find a traitor or a spy (just one mission would be enough), sabotage something etc.

Best way to introduce them would be with the help of another NKVD fellow (he gives us a password and coordinates for a meeting, then he leaves to continue his mission or dies probably)

min reputation = player is declared as a traitor. Game over. -- In my opinion, this is necessary. Shooting allies is a no-no.

low reputation = very suspicious, they tolerate you, but never help or provide with info or "services" (trading, healing etc.)

ok reputation = when we meet them, a bit suspicious, won't trade but let us help them

good reputation = additional help or info -- since a player proved to be loyal and helpful partisans are willing to help: they let you walk anywhere you want, take some stuff, trade with you etc. Some partisans will even want to travel with you.

max reputation = they will support you in any way possible (including final missions). Just ask.


Faction name: Wermacht

Known members: NPC you may encounter, german soldiers and officers

What they do: fight partisans (in 1942 Ukraine was almost "free" of Red army, so the only enemies were partisans), defend critical objects, be careful in the forest, try not to be ambushed (well actually the last two never worked for them)

Allies: fake partisans, SS punishers. Special mention: UPA (neutral), civilians (overall neutral)

Enemies: NKVD, Red army, partisans

Description: we all know what germans were doing there. Also they tried to stabilize the area and eliminate any threat. Used all military resources to fight partisans, however they were not very successful. Were looking for partisans everywhere, especially in villages, however tried to avoid violence against those who didn't seem to pose any "threat" (e.g. didn't help partisans)

Thoughts: main type of enemy. They have powerful resources, equipment etc. Fighting them with no help would be a suicide. However small groups or patrols can be eliminated without too much trouble.



Faction name: Civilians

Known members: NPC you may encounter, living in villages, or in small towns (occupied by germans)

What they do: just trying to survive. Some of them may help germans or their allies, but the majority would always prefer to aid partisans.

Allies: mostly neutral to everyone

Enemies: mostly neutral to everyone

Description: civilians. They hate german invaders (however some minority of civs hates the Soviets) Nothing to add.

Thoughts: depending on missions their role or affinity of some of them may wary.

min reputation = won't talk or do anything, trying to hide or run away. they fear you (always aggressive and trying to cowardly runaway)

low reputation = suspicious, will try to avoid your company

high reputation = they know you are a good guy. they trust you and may provide with some useful info.


Faction name: Fake partisans

Known members: NPC you may encounter, especially may be found in partisans' camps

What they do: they try to infiltrate partisans groups and sell them to SS punishers. Fake partisans are spies who try to avoid conflict and let SS do the dirty job.

Allies: Wermacht, SS punishers. Neutral (UPA, somewhat neutral to civilians)

Enemies: everyone else

Description: former bandits, outlaws or civilians. Scavengers. Rats. Spying for SS most of the time. If they succeed, then a punisher group will probably come to a partisan camp soon. Can gather some information for SS (like where partisans' families live so they can be caught and... you figure out the rest)

Thoughts: Some encounters possible where they pretend to be partisans. They are not. Player can expose them end eliminate them if possible (since they will only bring more trouble later). If found in partisans camp, player has to prove they are traitors.

min reputation = they stop infiltrating partisans camps, they are afraid to get caught and eliminated. now they are hunting us (with vengeance) -- they are bandits after all, so they finally decide to act like they should.

max reputation = start of the game. They feel safe, neutral to you.


exposing or killing them will get you - to the reputation. As NKVD agent you will want to do that and only that.

If you want to get +, just frame UPA or hide/destroy bodies like you would do with Wermacht soldiers.

However in some cases you may want to use them (if mission requres this), but their ending should be the same (shoot or capture them)


Faction name: SS punishers

Known members: no

What they do: kill partisans, eliminate their camps, murder or torture their families, deal with some UPA groups if necessary

Allies: Wermacht, fake partisans

Enemies: NKVD, partisans

Description: best of the worst Wermacht could ever offer. Undisciplined officers, sadists, maniacs, almost outlaws - anyone would do well here. They were brutal and violent. Still very talented. Wermacht never liked them actually. However punishers were effective. Brutal murdering parisan sympathizers was a typical thing. Used the best equipment (for reference see elite soldiers in S2 or S3) and armored vehicles.

Thoughts: I believe player should encounter their work first, e.g. small village with everyone dead (people burned alive or shot to death because they were helping partisans -- or destroyed partisan camp, with activated mines left for any rescuers), so he/she will have an idea what they are. SS units may guard some locations however their main goal as punishers here — to be a boogie man for a player character (partisans). When they come, prepare for the hardest fight.


reputation +/- same as Wermacht, however since they are rare type of enemy, killing all of them will not trigger the last state (mass hunting of SS units). Reasons:

* no one left, no one can hunt you.

* killing SS punishers should be encouraged. this would be... right, I guess.

* Wermacht really didn't want them to interfere with their campaign, so they wouldn't go full crazy on you

* SS would be pissed however they would need time to rebuild those squads (e.g. months)

so min reputation = SS destroyed (for this game ofc) but Wermacht will get a bit nervous, so you get a few point minus with them



Faction name: UPA (1942)

Known members: Some NPCs

What they do: kill partisans and any pro-soviet people, murder or torture any pro-soviet people, hate USSR

Allies: no (affinity to Wermacht may vary)

Enemies: NKVD, partisans, Red army -- anyone who would support USSR (civilians especially)

Description: former civilians, deserters, outlaws, even fanatics. Tried to stay neutral to Wermacht. Their goal — kill everyone who supports the Soviets and make every friend of USSR fear (so they used pretty much the same practice SS punishers did — torture, murder, death by shooting, executions... plus raping, butchering etc.)

Thoughts: basically evil version of partisans, enemies to the Soviets and any party allied with the Soviets. Some may call them war criminals too since during and after the War many Ukrainians witnessed their crimes and had no illusions. It should be mentioned though: they considered themselves patriots and rightful warriors etc.

Gameplay-wise UPA — another enemy of the partisans.

min reputation = they become full-time allies of Wermacht and SS punishers

ok reputation = neutral to a player, neutral to Wermacht, hunting partisans only

max reputation = friendly to a player, neutral to Wermacht, stop hunting partisans (however they will shoot any known partisans or pro-soviets on sight)

+rep = I will copy BlunterII here

hide the bodies/ destroy the bodies with acid (in a tub, with nitric acid) or in an incinerator if present

make it look like an accident (a gas/munitions/gasoline explosion)

plant evidence (incriminating fake partisans or a specific person or a group of people)

kill all the witnesses (prevent enemies from escaping)

reaching objectives in a non-violent way.


maybe kill fake partisans and say they were true partisans


- rep = simple. kill them or make their life feel like hell (probably depends on missions)


General thoughts:

Player character is NKVD agent (not a mercenary or foreign citizen), so going against their own should not be allowed. Player possibly can do some questionable stuff (like stealing something or selling out an ally etc.) in order to complete the mission easier, but it shouldn't be encouraged in any way. If player decides to mindlessly start killing partisans in their camps, it should be game over. Period. Same goes both for NKVD and Partisan factions.

That would definitely prevent abuse for these two.

For Wermacht this one will do very well = "the worse the relationship is and the larger the numbers of attacking/defending enemies the lower their levels are (less XP)/ higher spot and VP values (harder to kill and to hide from.)"


Player can probably use and outsmart UPA/fake partisans to get what he/she wants. Without helping these factions directly of course (like eliminating partisan camps, providing them with critical info etc.). By playing this smart game player shall be careful not to trigger something unpleasant (like letting some of partisans be eliminated, critical info stolen etc.) which will lead to rep minus.


TLDR; let player character be patriotic in general, all factions shall stick to their agenda, smart way of playing should be encouraged


Oh, and we will definitely need a design doc for all that. smile.png



Made some corrections.

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Although I appreciate the ammo info, I don't think we can make subsonic ammunition in the game. That mechanic is defined in the RPG Weapons DB table column called "Silencer". 0 - completely silent, 1 - some noise,... 40 a whole lot of noise. Basically, in S^3 ammo doesn't/can't determine how much noise any given weapon will produce, the weapon itself does......So for now we are stuck with weapons not ammo types making them silenced or suppressed...unless, of course, you discovered some other way (I don't know about) to achieve that.





Very good write up. Thank you.


I've taken a lot of screenshots, so it's going to be a long post wink.png




All right, A1 "Escape" is fully finished.Tsylie and I tested it in the editor and in the game. It works fine, the fight is really unpredictable... which is a good thing.Quite a few bugs were found and dealt with in the process.The encounter begins with a short cut-scene and a couple of dialogues:





It was a dark, foggy evening...








Officer (admin): (in German) What do you think you are doing bringing them here, Unterscharfuhrer? I don't have any room for all these…


Officer (convoy): (in German) It's just till dawn, Herr Obersturmfuhrer. I don't think it's safe for us to continue to Korosten' right now. Several supply convoys have been attacked in that area recently by the UPA. Those nationalists are getting bolder and bolder every day.


Officer (admin): (in German) ... right, well, it doesn't change the fact that I don't have room for all of you in here... (whispering) ...besides, why don't you just get rid of them... in the forest, huh?


Officer (convoy): (in German) (frowning) I can't do that, Obersturmfuhrer. I've been ordered to bring them to Korosten' for questioning, especially one of them…Officer (admin): (in German) (interrupting)... This is ludicrous! I have only 2 cells, no decent living arrangements for my staff... Hell, I myself sleep on a hay bale in the attic above my office. No, no, no! I'm going to call the Kiev Reichskommissariat and complain about it right now!...


(this is an almost exact copy of the one I posted earlier)









Prisoner: (in Russian) Korosten'? They've butchered several hundred of ours there... just in the past few months. Bastards!.. (to the rest) Wait till the officer goes back inside and then let's jump them... (to you) ... here take this. (sneaks you a knife).


(I think this one works okay. Edit if you feel there is a need...)






We end up with a Finnish Knife (I believe the Russians call it "Finka") in our inventory.





I removed the MP40-II later. The best MP we can get our hands on here is MP-40.









...a rare opportunity, indeed!





In case all the Partisans are dead we get a message on the screen notifying us about their demise. No dialogues, obviously.





The interesting dynamic is that our allies pick up the dropped weapons and use them pretty effectively. The downside is - sometimes, we end up running around without any firearms...






There is a folder ("Intel") and a "Strange Key" in that chest.










For Silent Storm veterans it might feel like I'm holding their hand too much here... well, I am... it's an introductory mission, after all. Right?_________________________________________










...various warnings and unsuccessful interactions are sometimes accompanied by eerie or sad sound ques. ___________________________________________





... knock, knock...








Prisoner: (speaking fast) Oh, thank god… finally! There was all that noise and commotion…


You: (staring at her) Name?


Prisoner: Oh, Katya, I mean Ekaterina Ivanovna Sharapova. I've been with a group of…


You: (speaking over her) Kat', what can you do?


Katya: Oh, I… err… I can be useful, I can patch you up and I can shoot too… (begging) Please, don't leave me here! Can I come with you?


You: Fine. Follow me.


(Like with any other dialogue - please, go ahead and edit it, point out the parts that don't work or don't make sense and so on...)









Prisoner: (sizing you up) Thank you, Chief. I owe you one. Name's Yakov, but…(pointing at his face)… they dubbed me Scar.


You: (staring at him) I see. Occupation?


Scar: A little bit of this and a little bit of that. I used to be a mechanic before I got mixed up with…


You: (interrupting) Just a mechanic, nothing else?


Scar: Well, I know my way around guns, explosives…


You: Good. Let's go.


(I know it needs work, so please, feel free to edit, reap it apart, etc..)Possible points to make:- we are an officer and he senses it- we are in charge and he knows it- he reveals some information, we reveal none.- we need him and he feels that- he needs us and we use that












It's not the Curse of Monkey Island's bottomless mug but... similar...











Spooky! BTW, partisans took care of their killed comrades.

The XP we get is 1/2 a level or so...Not much but still...







Yup! This little guy ("Zappy") is fully scripted and functioning properly.












...and now off to our base "Camp"...




(to be continued)


~ Blunter ~

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Sadly I can't see most of the screenshots ("goals" and "knock-knock" are visible though).


But who am I kidding?! I would like them if saw them anyway (really love your map design).



Better texture for destroyed tigers (the one on the right).





Tried to make a new weapon — partisans' special smg. They used to craft a lot. wink.png This model is my attempt to create something they could build. Basically I used Stg 44 mesh, but tried to imitate some MP-38 parts and PPS-42 (e.g. clip). Texture looks satisfactory, I believe it could be improved later.

You could see a new tank here. Here is another view.





PzKpfw IV (or Panzer-IV if you like) — the most mass produced tank of Wermacht.





Punishers used to hunt partisans with these armored vehicles (SdKfz 250).





SdKfz 251 with MG34 (former Tripod version). The game won't let me create a special one for these vehicles, so I had to play safe. Now MG-34 Tripods looks like bare MG34, and to compensate that I created a tripod object and put them together.


Looks like usual. wink.png

Inventory camera is not fixed yet (to do stuff for later).



"Let's make it crazier," - I thought. I mean... why not? smile.png


Well actually this new "feature" will make some interesting fights...


And I believe all these models will be a very nice addition for Partisans mod. Soon I will try to port something from H&S and add it to this list. Partisans made a lot of makeshift guns and explsoivesm so I need to search for those (or create them like I did with ex-Stg smg).


P.S.: Since modding is a great thing, I decided to revive this. The more new mods, the merrier! Both of them will benefit greatly from new objects. Will make a post in my thread in a couple of days.

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Nice models, I am glad that there is someone now that can do that. Say would you be able to make a G43/K43 model as well? I always found it strange that both Silent Storm and Sentinels both just had the G41, that was more an experiment and not as refined as the G43/K43.


@Blunter: So, we totally ditched the idea of an Alt-WWII "Wired War" scenario that we had been working on previously? Aw man, I really like that idea with the whole Wolfenstein/Indiana Jones inspired World War II or post WWII with all those strange things going on that you have to uncover.

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I can see screens now. Thanks!


Nice views as usual!


Will try to think the dialogues over, but they look fine. For now I would change UPA to Partisans. Something like this:


Officer (convoy): (in German) It's just till dawn, Herr Obersturmfuhrer. I don't think it's safe for us to continue to Korosten' right now. Several supply convoys have been attacked in that area recently by those partisans. Oh, I would catch them like rats and tear to pieces everyone of them!


Reasoning: until 1943 UPA mosly didn't bother to give germans any noticeable inconvenience (several encounters like murder attempts or small shooting, nothing else) and preferred to stay neutral / or even enroll as SS goons. However in 1943 UPA started a full partisan war against Germany and continued its "war" agains USSR. For 1942 Partisans would be a better option.




Well it is possible. At least I can try. wink.png





Updated: correction for UPA role in 1942-1943.

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Fixed the images now.




Awesome new objects!

The new Panzer looks great!.. and the destroyed Tiger (nice burn marks and rust spots), ...and the half-track now! Wow!

The trick with the MG-34 tripod is very clever. smile.png


That new smg looks interesting too.


Thanks for the feedback. Corrections entered.





I didn't ditch it. I switched to a different project.

Actually, I don't mind adding some minor sci-fi elements to the Partisan Mod at all. Only minor...

- Our main character will work with the partisans, civilians and the Red Army, but he/she has their own orders. I haven't decided what those orders will be...

- I was thinking about exploiting the tularemia outbreak (I think it was the fall of 1942???) to involve or at least to mention the Professor.

- Strange encounters could certainly be introduced. An underground Nazi research facility...partially built... abandoned or in operation, strange afflictions (no zombies though), etc...

- Nothing too hi-tech or too fantastic.



Before I introduce the A1 regional camp site I'd like to mention a few texture changes on the chapter and the global maps.

Since we are working for the Soviet government here I thought the British flag needed to take a break.





I forgot to take a global map screenshot so I'm just posting the new textures used.

Since we don't have a base zone attached to the global map now (a place where we'd usually be sent to after completing a scenario block), I thought instead of removing the marker completely a message "In this dire circumstance, deep behind enemy lines..., there is no base, no re-supply and no reinforcements" would be appropriate.


It might be kind of wordy and awkward. Feel free to edit.







That's right. A new seal was born... The signature is one of the "illegible" signatures found on the web. "Illegible" is how it was advertised. wink.png




Okay, now on to the Base - Camp.


The template is larger than the usual 32 x 32 vanilla camp zones. Here is the template itself:





I tried to make it mossier and dirtier than the "redone UK camp".








Every object (except for the radio) is scripted and ready to be used, well once we find/discover them and bring them back to the base, of course.



...the vehicle interactions, new money RPG items, the "Stash", the "workshop" and the "lab"... I'll have to postpone till later.




~ Blunter ~

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Although I appreciate the ammo info, I don't think we can make subsonic ammunition in the game. That mechanic is defined in the RPG Weapons DB table column called "Silencer". 0 - completely silent, 1 - some noise,... 40 a whole lot of noise. Basically, in S^3 ammo doesn't/can't determine how much noise any given weapon will produce, the weapon itself does......So for now we are stuck with weapons not ammo types making them silenced or suppressed...unless, of course, you discovered some other way (I don't know about) to achieve that.


answer to Blunter for silencer ammo it is easy however: just create as usual new ammo (Nahpatrone for german) or Partisan made for and only for definite weapons with silencer (CZ27 or Luger7.65 suppressed for german Sdt wolf or other)/(Mosin or SVT40 with silencer glushitel syestoryechliy 40 for soviet) and bullet have less penetration and dammage.

For the weapons sound it is 0 or 1 for real silenced weapons (only russian with green partizan cartriges or the german green Nahptronen, or Delisle .45ACP) other country have only suppressed weapons as they use normal ammo so put 3 to 8 on the silencer or more for other weapons _ just listen difference of noise on video between noisy grease gun although .45ACP and colt ACE .22LR: after it is just your adjustment choice.

So the difference with other ammo are poor penetration, poor range ( but special made silenced weapons will incoporate that with short range 5 to 15meters) and poor dammage (less powder with heavier bullet).


As I already wrote, lot of apologies to interfer in your discussion.

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It's all right, I appreciate your comments. No need to apologize.


I'll need to think about it. I don't have a problem with creating new ammo types. I think it adds extra depth to the game, if balanced properly. But the naming conventions in this case might create some confusion. I mean, picking up a clip of subsonic 7.62x25 Tokarev rounds and not being able to use them in a PPS 43 or a PPSh 41 is a bit confusing. We'd probably need to give them a different label altogether. Something like "Partisanskiy Patron" or use some mysterious number or a code...


Now, I am very interested in making unique classes for Scar (Eng/Scout)?? and Kat (Medic/Sniper)??... as well as completely new classes for the main character. We could initially try them out through the 4 pre-built heroes and later overhaul the rest of the 6 class selections available on the customize your hero screen.

So any ideas about hybrid classes, their strengths, weaknesses and proposed perk trees are welcome and encouraged.



All right, back to our A1 camp.


Here I'm going to cover the currently available vehicle interactions.



-------- VEHICLE ---------------------------------





This switch is a recolored Switch01 found in the "Buildings"/"Underground" sub-folder in the editor. It doesn't seem to interfere with the bike's MG function and doesn't appear to damage the object ("Zundapp") it intersects...



it looks like this on a template:




Now you know why the bike will always have a log, a rock or some other object under its rear wheel...












Pretty self-explanatory, I think.
















The Engineering requirement is currently at 40...






I added a "Wrench" (a new weapon repair engineering item) and fixed the oiler which for some strange reason had an overlapping ID with an "unnamed melee" RPG item and wouldn't show up if placed on surfaces, etc.















I forgot to mention the hint that pops up after our first attempt to use the bike's storage in A1 "Escape":




The text:


Using Your Vehicle,


Your newly acquired Zundapp motocycle can be used for accessing your storage and loot screens and it can also act as a stationary machine gun (MG).

The button to access your bike's interactive menu is located below the back seat. You can only access your storage or loot in real time.

Sometimes, during certain missions, you might be blocked from accessing your storage or loot screens until you complete the objectives.

In case the vehicle is damaged a character with high engineering skill can try to fix it. Having a screwdriver, a wrench or an oiler in their inventory is necessary for a successful repair attempt.

If you vehicle is destroyed there is nothing you can do but abandon it and hope to find another one elsewhere.

Later in the game you'll be able to acquire larger vehicles able to transport more people and some important equipment.


(Please, feel free to edit if necessary)


------------- WORKSHOP ----- LAB ---------------------



The workshop and the lab menus, possible recipes and associated with them requirements are the same as in the previous version of the mod.



Only the first 3 are fully scripted and functioning. Special ammunition and weapon mods and upgrades need to be developed further.






This puppy is finished and ready for use.


-------------- CURRENCY ------------------------------------




If you remember we brought different currencies into use in BlunterMod. Well, this version is no different.


















Talking to the bank clerk, in order to convert banknotes into funds, is not an option here, well stashing them away in a chest seemed like the next best thing:
















Ta-da! Transaction complete!




Oh, and if you run your editor for too long - this might happen biggrin.png :






That's it for now.


~ Blunter ~

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Just a small update (well, it's actually a pretty significant step for me... new models and all).


Heruvim was kind enough to share some of his models with me... so I took a few screens with them in the pictures.







Thank you, Heruvim! thumbsup.gif


~ Blunter ~

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well, in case of, here are subsonics data, man need only to fill it. I did not put mine as my damage are base for each ammo to is weight and proper velocity (not the weapons) so no preference. After the game calculation change damage with weapons (9x19 will do less with pistol than with Smg...)

MinDmg = RPGAmmos fields.DmgMin*RPGWeapons.DamageMod/100

MaxDmg = RPGAmmos fields..DmgMin*RPGWeapons.DamageModMax/100

Penetration = RPGAmmos.UnitWeight*RPGWeapons.InitialVelocity/26


I wrote real bullet weight in gram and the reduce weight man should adopt for the nahpatrone 9x19 which would have to much penetration without this adjustment.

I am including german poisonous subsonic bullets which could compete with poisonous scalpel.


made a special Partisany cartridge' hidden home factory in a remote swamp ot deep forest with ingenieur making home suppressors, The place german troops shall to find, because of the noiseless attack they undergo, could be an idea??? and player need to find some resources (ammo, powder, ...) and put some minefields to protect the sector.

An idea I did not have time to develop for ourselves.


find the new corrected file of subsonics ammo (add soviet poisonous bullet, and stg 43 subsonic ammo, and name change for some ammo).


A question about those wonderful vehicules : are they stationnary or they can move a bit each turn ?. no I suppose but it would be great !


just amazing how you turn this game in this new configuration, just fantastic!


I put too soviet explosive image that stay as project only and not done. ? May be it could help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

here I put russian's weapons dealers magazine page for guns Partizani migth have. And two 7.65 browning weapons excelent to make silenced soviet guns.


This are just opinion of friend of mine as myself:

please make disapear the Luger .45 (only 2 were made for US trial and abandonned as project) [sorry, I like game when people learn something]. Your german traffic stop was in this case mervellous: original one, and no zebra crossroad mark which did not exist in WW2,


please lower the crazy prices of the game, weapons and ammo are too expensives, if you want to pay for your habilities 'increasing (myself I train them but some player are not so patient. And increase the size X,Y of weapons perhaps, so team will not go home with 10.000 weapons.


Will you Mod H&S and waigth difficulty or still sentinels?


I will try to put new class perk tree in a couple of day.

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While we are talking about guns, there are 2 well actually 3 pistols that I think are missing from the game, that are the Whalter P38, standard German sidearm as well as the PP and PPK pistols who where also used by the German forces in WWII. The PPK was often used by the GESTAPO with a silencer, I think those guys would also end up in the hands of Partisan groups.
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Hey, brandeburg. Thank you for the info and the ideas.


I have a few questions (thoughts, if you will) for you:

(if anyone else wants to chime in - go for it. The more the merrier!)


1) If I am to create an encounter where we need to lay some mines (I assume they'd be given to us) then what would stop us from just taking them?

There is no script support for checking if the mines were actually placed, is there?

Did you develop that encounter any further? (How do we learn about this secret place? Why would they want our help? What is the threat and how would it affect us if we helped? If there is a fight - what kind of fight? If thee is a trader - what do they offer? What is the payoff if we succeed (aside from a reputation boost)? We are going to be moving eastward, how do we re-establish contact when we are in a different chapter?)


2)I really enjoyed your perk assessment and new class ideas in another thread.


Did you work out any perk panels/ perk taking order for each/any of those classes? I don't mean panels themselves, I can make them no problem... what I mean is this: 1 > 12 > 4 and 17> 68 >43 and 3 and so on... (where the numbers are perk IDs). I would love to have a discussion on that. wink.png


Since in the "Partisans" scenario we don't have any standard "mercs" here are the classes I am especially interested in creating:

- a Engineer/Scout hybrid for Scar

- a Doctor/Sniper hybrid for Katya

- any hybrid (or not) ideas for the main character.

- any enemy classes (with specific flaws and advantages)... from Bandits to Wehrmacht, from crazy SS chicks to insane asylum patients and perhaps even uber-soldat types.


I realize you don't necessarily favor the "free look" and "I am a rabbit" perks. wink.png

And I also share your concern about the ridiculously powerful 'Evasion' attribute.


3)Now about ammo and weapons.


If I understand correctly, all the "Partisanskiy..." stuff is going to be produced and/or sold by the partisans. Of course, we could (theoretically) acquire the blueprints and make those ourselves at the worktable. The worktable is already scripted to produce some pretty complicated contraptions... provided we have a skilled engineer in our party but still...


Anyway, the thing I am still unsure about is if there is an actual niche for them in the game.

We are already picking up a lot of 9x19 Parabellum and 7.92x57 Mauser rounds along with a few others. How would a homemade/makeshift ammo and weapons compete (in desirability) with much superior, already in abundance German made counterparts. There are only 2 ways I can think of:

- to delay/limit the introduction of weapons like silenced Mauser pistol and Kar98 silenced and make the partisan weapons the only ones available


- to make partisan weapons truly silent, but then the question of balance creeps in immediately... and this one will require quite a bit of testing.


Hmm... very interesting, brandeburg.

I appreciate the opportunity to brainstorm about this issue, thank you. wink.png




All right, moving along.


There are a few changes I've introduced into the game:


- a fully functioning "Reputation System" for RPG purposes: faction reactions, levels of hostility, scale of resistance (opposition numbers and overall skill), trade possibilities, random help or ambush probabilities.

- Traveling time (to set markers for timed missions)

- Fuel consumption/vehicle refueling/canister refill routine

- Daylight cycle routine, 10 light variations (each 2-3 hours long)

- Map quadrants (with columns and rows) to all chapter maps


Other things done:

- cleaned up some of the scripts

- added SS and partisan reputation adjustments to the "A1Escape" mission

- introduced new global variables to better control the plot.

- finished the "A1Supplies" mission (intro and dialogues, combat scripts, variables, vehicle dialogue mode, etc.)

- new RPG item: Suture kit (blood stopping med item), full gasoline canister, empty gasoline canister.

- wrote new Acks for the main character, Scar and Kat (500 - 600 replies in total)

- ...other things I don't remember at the moment.



Well, let's start with the "Supplies" mission.

Here is its PWL image:




It is foggy and rather dark.



The template is the same size as the previous one (64x80). Since we don't have any range boosting perks yet, no "Night Vision" and no weapons to justify a larger template I decided to go with this. I think it's big enough...










[ready for editing]




Scar (whispering): Hey Chief. There are three trucks, one is broken…stuck in the mud. I spotted six Germans and a civilian doctor.


You (quietly): That's too many. Besides, there might be more of them...What are they waiting for, anyway?


Scar: I don't know. They unloaded the broken truck but didn't move the cargo to the others. It seemed like they were checking the road for something.


You: What are you thinking... mines?


Scar: It's possible. You know Chief, I think there was someone else in the forest. Not German… but I didn't get a very good look at them. It's too dark.


You (thinking): Hmm… That's strange...





[ready for editing]




You: Well, a three way fight is a different story altogether.






That's the new notification feature, I mentioned earlier, we'll see at the beginning of every encounter.










I won't be posting the detailed fight pictures... I'll just say that it was somewhat unpredictable... sometimes Germans had the upper hand, but most of the time it was a tie...



Once we cleanse the place of evil we are presented with a hint:




[ready for editing]


Scene staging


There will be situations where hiding or destroying the bodies, planting evidence, inciting one group to attack another could turn out to be useful. You can get what you need and even earn favor with certain factions and individuals as a result.


In this case, however, the stage had already been set before you arrived. The highwaymen set a trap, killed the German guards and made away with the supplies. That's what the evidence would indicate anyway. As long as it's plausible... and in this instance - it is.




There is a whole line-up of various bandit types. This is one of the local bandit bosses:







I'll probably need to create a few new uniforms for us to change into.




I didn't include the Russian helmet and the fleece hat ("Papaha") on purpose... I'll save those for the partisans.

Although a white fleece hat could fit the bandit theme... hmm...






After all the hostiles are eliminated the doctor is 'set to talk'.





[ready for editing]




Doctor: Thank you for sparing my life.


You: Sure… What's your name and what are you doing here exactly?


Doctor: Svetlana Sed'yih… Well, I am working… was working. We were transporting medical supplies to the local hospital before all this… started.


You: How did you end up working for the Germans, Svetlana?


Doctor: I am NOT working for the Germans! I service local population…primarily… Look, it was either tend to the locals or go to a concentration camp. I volunteered… it was an easy choice.


You (pondering): Hmm...All right. You can go.


Doctor: Thank you. I'll go check on my brother. I think he is in trouble... Oh, and if you are in Brovari, please stop by.





Don't worry... we'll see her again...very soon.
















[ready for editing]


As the fragment falls apart in your hands you manage to make out "...sis..." and "Bravari" on it.



On a completely unrelated subject of... drinking... wink.png

when I noticed it...I had to take a screenshot of that...






(to be continued)


~ Blunter ~

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All right, to the rest of the "Supplies" mission...


The medical supplies package is located in the back of the second truck (the one that's broken).




The thread checking its presence in our inventory runs in parallel with the other two objectives, so it doesn't really matter when we pick it up. Whenever we do - the objective gets updated...





...almost there...



...and viola!




...the partially blocked message says: "The package contains a wide variety of wound care items and a field med kit. You might have also noticed the "Suture Kit", I added, among the spawned items.





...a couple of PDMs an engineer of 1-2 lvl should have no problem removing...



And finally, one of the bandits in the opposite (to our starting position) corner drops a scoped 33-40. I think the girl was quite happy with that.






Okay, about the scoped rifles... I feel the need to limit all of them to a "snap" and a "scoped/sniper" shooting modes only. I am also thinking about slightly raising their snap shot AP requirement... by 5-7% (bulky, scope is in the way...) and maybe (just maybe) increasing their damage. Their counterparts, carbines especially, should probably have slightly cheaper snap shots. We'll probably need to have a discussion about this. Pros and cons, the observations and the wishes...



------------------------ NOTIFICATIONS --------------------------------------------



Well, not being a programmer, it took me a while to figure out the scripts that could support the ideas Heruvim and I talked about.


Some of those ideas were:


- Fully scripted transport (Loot, storage, loss upon destruction..)

- Fuel consumption and refueling

- Daylight cycle

- Time tracking


So, here it goes:




The place and month will change with each chapter where as other variables are tracked through various behind the scenes counters.

but before we touch upon those subjects let's look at the new chapter grid that started it all.





...and the chapter view after the grid's been applied.





I remember looking through Novik's scripts for H&S's traveling routine that covered all possible variations (for all 11? zones) with a separate calculation/value assigned to each and every one of them. You can imagine A, B, C, D, E, ...etc. A to B, A to C..., B to C, ... so on and so forth. That seemed a little too bulky, so I decided to do it differently.

...now we have 6 columns and 3 rows dividing the map into 18 sectors. I also made several assumptions:


- minutes don't count when we travel on the Chapter map. Hours do.

- it takes around 2-3 hours to travel 30-50 km using secondary roads to any adjacent sector on a fully loaded Zundapp K750

- it takes 2-3 hours for any major light change to happen.

- we don't spend more than 2-3 hours in any given encounter.


Then I created 10 Daylight cycle phases: Moonrise, Moon, Moonset, Dawn, Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Sunset, Evening, and Midnight.






Traveling from C1R1 - Nemyeshaeva ("Escape") to C2R2 - Priorka ("Supplies") would equal

(C2-C1) + (R2-R1) = 2 light cycle zone skip would determine the light and the time in the next one.

then multiply that by 2.5 (approx. amount of time it takes for one light state to change to the next), so 2*2.5 = 5 hours

I didn't use the 2.4 because it created a very long decimal and I haven't found a way to round it down. (Yes, I read the various LUA manuals and forums already ;))

I also added a small random number to that result to make it look more natural.

So, after the initial global for "Time" (as in time of the day) was set in "Escape" for Evening ("9") then when we arrived at Priorka outskirts it moved two daylight phases forward to "Moonrise".


There is a behind the scenes "hours" counter as well.


I don't really know how interested you guys are in the mechanics of it all...(???) so I'm gonna stop here. But if you'd like to see the script itself I can definitely copy/paste it in the thread.


---------- R E P U T A T I O N -------------------------





All the Globals are set to "10" in "Escape" then constantly readjust based on our actions:




After all, we were on the roster (Germans were famous for excellent record keeping, right?) and now we are gonna be gone leaving a bunch of dead SS faithful behind. Thus -2 to RepSS.

On the other hand we risked our life and helped the partisans... as a result +2 to RepP. (only +1 if their leader doesn't survive, and 0 if none of them survive)


Of course, if we hide the bodies then...




...the reputation returns back to its default value.


It works the same way in "Supplies". If the doctor lives civilian reputation RepC goes up +1 and so does RepP.



------- E S C A P E ----- C H A N G E S ------------------------



There were a few things I thought were necessary to address:

- the strange key

- the source of "Supplies" marker






At first, I wanted to introduce the med supply raid through a somewhat heated conversation between Kat and Scar:


It went something like this:


Kat (screaming): That's not what I said!

Scar: You are gonna get us all killed.

Kat: It's pointless talking to you! Pointless!


You: What are you arguing about?


Kat: I want to get some medical supplies, if I am to be of any use to you. I heard them talking about a delivery to Priorka today.

Scar: All I heard was "...medikamente.."

Kat: Well, you didn't study German at school and then at the university like I did.

Scar: Right! That's all I need...a bookworm covering my ass in a firefight! Bah!


You: Armored convoy?

Kat: No, just trucks. "LKW"...and a medical facility in Priorka was mentioned.


You: I see. Hmm... We could check it out but if's anything other than a lightly guarded convoy we withdraw immediately.



Eventually, I scrapped it and found a shorter way to introduce that encounter:







Oh, and the new global map marker:





(to be continued)


~ Blunter ~

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Hey, folks. It's me again! ;)


Our next topic is the bike, its enormous hunger for refined hydrocarbons and the available to us options to satiate that hunger.


I remember Heruvim and I brainstorming on this very topic.. we talked about fuel consumption, some kind of fuel storage (possibly at the camp site), various ways to refill the gas tank, time limited missions relying on speed (on foot it's about 6 times slower) etc.


It took me a few days to process it and to come up with something I was happy with...


What is this bike to us, as players?


- A convenient way to collect the loot... Check!

- A very convenient way to access our storage... Check!

- An extremely powerful stationary MG (particularly at the beginning of the game)... Check!

- And now a fast, reliable transport that would allow us to get wherever we need to get to -ON TIME! ... Check!


Now, what do we do to keep it with us?.. Well, not much, except for maybe keeping it from being destroyed...an unlikely occurrence, really.


That was the driving (excuse the pun) reason behind creating the refueling/refilling mechanic.




If we didn't pay attention to the "place, month, weather, fuel, hours" notification after entering the encounter, we can always check fuel levels later.






66%? And how did you arrive at this magical number, Blunter? (now imaging Bill Burr speaking in a mocking voice)... that's pretty arbitrary!


Okay, the list of assumptions I made in this case:


- bike is important (we don't want to lose it)

- bike should not be taken for granted (we should do something to keep it operational)

- bike's speed (loaded) is ~ 30 kmph (18-20 mph)

- long trips utilize some paved highways (at least part of the way)(higher speed, lower fuel consumption)

- short trips primarily use secondary roads (lower speed, higher fuel consumption)

- since "camp" can be anywhere on the map, and there no way to tell which sector it is in - it's in the same sector as our last encounter, just 30 min (0.5 hour) away.

- if we run out of fuel (<14%) the bike is left at the camp (can't use it until it's refueled)

- And the last one (partly derived from the one's above) - any one way trip on a chapter map consumes around 29% of the tank (+1 - 3%)


In essence, we can travel 3 (maybe 4) times between refueling.




































Canister refills are pretty straightforward:






















Right. There is another thing I introduced the OnExit() check:




This is currently the only way to lose the bike.


Not sure if anyone is interested in any scripts. If you do - let me know...



These are our Globals, set in the "Escape" mission:


------- SET COORDINATES ---------------------------------

SetGlobalGameVar("Column", 1) --C1-to-C6-

SetGlobalGameVar("Row", 1) --R1-to-R3-

------- SET TIME ----------------------------------------

SetGlobalGameVar("Hours",3.5) --cumulative--

SetGlobalGameVar("Time",9) --Evening--

------- SET VEHICLES ------------------------------------

SetGlobalGameVar("BikeStatus",2) --1(Broken)--2(Present)--3(NoGasLeftAtCamp)

SetGlobalGameVar("Gas",100) -- Full

--- INTERACTIVE CAMP OBJECTS ----------------------------

SetGlobalGameVar("LabStatus",1) -- 1 No -- 2 Yes

SetGlobalGameVar("WorkshopStatus",1) -- 1 No -- 2 Yes

SetGlobalGameVar("RadioStatus",1) -- 1 No -- 2 Yes

----- REPUTATION ---------------







----- FOR LATER ----------------

--SetGlobalGameVar("PriorkaDoctor",2) -- 1-Dead / 2-Alive




Oh, I forgot to show the "Reputation" color coding scheme:






...and some silly stuff for last:








Unless you guys are interested in the character Acks, that's it for now.


~ Blunter ~

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Really Nice work indeed.

About Fritz question : this is not Bug, surely small pox

And yes her hairs are brigth, wonderful haircut.



I will put the partizan ammo remote fabric idea and sheme soon. (some partizan leader a GUGB should chek and cleverly eliminated if he is Trotkist or anarchist, or may be a Vladimir Petlyakov agent.


The silenced weapons should be limited to GUGB and SD and few of them in the game, sound 1 (sound 0 limited to crossbow, knives, club)

special Ammunitions very scarce, even for special units wich are far from base,

partizan should have only suppressed guns with theater made suppressors sound 5.


the Team Hero is GUGB member? from which departement? Should he treat civilian affair too?

  • Department 2 (СПО/SPO) - [secret Political]

  • Department 3 (КРО/KRO) - [counter-intelligence]

  • Department 4 (OO)- [special] —(responsible for counter-intelligence in the military)

  • Department 5 (ИНО/INO) - [Foreign (Intelligence]

you did mister Blunter an excelent work, the day dawn night is wonderful, do camouflage change hidding power? (it should work if you indicate for each region what items are requiring to enter area and effect (I have to go back in modding and watch for this) white suit for snow, civilian clothes to be a real infiltrated agent in partizan or occupied areas...


and for lieutenant Havoc this german silenced guns (sorry we did not done in game stay as project). I am adding the Pistol 27 with schaldämpfer L31 the P38 got a walther schaldämpfer and an Opel one I believe; the P08 has an Erma schaldämpfer (schaldämpfer=silencer or supressor)

Edited by brandeburg
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Hello, all!


Tsylie, back reporting for duty for edits, suggestions, and the like!


I have been unofficially editing the dialogues in the past and will continue to do so in this thread now.


Scrap of paper from dead civvie doctor:


[ready for editing]


As the fragment falls apart in your hands, you manage to make out "...sis..." and "Bravari" on it.


Just a comma; nothing major.


I didn't see anything else necessary for editing. Looks good, so far!


Where are you going to get gasoline containers? Will the party be able to pick them up from somewhere?

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Thanks, brandeburg.

I'm glad you liked the update.


I just checked your classes info (in your other thread) - very practical perk assignments. I think the "saboteur" pulled a short straw somehow and some of the marksman perks I am not totally convinced about... But overall, it's a very nice and balanced chart. Great work!

I am looking forward to seeing those perk tree charts and having a discussion about them.

I think it'll be very helpful...


[EDIT] When preparing those perk trees, please consider adding the "Look for free" too. I changed the default Crawl rotate cost from 4 to 6, the Rotate from 2 to 4 in RPG APs, and changed the parameter in RPG Perks from 0 to 2.

I already tested it. It's 2 APs for all rotations now after applying the perk.

So, no freebies anymore. biggrin.png

What would we call it now? "Born Curious"... "Reduced AP cost for looking"... "Observant"... "Spinner"..?


Scar and Kat are not military trained, so I wouldn't expect them to have skills and abilities that make sense from a "let's create a class that is efficient and serves a specific purpose" type of approach. Their skills/perks are a mixed bag, some might have certain synergy but most probably won't. That's why I was asking about perk ideas for a civilian medic-turned-sniper, and a civilian mechanic-turned-bandit. They'd be separate classes, specifically tailored for Scar and Kat, not available to any of the possible mercenaries or the main character. Would they be a pain to play? I don't know...maybe... well, if I add all the bizarre conversations I've imagined they could engage in, yeah...a very strange couple of folks, indeed. smile.png


I am also thinking about adding rare, unique perks.

From the start, Scar would have an "addict" or "alcoholic"; ex.: he'd be the only person who could use spiked alcohol and heroin.

Kat could have a "bookworm" perk that wold allow her to use magazines and other literature, we find in the game world, to temporarily increase her medical, engineering (or some other) skill above the normal levels.


The same goes for the main character... based on the class we chose for them.

- It might be a "Diplomat" perk (that would help us with various negotiation and persuasion checks),

- "Eagle Vision" would have a higher than normal Spot value.

- "Commando training" would add an otherwise unavailable "Good Evasion" perk (???)

... basically minor, not necessarily critical but a decent helpful boost to something...


They'd be 'attached' to different classes with proper visual representation but without any visible prerequisite, basically not selectable by the player...can only be given through a script.


Well, all that was about our average grunts/mercenaries/hirelings or whatever we call them.

Now, what about the officers?

I think "inspiration" should have a huge aura and be available only to officers. With that in place, eliminating them as soon as possible would finally make sense. Seriously, in vanilla, they were restricted to pistols, had no perk panels, nothing special or outstanding except for Acks, and even those were kinda meh... I think they need a major boost: proficiency in most weapons, higher Spot and stealth values, plenty of VPs, higher interrupt etc. (maybe even some 'evasion' skills, not too much... just a little bit...)


You know, redesigning all the item sizes is a big undertaking. If we have our bike with us then the whole "increased difficulty" goes right out the window, since we can access anything we need right there in the zone (once the objective are completed). Besides, aligning every item in the backpack, x, y, z and the distance adjustment for thousands of items (because for most items it's not just a size increase)... is a lot of work... and could potentially be worth it if we had a lot of zones (25-30) to visit and could really appreciate the new challenge. At the moment - there are only 2 completed zones.


In short, I hear you and get your point... Actually, I agree with you to a certain extend. Carrying two MGs in one's backpack is pretty unbelievable.

But right now, I'd rather get on with developing the plot and building more encounters.


I think using snapshot is somewhat similar to shooting from the hip... no aiming is necessary or required. At least that's my understanding of it. (...and that's based on the fact that we already have the "aimed" and "careful" shooting modes using the iron sights, and also the low AP requirements and relatively low accuracy when in snapshot mode just screams 'not aimed'.)


I haven't decided what the main character's rank and specific branch are.

They could be a Senior Lieutenant of State Security, from Department 3 (counter-intelligence) or 4 (special) ... not sure... they are gonna be dealing with quite a few of doppelgangers here... more like Department 13 (ghost-busters???) wink.png


Main task: discover what happened to the missing agents (4 NKVD agents disappear without a trace in Lubni/Poltava areas)

- check if any of the safe houses have been compromised

- ensure competency and loyalty

- find and eliminate traitors (we don't know about the doubles yet)

- once we find out what's really going on - find their training facility and destroy it, find both surgeons and kill them, capture the Intel on the remaining doubles and deliver it to the drop.


Opportunity objectives (while keeping a low profile):

- kill any doubles you come across

- assist allied groups and forces in the area (partisans, civilians, resistance...)

- capture any Intel we encounter

- eliminate or compromise any targets of opportunity

- sabotage German military installations

- increase tensions between UPA and Wehrmacht/SS


There will be a time when we are joined by a couple of other State Security agents (if we use your classes then they'd probably be a Skirmisher and an MG gunner)...but that's going to be later... in the winter...


As far as I am aware the vehicles don't move...


In Sentinels, there is no way to determine the type of uniform a character is wearing... UnitGetUniform() is not a valid function is S^3, unfortunately.


Thank you for bringing up some excellent points, brandeburg.thumbsup.gif




Now, I have a question:

What was the correct German radio communication procedure for the tank and aircraft crews?

Why I am asking is because when we find our first radio in a destroyed/abandoned Tiger (transceiver's operating radius around 150-200 km) we'd need to pretend we are not who we are while trying to reach the right 'audience'. So what would that exchange be like?

- An example of a successful (we get to talk to one of our operators in the area) and unsuccessful (we happen to get someone else) transmission would be great.


Perhaps this will help. I've found it somewhere (I think it was on axisforums.com):


1. to call another radio operator (otto calling ida):

Ida, von otto. Ida, von otto.

Wait 5 seconds

Repeat if no answer


1a. to call with priority:

Ida, von otto. Ida, von otto. K R. (I have no idea what K R stands for)

Wait 5 seconds.

Repeat if no answer.


1b. to call with message and no reply required:

Ida, von otto. Ida, von otto. Keine quittung, Keine quitting

Send message.



1c. to call with message and ask for verification:

Ida, von otto. Ida, von otto. Bitte prüfen, bitte prüfen

Send message.

Wait 10 seconds for reply.

If no reply, repeat.


2. to answer (ida answering otto):

Ida empfäng. Ida empfäng. Kommen.


2a: to answer but not ready to receive:

Ida empfäng. Ida empfäng. Warten.


2b. to answer 1c.

Ida quittung, ida quittung.


3. to report signal strength:

Lautstärke ...

- eins (weak)

- zwei

- drei

- vier

- fünf (strong)


3a. to ask for a repeat:

Bitte wiederholen


4. to end a message:



There are 3 bullet points at the bottom, written in red, which I assume are important:

- speak clear

- speak monotone

- speak short (I assume this means keep it brief!)

Underneath that is the mnemonic: KMK (klar, monoton, kurz)


Does anyone have any ideas?




Hey, Tsylie, thanks for editing.

(Corrections entered!)


I added a full canister to the first mission's template.



Oh, and here is one of the female models Heruvim shared with me.




Doesn't she look fantastic?


~ Blunter ~

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Hi, ,Blunter, sorry for the misunderstood about resizing items, this is an idea for futher development of another mod,

This is your mod an I do not want to interfer in your actual goal, I know it is a lot of work with all dbo.page to change,.. I have done it already and will give it a way everyone would understand and easy to use.


Sorry about Scar and Kat perks, I just did not understand you would do a special perk tree for them..Shame on me!

You are rigth about making new perks, as my friend did with perk100 radio-operator.

''Addiction'' is good especially to give fun

"Diplomat" perk really good _may be some other as "bargain" or "seduction" (Kitty saloon SD female agent...),

- "Eagle Vision" would have a higher than normal Spot value.

- "Commando training" might give something like assasination (lethal strike with strangling wire or knives)= Evasion is so weird,;; but it is your game.


Inspiration could be the key, with wider affect area (30 squares=about 20m??) and more effect on accuracy and moral (I put it with my Medic Machine gunner and Radio rifleman new classes and of course we will speak about that classes which are far to be definitive or perfect).


I do not know about officer's ennemy, in real german officers and NCO got sMg and pistol, but during officer course they are trainning with every kinda of weapons even ally or ennemies, but not specialized.. only with sMg. so I think you are rigth again give them spec. so they will be the first target, I mean officer and NCO.


If you add a medic to other side which try to heal ennemy wounds, they will be the next target. This is what missed in Sentinels, ennemy never get cover to be heal or wound themselves them wounds, It will be a "Plus". 5just an idea.


about snap shot I am agree with you, but the side animation should be the one use for LMg hip firing or player would not understand, or may be change the control action pannel instead of a can, a half figure with a gun at the hip. I am working on that and send the result.

_(This is like bolt action rifles, a side animation showing the character using the bolt to reload will explain the more AP require: But for another mod of course). I look at table and aimed shot is really shot + targeting, so you are right snap shot is "tir instinctive".


For me right now snap shot is hurry shoting what we call in french "tir au jugé"=( just rapid aiming in direction of the target),Aiming "tir pointé" is using really iron sigth +npoint, and careful shot is when man take time to adjust his shot_may be 20% better accuracy.

Again it is as the game show, but as you wrote snap shot should be hip shot (and do not inclued preparation shot AP).


May be the hero could be NCO (sergeant) and his behaviour following NKVD precept allow him to get graduation to finally become officer. Imagine what a gratification for a player to reach major rank and have medals, not only finish the game but obtain the highest rank, from having be a good agent.


I have heard about department 13, the chief staff are Kalmuks from Tobolsk area and Uriankhai; Bugä and Udayan from Tengri religion, kind of "shaman" who are believe to have overpower upon nature spirits and other supranatural forces.

but other claim that this department have the number ooo, in fact 3 circles, the three symbol of vacuity, the whole, and the metal.

They were hard "forest" ethnic groups such as the Altai Uriankhai, Tuvans and Yakuts.

The name "Uriankhai' means "uria" (motto, war motto) and khan (lord) in Mongolian.

The personnal guards it is said, were frontline soldiers who have already passed out, but were bring back to life by skilled Büga medic.

But noboby ever met this alleged department, or no one is still here to claim such encounter, except may be Stalin Himself.

The document by the Abwehr's Walli III unit, titled "Bands and other Insurgency Movements in Northwestern Ukraine" and dated July 13, 1943, is a succint report on various military formations. The report is divided into the following sub-headings: a) Soviet partisans, b) Bulba's movement, c) Bandera's movement and d) other insurgency movements. The last section reports on the activities of a detachment under the command of P. Onyshchenko in the region of Fastiv, south-west of Kiev. Other leaders of the detachment are: A. Kravets', A. Ustymiv, V. Polishchuk and P. Bilovus. The information for each sub-heading provides the following: the areas of concentration of each movement, a profile on its membership, the number of men, weapons, fighting capability, type of operations as well as other data. The last page is said to have deal with a rapport upon an ambush between Rosenberg Ubersoldiers and some members of the NKVD department 13, but this page was undoubtebly erase By Alfred Rosenberg Himself.


For radio sorry for me but I did not join the german army, Maybe Lt Havoc?

try this link, may be? https://www.ab4oj.com/1st/links.html

or :







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