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Everything posted by orc01

  1. Ого! Надо ознакомиться и отписаться о впечатлениях! Фидбэк должен греть душу автора!
  2. Воу, воу, воу! Новое оружие, боевые юбки, танки! Я так Войну Избранных к второму Икс-кому не ждал, как жду твой мод, чувак!
  3. WerHeruvim Бро, а что вы с танками-то затеяли делать? А то я как не бился, не особо понял, что именно вы с Блунтером затеяли. В любом случае - я рад, что вы работаете вместе! Это ж каких делов вы сотворить сможете... Может, вам создать страничку на патреоне - я был бы рад подкинуть деньжат на развитие мода. Наверняка они лишними не будут, да и помогут вам реализовать потенциал на более должном уровне.(До сих пор творю свой мод для варкрафта, теперь уже начал вливать в него малость деньжат - и это принесло свои плоды - хорошие плоды)
  4. Печально, бро. Ну а Нивал - да что с ними, мать их, не так? Ну а в остальном - я тебп онимаю. Сам попиливаю моды, правда для третьего варкрафта - там и проще, и комьюнити больше, и всяких ништяков прикрутить легче. Однако, всё же, говорю, что либо игр уровня Сайлент Шторма уже никогда не будет, либо надо как-то делать их самим...
  5. Hooray! Great Comrad, you locations - Russia? You too russian?(То есть, я имею ввиду, можно не изгаляться с плохим английским и нормально излагать мысли на русском? А то мой английский настолько плох, что он снится в кошмарах моей учительнице английского) We all wants you work, but, maybe, you need some help? Maybe little snack donat(c'mon, i pay in kickstarter, why i can;t support good mod development?)
  6. Hi, great comrad! Someone news mod development? We all waits!
  7. Hey Ho, WerHeruvim! Nice screenshost(New girl's head is great! I'm like this!) What about new hire system? May i can hear about this is? What about hire "secret mercs"?(This unical class, or, maybe, someone special skill) Secret Mercs - this is mercs may be hired, if gamer find special clue or clues(How secret mission with mechanical soldier in Sentinels) Also, sorry for obtrusive with my mad-ideas, but i think this is be good - what if our mercs and main hero may have special skill(quirk, or something else) Example - Zinaida hate nazi troops, and when she use scope-gun against them - chance of critical +10% Or this is very hard coding?
  8. Maybe use another engine? UE or Unity? Or this is so hard programming?(Sorry, i totally noob in programming and don't know how this is hard) Very sad - new tbs game(x-com(2012)) use castrated tactics mode or real-time with pause(Jagged Alliance 3, Brigade E5, 7.62), but more tbs gamer want good tactics, like SS. Realise xenonauts proof it.
  9. Hell, yeah, bro! This is cool idea and i wait this is mod. But, i'm thinking, maybe you go kickstarter and try design new game like Silent Storm? So many years have passed, but no one designed game like this. This is sad.
  10. Heeeey, bro! I russian gamer, and my s2-s3 game expirience more thag 10 year. This mod in my opinion was best in recent years. Yeah, i want MORE game content(MORE WEAPONS! MORE UNIFORMS! MORE RE! MORE MERCS! MORE AZAZAZAZA!!!11!1!), but this is mod doing a game so pretty cool, and replayability. New Random Encounters good. Zombie RE is best in my opinion.(also maybe need RE with panzerklain IN 3 TIER, but not exactly) I think this angry guy simple is troll. Or, maybe, baby duck sindrom. Sorry for my bad english
  11. Hi, werHeruvim! I play you awwwwesome mod all week. My mind - this is amazing! Great new animation, good stage director work in cutscene, tons new random encounter. Even enemy must surrender, wuhuuu! Now i give first mission block and going Russia. I love long leveling my team. If you want know, i think you mod need... aaa... new weapon? new type bullets? New uniforms? It would be cool! Also, i guess, CREL(Clever random encounters loot) - give elite enemy real elity difficulty(level +10) and elite loot. Someone pistols - rewarding weapon, medals(we may sell in blackMarket), medic stuff, good enginering stuff. Also we all, i think, all Silent Storm gamers dreaming a new colorite and charismatic mercs. I don't know, possible this is? It's simple dream. About new mercs - what you think about surrenders enemy and officers Mjollnir, who may say us new missions? And this is missions - good chance give money(How in bank encounter) or new mercs with unical class... May RE with black market - where we may buy good weapon and stuff without limits, but more high cost(300%) Weapon damage - i love someone real weapon damage, where all guns good. 2-3 shoot - and you duing. I put my and enemy damage 200%. But, if you not so difficult, you may do optional mod with high damage all weapon? Repairing - Mechanic boy in Sentinels base real good, and doing dumb and broken guns nearly new gun! May everly repair in base spoil weapon not 1 hit - 15-20 hit? Heruvim - you greatest human. You could do this game real better and cooler. I share you mod all, who i know, and who gaming SS3
  12. Hello, good guy! I love SS3 so much. Sorry for my bad english - I'm russian. But i download you mod and try give you feedback. Also, thanks for you mod!
  13. Also, sir Blunter, what yoy thinking about economics aspect. Maybe increase price weapon(for buy) and decrease for sale? Also, maybe doing normal and other mag's very high price, and cheap surplus mag's? This is doing game more difficylty.Sorry for my bad english.
  14. Ekhm, may I suggest an idea? Maybe increase damage for all weapons? I love realistic and always games with 200% weapons damage. Silent Storms: Sentinels with bad gradation - MP-38 needed 3-4 automatic fire for killing enemy. Maybe you can create mini addon for increase damage?
  15. Blunter, your mod is very great! Thank you for much! This is mod doing game more difficult, more replayability, more interesting. Where you done this mod, you planning somewhat create you own turn-based game? I'm thinking this is project be a needed. Thank you and good luck!
  16. Maybe, Blunter need go kickstarter and create new project? Maybe, someone like Silent Storm, but in new time. Modern war, bio mutants, mechanic exo-suit.. I'm think this is be veryy good and necessary project. P.S. Sorry for my very bad english. And good luck for Blunter from russian Silent Storm community
  17. Кхм, написано, что ты из России, посему попытаюсь обратиться к тебе на родном языке. Мод просто великолепен! Знаешь, я давненько ждал чего-то подобного, а тут есть ВСЕ! Новые пушки, новое снаряжение, даже карты новые - именно то, чего как раз мне в оригинальном Сайлент Шторме-то и не хватало. Собственно говоря, ко всему я хотел бы добавить еще одну просьбу - если сие будет не сложным, а можно было бы сделать мод, который просто добавляет оружие и новое снаряжение в магазин?(То бишь без самого пост-ядерного остального содержимого?). Уж очень иногда, играя в твой мод, хочется испробовать новые пушки и на молотовцах(Привык, наверно, уже к ним. Как никак, игра пройдена 24 раза, собираюсь и в 25 проходить) Заранее спасибо
  18. Maybe use opium for enlarge Action Point(AP), how this is be in Hammer and Sickle? Or this is very hard in realization?
  19. Awww, this is ... hm, how this is be in English? So pity? Thanks for create this is mod. I shall try to force it in russian community. Maybe, someone will want to revive old customs^^
  20. Also you see this is russian mod (not my, i'm noob in the ss editor) http://rghost.ru/47124583 This is mod add new class - kozak. There more realistic weapon damage, more realistic die animation, more blood. (Also i'm gaming you mod with this is - and it working!) But he is russian language, this is sorrowfully
  21. Owww, this is be very good news, guys! If this is possible - need more random encounters with panzerklain. (If we have armor-piercing bullets - need appropriate enemy) About non-hired mercenra - this is may be like this - chain unical encounters(We capture enemy's officer and he say about, where need find our new frend. We going - but new mercenary in the prisioner camp. Ehhh. i guess you understand my bad english :\ Also i'm interest this is - what you think about new weapon? Not retextured, but new weapon with new model. What about weapon from Hammer and Sickle? I heard this is very hardess
  22. Hello. I'm russian. Silent Storm - very cool and our favorite game. This mod is be AWESOME! Many new weapon, many new equpment, many new uniform! Thanks for create this, guys, and sorry for my bad english :\ P.S. What you think about this is idea - new mercenaries? Not hiring in base, but finded in unical random encounters(need more random encounters, guys - in russian mods we use encounters from silent storm (Not Sentinels). Thanks and good luck!
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