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Name That Strategy Game


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I think only Jagged Alliance Flashback has Hammer & Sickle. Either that or maybe I am missing some games.


That was a crack shot on your part, silencer - very economical on the art and did the job. :)




*scoreboard updated*


With my graphical talents I should keep to very simple objects.

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Don't want to be picky but the only image with hammer & sickle in CoH2 was in this box art.




That's not part of the logo ;) - the big Company of Heroes 2 is logo (me thinks).

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I do believe silencer has a point in this instance as well. That is a decorative element and not really a part of the logo as you say.


In the core interest of the flow of the game I won't disqualify the entry. Scores will nonetheless reflect the circumstances.




Artist, Ecthel013: 5 points

Guessers: NoXTheRoXStaR 9 points, silencer [unchanged] (no penalization)


NoX, you're the newly appointed artist.

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You better make a drawing of your own, or Thor might have you walk the plank... Unless you drew it yourself, naturally. ;)


Please read the instructions in the first post. And don't be afraid about creativity, check my drawings...

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I meant I'm not at my computer, on my tablet. Which means I don't have the tools to draw (I'm on vacation). I won't be back home until the 2nd week of June, and I doubt you guys want to wait that long in order to continue to play the game. Otherwise I'll give my turn to you S.V.
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