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Everything posted by Ecthel013

  1. I guess my thoughts on the Arms Dealer might have come out a bit jumbled, I was somewhat sleepy at the time. Arms Dealer Blunter, High-level engineers may be able to do as well as the Arms Dealer at repairs, but don't those require the usage of kits with limited uses? Also, it takes time and effort to get to that point, which could cause a pretty large gap where the player needs but does not have an effective repair capability, depending on how fast leveling is going to be. The bank system is useful, but it does not wholly eliminate the need for a place to sell stuff you don't want to keep around, and unless bank notes are frequently given out in REs or story missions, I don't think there'll be much of a cash flow from there. Regarding the credits suggestion, I meant it as a possible explanation/justification of the current system, rather than as an alternative one. Basically, you hand in (sell), say, a M1 Garand that the Sentinels consider to be worth, say, $400. You can then requisition (buy) up to $400 worth of items from the Sentinels' inventory, in addition to any previous credit you've accrued. Admittedly, this is just a whole lot of extra words for the same effect. Lastly, I'm not opposed to a modification of either his inventory, prices and/or current role, I just think that wholly removing him is a far too drastic step. dimovski, I didn't mean that he's working for one or more of the governments (though depending on the backstory Blunter decides on, the Sentinels might indeed be directly working for the Allies, either as a whole or one of its members) or that he'll only sell to them. Rather, I meant that, when selling stuff, he either sells stuff on the black market, but discreetly makes sure that they don't fall into the wrong hands, or deals directly with people on the Sentinels' whitelist, which would include (portions of) the Allied governments. As for the false-flag ops thing, I was just throwing out ideas as to what they might want the weapons for. Could state that it's part of an agreement (give us some weapons from these guys, and we'll hand you some of our special restricted items), the Sentinels don't especially care because they need the resources to fight a greater threat, or that the Sentinels don't do that precisely because of what the governments might do with them. Satchel Charge Restrictions I get the restriction from a game balance standpoint, I just can't think of a decent story reason as to why this would be in place. I mean, size and weight wouldn't be an issue, each of your squad members can tote around multiple rocket launchers and machine guns without even slowing down. Safety can't be it either, you can carry a large assortment of other powerful explosives which, unlike the stable satchel charges, can explode prematurely when struck by a bullet. I was thinking maybe it was to avoid attention, but you can carry and openly display all manner of heavy weaponry and explosives, as well as wear various military uniforms, possibly with body armor on top, without anyone batting an eye. Hmm... maybe technical limitations of the detonators? Can only simultaneously detonate 6 charges, any more than that causes them to go on the fritz (which is especially bad with explosives. The only thing worse than a bomb that doesn't explode is one that explodes when you don't want it to). But then, the limitation of only 2 per satchel charge type... Mikhalev I don't think they would, at least not for that reason. The spill is affecting the Soviet occupation zone as well (Berlin is located in East Germany, and we've got the infected bodies in one of the cutscenes and the zombies in the Overrun Clinic RE there), so he's pretty much just doing his job. They are still officially allies at this point, so openly working with his American counterpart(s) on a problem affecting both their sectors is probably not going to raise too many eyebrows. Then again, that's assuming said leaders are reasonable...
  2. Arms Dealer Poor fellow. Goes to all that trouble to secure a supply of military-grade weapons, ammo, explosives and various other items for your every need, pays up for even the most badly broken items and provides expert repair services on top of that, but is considered a corrupted money-grubber and potential traitor. It's enough to make one weep. More seriously, I don't see the point in getting rid of him. He provides 3 very useful services , and we'd either have to replace him with someone who does the exact same thing (in which case, why get rid of him in the first place?) or create a whole new economy system, likely with attendant bugs, when there's a perfectly workable one already present. Also, regarding who he might be selling the stuff to, the various governments may be inclined to "acquire" another one's weapons for various purposes (reverse engineering, false flag operations, etc.) or reacquire their own equipment to keep it out of the hands of bandits and the like. Alternately, the Sentinels have a credit system (you hand in an item, you get x amount of buying power represented by US dollars. Some portion of that is issued as actual cash for dealing with non-Sentinels, either on a per-mission basis or all the time) and he's not actually selling this stuff to anyone else or only through approved channels for certain items, if that makes you feel better about keeping him around. A rename to Quartermaster might also be in order in this case. Lab/Workshop Like it, though I would suggest listing the stat requirements in the crafting menu so the player can know at a glance whether or not they can craft a given item. Maybe (Produces 2, Req. Int 8 and Med 70)? As for the satchel restrictions (6 total, 2 of each type, right?), I'm not entirely sure why it would exist in-universe. I mean, the Sentinels don't have any objection to you carting around dozens of other high-powered explosives, many of which could go off just by taking a bullet. Soviet Internal Conflicts It's a very nice idea, I like it. That said, I'm not too sure about making it a separate set of missions, there's already a lot of side missions and we haven't even started on the main ones yet. From what I've read though, Zhukov and Khrushchev got along at this point, and they eventually team up to take Beria out of the picture in the early 50s after Stalin dies. I don't think it'd be a 3-way battle, barring rogue elements. About Mikhalev, I don't think he'll be involved. He's stationed in East Germany, and I figure any such internal conflicts would mostly take place within or at least closer to Russia itself. Editing Ammonia Hydroxide Container Ammonia hydroxide is a colorless liquid with a strong pungent smell. It's a precursor to a wide variety of chemicals, from nitric acid and fertilizer to pharmaceuticals and explosives. It's also used as an antiseptic in hospitals and households. Combining ammonia with nitric acid yields an explosive compound - ammonium nitrate, used in the production of industrial dynamite and Amatol explosives. Adding picric acid instead forms another explosive substance - ammonium picrate, also known as 'Explosive D' or Dunnite. 1:1 mixes with TNT yield powerful Pictratol explosives. _____________________________________________________________ Fertilizer Bag Fertilizer Bag The bag is filled with ammonium nitrate (25%), a nitrogen rich chemical primarily used as plant fertilizer. Ammonium nitrate is also one of the reagents needed to produce industrial dynamite and Amatol explosives. _____________________________________________________________ Ammonium Nitrate Flask RE Factor: 0.85 The flask is filled with concentrated ammonium nitrate powder, a nitrogen rich chemical primarily used as plant fertilizer. Ammonium nitrate is also one of the reagents needed to produce industrial dynamite and Amatol explosives. _____________________________________________________________ Powdered Ammonium Picrate RE Factor: 1.22 The ammonium picrate powder is ready. It is also known as 'Explosive D' or Dunnite. Due to various stability issues, it's rarely used by itself. Depending on your engineering expertise, you can combine it with TNT (1:1) to create Picratol remote explosives. _____________________________________________________________ Phenol Container Normally a crystalline solid, this batch of phenol is in liquid form. It's commonly used as an antiseptic and is a precursor to a myriad of substances, including medicines. When combined with nitric acid, phenol forms a powerful explosive - Picric Acid, also known as Lyddite. _______________________________________________________________ Powdered Picric Acid (Lyddite) RE Factor: 1.2 The flask is filled with picric acid. In medicine, it is used as an antiseptic and burn treatment. Depending on your engineering expertise, you can either create Picric Acid (Lyddite) charges with it or combine it with other explosives to develop more sophisticated devices. __________________________________________________________ Glycerin Container A colorless, odorless and viscous liquid that is widely used in manufacturing food and pharmaceuticals. It can be found in bakeries (sweetener), hospitals (lubricant), botanical gardens (preservative) and various chemical plants (solvent and feedstock). It can be combined with nitric acid under controlled conditions to produce a powerful explosive - Nitroglycerin. CAUTION: Glycerin is a strong laxative. ______________________________________________________________ Hexamine Powder The flask is filled with hexamine. Its tablet form is often used to heat rations and maintain fires by both civilians and military personnel. Under controlled conditions, the powder can be combined with nitric acid to produce a powerful explosive - RDX. NOT FOR INTERNAL USE: Hexamine releases toxic formaldehyde when ingested. ________________________________________________________ Hexamine Fuel Tablets A form of solid fuel that burns smokelessly and has high energy density. Used by campers and the military to heat rations and maintain fires. Under controlled conditions, the tablets can be combined with nitric acid to produce a powerful explosive - RDX. NOT FOR INTERNAL USE: Hexamine releases toxic formaldehyde when ingested. _____________________________________________________________ Formaldehyde The bottle contains formaldehyde, a well-known disinfectant and tissue fixative. It is also used in the production of adhesives, paints and image stabilizers. Formaldehyde is also a precursor to various explosive compounds, such as pentaerythritol (pentek) and hexamine. WARNING: Highly toxic! Avoid skin contact! Do not ingest! ______________________________________________________________ (weapons) (Satchel Charge Weapon Type Description): Satchel Charge Description: Part of a pair of remotely activated explosives equipped with a low frequency receiver. Both charges are marked with the same color. Stable and insensitive to regular damage. Instructions: Equip in the active slot to set the charge. Warning: Unequip the detonator before setting the charge. _____________________________________________________________ Nitroglycerin Tablets This strong vasodilator medication is usually used in patients with angina to increase the blood flow to the heart. Found in hospitals and pharmaceutical institutions. WARNING: Overdose may cause severe headaches. _____________________________________________________________ Picric Acid Ointment The mixture has strong antiseptic and astringent properties. It's primarily used to treat burns. Typically found in hospitals and pharmaceutical institutions. WARNING: DO NOT INGEST! External use only.
  3. Considering the sheer number of sabotage strikes Die Wolfe is making (pretty much every RE in the Berlin area seems to involve them), not to mention the existence of the Lucifer virus (not finished yet, but an early version literally leaked, causing the outbreak of zombies), I'd say they are a bigger threat at this stage. Also, the Allied forces don't need to know that it's just one organization carrying out all of them, just the sheer number of attacks would suffice. Especially considering the fact that they also need to quarantine a decently sized part of Germany and contain any zombies, which would require a pretty large force.
  4. I'd certainly be willing to help with editing. It may not be very prompt, though, since Star Trek Online has me firmly hooked and I can't slip free easily. I don't think you mentioned anything about a planning room, I just liked dimovski's suggestion of one. Crafting New Weapons I actually meant crafting any item in general would use components, like the explosives and such. Though now that I think about it, you probably could assemble your own knock-off versions of existing weapons, shoddy or otherwise. I don't think entirely new homemade weapons are feasible, given the fact that they would likely require custom models. If this changes, though, I agree that a blueprint of some sort would likely be necessary unless it's something very simple. I don't think it's necessary to make it an actual item, though, you could just have a dialog option that sets a flag that makes the crafting option available in the dialog menu, or something like that. Weapons and the Economy Considering the fact that there's a major armed insurgency brewing (Die Wolfe) that's much bigger than any that happened in our history around this point, I'm pretty sure the various occupying forces would be keeping a much tighter grip on any weapons they know about in the vicinity, even the cheap bog-standard ones. This in turn means that various non-government groups or individuals (that aren't saboteurs or bandits) in the areas affected would be willing to pay up extra on the black market even for surplus weapons and ammunition. Demands will be supplied, making it illegal simply jacks up the price.
  5. I'm late, as usual. Notifications weren't popping up at all for some reason. Anyway, a belated "Welcome back." and my condolences on your loss. Weapon Repairs I think using another weapon of the same type for repairs would make sense. Modified/Unique weapons would also require special components on top of that. I think these components should be somewhat easy to come by, though, perhaps a limited but replenishing supply from somewhere. Won't discourage people from using the Uniques at all, but they'd still have to work for it to keep their special weapons running. As for alternative uses for these components, crafting new items and upgrading existing ones. Player would have to choose whether to use their component allotment for repairing or upgrading their weapons, or making new ones entirely. Acquiring Special Resources/Components I like dimovski's idea of using the planning room for resource grabs. I think the problem of selling enemy equipment could be circumvented by either having a one-time mission (liberating/capturing a mine/factory or something like that) or by not having missions, instead spending money and/or other resources to acquire the ones you need, or a combination of both. For the first option, there are a couple of variants I can think of. In one, you get sent to help out the rightful owner of the mine/factory, which has been taken over by bandits/Die Wolfe/Thor's Hammer/etc. If you succeed, he/she agrees to divert some of the output to the Sentinels as payment, perhaps with a bigger payout if you keep damage to a minimum. In the second, you raid one owned by someone sympathetic to an antagonistic faction and change the management. The second is simpler. You can choose which resource you want to acquire from a dialog menu and have several options as to how you want to acquire it. For example, there's several factories that produce the item you want, each run by someone sympathetic to the Sentinels or simply not particular about who they sell to. They'll offer you varying amounts if you do something for them, like provide adequate compensation or provide parts to fix their machines so they can actually make the stuff. The third has you liberate/capture the place as in the first, but you need to spend money and items like in the second to actually get the stuff. For example, the rightful owner sells you the material you want at a discount instead of just giving it to you, or you need to feed the factory you acquired with the parts/raw materials they need to produce whatever it is you want from them.
  6. Nothing on my end. It's definitely been more than a few days since he made his last post here.
  7. I can help out with reviewing/editing the texts when time permits, if you'd like.
  8. Rather late by now, but good luck with your family emergency. Hopefully, it's nothing too serious. PK Explanation How about: Only a limited number of Panzerkleins are available to the Sentinels and they cannot be easily replaced. As a result, the Sentinels only authorize their deployment when no other viable alternative is available. Could probably add on more details, depending on how you decided to proceed. Something like: [PKs piloted by player squad] All Sentinel combat personnel receive basic training in operating Panzerkleins. [PK perks required to pilot PKs] Only those with the proper training are allowed to pilot Panzerkleins. [PK perks from PK trainer] If you require [advanced/additional] Panzerklein training, speak to the veteran Panzerklein operator in the bay. [PKs piloted by NPCs] Only specialized operators are allowed to/can pilot Panzerkleins. They will be temporarily attached to the squad for the duration of the mission. Editing 2 SoWhatHaveUDiscovered I heard you've been to Nedlitz. Do you have any leads? (Herr Lander will want to see any evidence you've collected. Make sure to have them in your inventory.) Changed it to clarify that the player needs to have the evidence with them. Mes_CounterfeitRepBrought Herr Lander appreciates your diligence. As a reward, he gives you a magnetic key card that might be useful at the mint.
  9. I agree that if civilians are present, PKs shouldn't be available. As for trucks, they don't need to deliver the PKs that close to the mission area, they can just drop them off further away and have the PKs walk along with the rest of the squad. The squad keeps its own economy because the Sentinels are a NGO during peacetime without the full industrial capacity of several nation(s) backing them, which means that the Sentinels have to buy stuff through official and unofficial channels instead of simply having them issued for free by their government. As for why PKs would be restricted when nothing else is, I find it likely that because of their rarity and value, the Sentinels' leadership would collect all PKs the Sentinels have acquired into a special issue armory of sorts, and only issue them for vital missions that require their capabilities, something akin to Warhammer 40k's Terminator Armor. If we go with add-on PK-pilots, then we run into the issue of the squad headcount limit. Can get around this by making them AI-controlled, but this means the player can't rely on them doing what they want them to do, which is not a good thing when you're in a situation where you need them. As for your mentioned reason for keeping PKs completely out of player hands, governments can't confiscate what they can't find, and the Sentinels are likely very good at keeping things hush-hush, if only so enemy infiltrators in those governments don't pick up on what they're doing. As for the alternate fire support options: * All of them can't be used to assault the interior of a facility. Mortars are an OK alternative if the objective is to destroy the target, but it's likely that the Sentinels would want to retrieve intel or special items, which is harder to do with a pile of rubble. * Artillery would draw too much attention to the firing position, ammunition would be scarce (artillery shells aren't exactly easy to get, especially without attracting suspicion) and would be harder to obtain without drawing attention. * Armored cars and tanks have to rely on roads to get around, tend to leave evidence of their passage and, again, are harder to secretly obtain and supply. PKs may not be all that fast, but they can still navigate terrain that most vehicles can't, are obtained by raiding caches and facilities that people are unlikely to know even existed, and don't leave quite as much of a trail. They also pack heavy armor and firepower in a package small enough to be used inside a building, which is where the intel and other interesting items tend to be.
  10. Remove the PK-related perks from the class trees and make them reward perks instead or something. Perhaps have the player receive advanced training in how to operate Panzerkleins once they complete enough missions, just before the first time they operate one, when they shell out enough money or complete a sidequest for the trainer, something like that. Could also just make PK missions relatively common, but that brings up its own issues. Is it also possible to create new ones?
  11. Editing 2a MintDetailsNoReport_Body The old mint, Herr Lander suspects the counterfeiters are using a printing machine stolen from an old mint in Kopenick, though he can't be sure without an actual sample. The building has been abandoned for several years. Most of the equipment was seized and shipped to the Soviet Union at the end of WWII. What the Soviets didn't know is that there is an extensive network of tunnels underneath the structure. Your task is to find a way inside and look for any information regarding the whereabouts of the missing printing press. 2 MintDetailsReport_Body The old mint, Herr Lander recognized the unique signature of one of the printing machines stolen from an old mint in Kopenick on the counterfeit banknotes you found in Danilov's house. The building has been abandoned for several years. Most of the equipment was seized and shipped to the Soviet Union at the end of WWII. What the Soviets didn't know is that there is an extensive network of tunnels underneath the structure. Your task is to find a way inside and look for any information regarding the whereabouts of the missing printing press. Counterfeit Report I'm a bit confused about this, since the screenshot says one thing and your comment says another. Does it need to be in a squad member's (or specifically the main character's) inventory, or will leaving it in the armory's storage cabinet and/or somewhere in Sentinel HQ count as bringing it to Herr Lander? Panzerkleins (Cont.) I'm not sure if this would work, but can't they be set to use a different RPG/AI Material instead of the standard PK Armor? If separate armor values aren't possible, then just adjusting VPs is fine with me. Instead of the vanilla system of having a PK garage filled with all the PKs the player obtains that they can use at any time, how about only making PKs available to the player during specific missions? That way, said missions can be tailored to account for the specific number and type of PKs made available to the player and you won't have to worry about avoid wrecking balance elsewhere with OP player PKs. The in-story reason can be that since PKs are so rare and valuable, the Sentinels only allow squad leaders to deploy them on very important missions that require their capabilities, like open assaults on heavily fortified bases.
  12. Editing Seefeld_Dlg1 You: Are you in charge of the station? Station Master: I am. Well, normally my husband is. He stayed home sick today and I am covering for him. Why? You (ignoring her question): When is the express supply train from Poland arriving? Station Master: Any minute now. I just received a telegram from Warsaw, it's running ahead of schedule. Why are you asking all these questions? You: Frau, it's about to become very unsafe here. It would be wise to go home and join your husband. Now. Station Master (scared): Oh my god! All right, I'm leaving! Thank you for the warning. Seefeld_Dlg2_DanBad Oswald: You take the front and I'll cover you from the house. Be careful! The train's been switched, it might be a setup. Masked Fighter (dismissively): Come on, Oswald, you worry too much. Oswald (irritated): I worry just enough, you dolt. Let's wrap it up quickly here, I need to get back to the manor; those idiots broke the security system again. Seefeld_Dlg2_DanGood Oswald: You take the front and I'll cover you from the house. Be careful! The train's been switched, it might be a setup. Masked Fighter (dismissively): Come on, Oswald, you worry too much. Oswald (irritated): I worry just enough, you dolt. Let's wrap it up quickly here, I need to go visit Erwin... Fingerprints_Dlg2 Mikhalev: You said the person who dropped the note had mutilated fingertips? You: Yes, as if they were burned or boiled. Why? Mikhalev: We might be dealing with people who didn't make it to the Nuremberg Trials. Be careful, Lieutenant. You: I will. Mikhalev: All right, I'll meet you at the Central Depot. Good luck! Panzerkleins I agree with tofudog here. It simply makes no sense for anyone to try getting one, in-universe and out, if the common infantryman is superior in nearly every way when properly equipped and trained. In addition, the player has access to plenty of tools to disable them now unlike in S2, where only a few rare weapons could even scratch them, so they're no longer the unstoppable game-breaking juggernauts they were. Panzerkleins should be a major threat when they show up, otherwise there's no point in having them around at all. To balance that, they should be rare (especially given that their original manufacturers got blown up), rather than the swarms that show up later on in the vanilla games. For possible changes: 1) Boost their armor to resist standard rifle fire better (AP ammo should still punch through), since I'm pretty sure its designers would want to ensure that it can withstand at least the standard infantry weapons of the day. 2) Increase VPs so they can take more bullets, though not to the point of requiring an extra rocket. 3) Reduce the various penalties, if possible. Their armor isn't as good as it used to be (for lack of appropriate materials/expertise/etc.), but technology has improved in other areas. 4) Make autodestruct a standard feature for all PKs, as no one would want theirs to fall into enemy hands. This means the player won't be swimming in PKs after a couple of late-game battles, and getting their hands on even one would be a great undertaking. Alternately or in addition, could go with two overarching types of PKs: those made during the war, and those made afterwards. 1) The ones made during the war would be the PKs of S2, the implacable juggernauts that had generals drooling. These were made of a special metal that is no longer available in the amounts required, so they would be incredibly rare and highly prized by everyone. Boss fights, critical objectives, etc. 2) The ones made afterwards would be the PKs of S3, the degraded mass-production models. These are made of regular materials, which don't have the protective strength of the originals, but they can be built in relatively large numbers. The kind the player encounters most of the time. As a side note, the Protector PK for the Contamination missions would be of the first type, though maybe with slightly weaker armor to reflect the space taken up by the added bio-chemical protection. Cash and Traders I think it's fine as is, since you can't get the really good stuff unless you go looking for it. Restricting the amount of special ammo he sells and not unlocking any of the unique weapons for sale is fine with me, but restricting him solely to starter equipment is going a bit too far, IMO. He's not just a random civilian shopkeeper, he's a Sentinel and probably already has extensive black market contacts. As for prices, I feel that only the black market stuff (items that just entered service with their respective governments, body armor, high-end explosives, anything to do with PKs, stuff like that) should have a price increase, to represent the increased difficulty (and expense) of procuring them. The rest, though, should be relatively easy to come by.
  13. Sisters were staying longer than I thought. I also caught the flu on New Year's Day, not a good way to start 2014. I'll reserve comments on the mod's balance until I actually have time to playtest it. Editing Pop-up message - WantToRewireSwitch? The alarm uses a specialized cable that might be useful later. Try to rewire the circuitry to get it? WARNING: Failure will trigger the alarm. A high Engineering skill is recommended. ComptonEquipment Compton's List, Professor Compton has a theory about the 'sphere' and how it operates, but he needs specialized equipment before he can test it. The required items are: 1. A high-energy capacitor. 2. A cathode-ray oscillograph. 3. A high-capacity electrical cable. Training_Dlg5 Compton: Thanks to you, Lieutenant, I've been able to return to my work. You: I'm glad I could help. Do you still need those parts you mentioned? Compton: Yes, I believe they are the only things that stand between me and the 'sphere's' secrets. You: All right, I'll keep an eye out. Compton's Discovery I don't time travel is a good idea. Too much potential for things going wrong (time paradoxes, butterfly effect, etc.) even if there's no combat involved, not to mention the fact that this universe seems rather different from the original S2/S3/H&S universe (Die Wolfe's existence, for one). If you really want to include this, then perhaps have it be a very limited form. You can view what happened back then, but you can't influence it in any way. I think the lightning gun (or just a supercharged energy weapon if the directed lightning bolt effect can't be made) is the way to go here. It's simpler and fits in with the fact Compton was investigating the power relays. As for the test itself, probably would be on the firing range, perhaps an emplaced energy cannon (they were set up in some of the later missions of S2 and S3) that's blue (if lightning, can be whatever color you want if otherwise) instead of green, with monitoring equipment set up around it. Compton fires it at a thick reinforced concrete wall, then SCIENCE! (and probably explosions) happens. Compton's Notes The ones that were supposed to be found near his body? Perhaps have a modified version be left in the ATP room so the player has a hint that electrical components might be useful in the future.
  14. Well, I meant to do this sooner, but it completely slipped my mind since I passed out a couple of days ago and needed to recover, and my sisters are visiting for Christmas. A question about Bredow, does rewiring the circuitry require the Engineer to make a skill check, and is there a consequence, aside from not getting the part and not cutting the phone lines, for failing that check? If there isn't a skill check, then perhaps the Yes/No choice is unnecessary. Editing «Bodies Found» Recently, someone started flooding the market with large amounts of counterfeit Deutschmarks and Ostmarks. Herr Lander has asked you to investigate this matter. Brandenburg is a Soviet controlled province, so you will need to work with Soviet intelligence to avoid stepping on any toes. Meet up with Lt. Col. Mikhalev, the head of local Soviet intelligence operations, and discuss the details of your cooperation. --------------------------------------------------- «Counterfeit» The bodies of two Soviet border patrol officers were found in the vicinity of Potsdam. Lt. Col. Mikhalev suspects foul play. He asked you to investigate one of his underlings, Captain Danilov, and report back with your findings. --------------------------------------------------- «Debrief» The headquarters of the local MGB branch. Lt. Col. Mikhalev has called you here for debriefing. --------------------------------------------------- «Falkensee» The location of Dr. Jens Meier's medical practice, where the imposter of Captain Danilov received his surgery. Investigate the area for clues as to who he is working for. --------------------------------------------------- «Bredow» The suspected location of Mikhalev's double. Tread with caution, he will likely be heavily guarded. --------------------------------------------------- «Paretz» The location of a supposed drug deal. Be careful, the drug dealers may be armed. --------------------------------------------------- «Blumberg» The suspected location of a drug lab. It will likely be guarded. Old records also indicate that this area was heavily mined, tread with extreme caution. --------------------------------------------------- «Seefeld» A small railroad station to the north-east of Berlin. The train is likely to be attacked here, lie in wait and ambush any attackers. --------------------------------------------------- «Central RR Depot» A large railroad depot located in East Berlin. It's time to reveal who the mole on Mikhalev's staff is. Be ready, they likely won't go down without a fight. --------------------------------------------------- Falkensee Evacuated starting hint Falkensee Clinic It appears Dr. Meier's clinic is being hastily evacuated... Wait, it's an ambush! Take cover now! --------------------------------------------------- Falkensee Evacuated final OutLog Message The people responsible have successfully covered their tracks here. Falkensee is a dead end. --------------------------------------------------- FalkenseeIntact_Dlg1 Dr. Meier: (annoyed) Has the Captain called yet? He is several hours late for his procedure. Nurse: No, Herr Meier. I will try to reach him again. Dr.Meier: Thank you. Oh, and tell him that if he needs to reschedule, he should call at least a day in advance. Nurse: I will, Herr Meier. --------------------------------------------------- Falkensee Intact final OutLog Message Bredow has been marked on your map. --------------------------------------------------- Bredow_Dlg1 Guard: Hey, you'll have to wait outside. The boss says not to touch the gate until Oswald gets back from Seefeld. Driver: Are you serious? I might have to sit here all night waiting for him. Guard: He's the one who installed this damn security system - he's the one who's going to fix it. Driver: Look, I have the old key right here. Let me unlock the gate and we'll figure out how to disable the alarm. Guard: Yeah, right. Did you forget what happened last time it went off? The boss yelling at me was bad enough, but then the Kommandant's enforcers showed up... I don't want to relive that moment again. Driver: Did you try the second switch near the west gate? Guard: I almost lost my right arm because this one damn near exploded! I am not taking that risk again. Driver: (angrily) Fine, I'll just sit here and enjoy the booze I brought. Evidently, no one else is interested in it. Guard: Listen, I know you're upset. Just don't try to ram the walls with your truck. Oswald wired them to respond to damage as well. Driver: Oh, save it! Oswald this, Oswald that... Whatever! --------------------------------------------------- OutLog DisablingAfterAlarmTriggered There is nothing you can do now. The alarm has already been triggered. --------------------------------------------------- OutLog UponUnlockingTheGate The alarm delay is ticking, better hurry. ---------------------------------------------- Pop-up message - WantToRewireSwitch? Looks like the alarm uses a part Compton needs. Try to rewire the circuitry to get it? ---------------------------------------------- OutLog - Spotted You've been spotted! The sentry is running towards the phone to sound the alarm, stop him! -------------------------------------------- OutLog - DelayIsOver The alarm delay is over! The alarm has been triggered! -------------------------------------------- OutLog - EngLower140 You triggered the alarm by accident! -------------------------------------------- Bredow_Dlg2 Damnit, they've disabled the phone lines! ----------------------------------------- Bredow_Dlg3 Damnit, the phone's busted! ----------------------------------------- Package This large package is filled with various documents: American, German and Russian passports, maps, and several folders containing coded messages. Mikhalev will definitely be interested in its contents. There is an empty envelope attached to one of the document bundles. It has "Zepernick... Kommandant... personally" written on the front.
  15. I'll leave Falkensee and Bredow for tomorrow, I need to get some sleep. Compton Dialogue Well, since he's been stuck in there for at least 3 days, he might be unconscious at this point. Even if he isn't, he's probably too weak to talk much, if at all. As for dialogue, how about: [scene start] [shield goes down, squad heads in to look around] Hero: Hmm? Is that a body over there? [squad rushes over, Hero crouches next to body] Hero: He's still alive, but just barely. We need to get him to the infirmary now! [fade to black, cut to infirmary] Hero: How is he? Doctor: Still unconscious, but he's going to live. If you had found him any later... Hero: I get the picture. So, I'm guessing he's the elusive Phillip Compton? Doctor: That's correct. He'll likely remain unconscious for some time. I'll let you know when he wakes up. Hero: Sounds good. In the meantime, I have an investigation to carry out. [scene end] Popup Message It might be a good idea to investigate the room you found Compton in. After completing a couple of encounters (and/or some other trigger), the doctor will be waiting in the HQ Lobby just next to the infirmary doors. Talking to him starts the next part: [scene start] Doctor: Lieutenant, Professor Compton is awake and well enough to talk. Hero: Good, let's go. [Doctor and Hero walk inside, fade to black, cut to Compton's bed] Hero: Professor Compton? Compton: Lieutenant. I understand that I have you to thank for my survival. Hero: You can thank me by telling me what you were doing in there. Compton: Ah, yes. I'm sure you've heard by now that I was assigned to investigate the 'sphere'. To cut a long story short, I noticed that the chamber you found me in contained what appeared to be power relays, and I decided to investigate more closely. Hero: How did you make it in? I had to activate all the training modules to shut the barrier down, and only one of the tapes was in Sentinel hands. Compton: You... you completed the protocol...? Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that I've been trying to do that for quite some time. Anyway, I discovered that I could temporarily deactivate the barrier by altering some of the circuitry. Once I had done that, I entered and began my investigation. It proceeded well enough, until the barrier reactivated sooner than I had expected. Hero: That explains how you got in and why you did it, but not how you survived so long. Compton: By chance, really. It was lunchtime and I decided to eat while investigating the chamber. The barrier closed before I had the opportunity to do so, leaving me with some food and tea. I rationed it out as best as I could, but... Hero: I see. Hopefully, you found out something about the device after risking your life like that. Compton: I have, actually. I won't bore you with the details, but I believe that I have unraveled how the 'sphere' projects its power to the training device without any visible cabling. I may even be able to replicate the effect, though I will require parts with specific capabilities before I can do so. Here, I've written down what I need. Hero: I'll keep an eye out for them, Professor. [scene end] How's that? Time Shenanigans Well, I meant something like an extreme form of time dilation. To an outside observer, it'd just be a few seconds, but to the people inside the barrier when the ATP activates, it'd be much longer. Hmm, but I don't think that would work unless the "Sphere" also transports them elsewhere for a brief moment, the place clearly doesn't have the facilities for conventional, if much faster, training. Hmm... maybe I'll think of something after I get some sleep. Thor's Hammer's "Sphere" Intentions Well, it's possible that they haven't figured out what they wanted to do with it either, aside from studying it more. It is advanced alien tech, they were probably still figuring out what they can do with it. I don't think any of them would be willing (or able to, if they did destroy all the research notes and kill all the scientists) to tell us what they wanted to do with it anyway.
  16. Penetration also affects the chance of the shot going through enemies and environmental objects like walls (different materials have different strengths), if I'm not mistaken.
  17. Compton and his Clue I think he would be responsible for developing the lightning-based weapons you mentioned, since he's the one with the most knowledge of how the "Sphere" works. Of course, if you think keeping him alive is a bad idea, perhaps have the clue found on his body inspire another Sentinel-aligned scientist to develop said weapons. As for the clue, probably something about how the "Sphere's" properties made the Accelerated Training Protocol possible. If you choose to keep him dead, it would probably also include details on how the "Sphere" generates and projects electricity. The "Sphere" I'm thinking that the "Sphere" is the power source of an alien ship that crashed sometime before the war. It was salvaged and taken to what is now Sentinels HQ (then called Site X-1, perhaps?) to be studied, and the people tasked with doing so eventually came up with the Accelerated Training Protocol by utilizing its unique properties (time-warping, perhaps?). They may also have managed to integrate the "Sphere" into the base's power system. Before they could do anything more with it, the Sentinels (or the people who would eventually form them) captured the base, though the original owners managed to destroy all their research notes and send the operating tapes to other facilities. Presumably, all the scientists who worked on it were killed in one way or another. As for who did the salvaging and studying, I'm guessing Thor's Hammer. Sci-fi supertech is their specialty and, IIRC, they've done it before in S2. As for the aliens themselves, they don't need to show up. The ones that crashed are probably all dead, and the rest probably don't even know they're gone.
  18. Editing Training_Dlg1: Sgt. Ozwell: Let me check... hmm... You aren't on the roster. Sorry, but I can't let you go beyond this point. NotASentinelYet It seems only Sentinels are allowed to use the training facilities. Training_Dlg2 Sgt. Ozwell: Let me check… hmm… Ah, here you are. All right, sign here and… here. The shooting range is right up those stairs. You: Thanks. Where does that armored door lead? Sgt. Ozwell: You should talk to Compton about that. You: Who's Compton? Sgt. Ozwell: You're new here, huh? Phillip Compton is a scientist working for the Sentinels. He's been assigned to investigate the 'sphere', to see if we can use it for something. You: …the 'sphere'? Sgt. Ozwell: That's what Compton dubbed it. (pompously) 'The Sphere', he said… I don't really know what it is, though I keep hearing all kinds of crackling and discharge noises from in there. Spooky… You: Have you gone in there yourself? Sgt. Ozwell: Do I look suicidal to you? If you want to go and see what's in there - be my guest. I'll unlock the door for you. Just don't expect me to accompany you. You: All right, I'll check it out. Sgt. Ozwell: Good luck. By the way, if you see Compton in there, tell him that he neglected to sign in for three days in a row. Ah, and he forgot to pick up this roll of yellow tape he left with me. Could you pass it along to him? You: Fine... Perforated Tape A roll of perforated tape with markings on it. The perforations seem to be in some kind of sequence. It probably requires a specialized decoder to be used, perhaps the markings are a clue as to which one? 'Nothing happens' String: Nothing happens... Perhaps it needs a specific item to be activated. Nothing happens... on closer inspection, you see a small slot. You might need to insert something to activate it. (Would prefer this one be used, if it isn't too long) Nothing happens. You need the tape with the right markings to activate it. (After successfully activating another module, if possible) Compton's Notes The research notes you found near Phillip Compton's body in the Sentinels' underground complex. "Ozwell is such a bureaucrat! He already knows my face and my name, yet he still wants me to sign in every damn time I come in!" "This sphere is amazing! I wonder what they used it for... (smudged) ...read and by the wall markings, it appears to power some sort of accelerated training routine. Hmm..." "...Red, yellow, green and blue. Well, nothing extraordinary here..." "Soon, all will know the name of Phillip Compton! Yes, they will..." "I finally obtained the yellow tape. I'm not sure about its properties yet, but I think the perforations on it serve as a coded message that tells the machine how to operate... I should study it further before attempting to use it." "I don't want to lose the tape while in transit. I'll leave it with Ozwell. At least that fastidiousness of his is useful for something." "After tinkering with one of the energy barriers, I discovered it can be temporarily disabled by rewiring some of the circuits. I'll try to sneak into the plasma battery room tomorrow and see if..." The rest of the notes contain various calculations and formulas, along with technical details and draft schematics of various circuits. Phillip Compton Poor guy, gets brought back from S2 only to be killed offscreen and given slight megalomaniac tendencies and anger issues too. Should probably have a cutscene where you report his death to the other Sentinels after you find his body. As for what's on his body, I'm guessing engineering equipment of some sort, since he was planning on tinkering around with the device. Also, maybe a clue detailing what he managed to find out about the 'sphere' before he died. The Sphere I certainly wasn't expecting a sphere of electricity for the training facility, reminds me of the glowing spheres the Outsiders dropped on Groom Range in The Bureau. Definitely looks like alien tech, so I think the tapes would be in the hands of people studying it. Maybe Thor's Hammer? About the master switch, I think there should be a small sign next to it at least, for the benefit of the Sentinels tasked with investigating it.
  19. Training Modules Hmm, how about something like this? 1) Shooting Range * Shooting * Burst * Snipe * Dexterity 2) Martial Arts Training * Melee * Throwing * Strength * VP 3) Survival Training/Guerrilla Tactics/Special Operations Training/Escape and Evasion Training * Hide * Spot * Interrupt * Evasion * AP 4) Practical Science Studies/Applied Science Studies (Both mean more or less the same thing. Backdrop would probably be a laboratory, workshop or a combo of both.) * Medicine * Engineering * Intelligence
  20. Training Ah, I didn't know it could be done that way. In that case, I think passive training would be the way to go, if it can be done. My suggestions could be used as the backdrop for the cutscenes, then, if you want. I would like active versions of the weapon training modules, though, so I can see what a weapon does and how well it does it without having to go into combat with a possibly sub-par weapon. Hmm, durability loss could be an issue, is there any way to temporarily prevent it? Editing "An old German minefield! An experienced engineer could prove to be very useful here." Patrol: Are you done with this side? Worker: Yes, the road and the paths are clear… Just stay away from the forest, there are still a lot of live ones there. Patrol: Good to know… Hey, where is that new shooter the Kommandant gave you? Worker: I stashed it in the ruins behind a couple of RMIs, … you know… for safekeeping. Patrol: (chuckling) Clever! Worker: Well, I figured if someone can get it without getting blown up - they deserve it. Patrol: True... (sighing) I can't wait to put our uniforms back on and get back into action. I am sick of babysitting Fletcher and his cronies. How much longer are we going to be guarding this lab? Worker: I don't know, but the Kommandant said to have patience. We'll just have to sit and wait. Don't worry, our time will come… soon. Patrol: Yeah, maybe you're right... Oh well, I am off on patrol. "Find the lab the guards were talking about, it's likely where they've been taking the opium." Ending Pop-Up Hmm, how about: "The research notes and dead test subjects you found make it very clear they were using the opium for more than just making drugs. Also, it seems that their "Kommandant" is located in Zepernik, which is also where the successes were sent. Perhaps it's time to pay him a visit." Feel free to edit it further or throw it out, since I'm not sure what you want the pop-up to point the player towards.
  21. Editing Medical Research Notes The papers you found in the underground lab in Blumberg describe the experiments the lab personnel were conducting. Something called the "I.M. project" is mentioned multiple times. "The last two shipments were nearly perfect. This time, the acetylation of morphine hydroxyl groups derived from those samples didn't yield heroin... but something entirely different." "The female subjects proved to be the only ones capable of transformation... Both male specimens died of renal failure. Estrogen and progesterone therapy produced no effect." "Excessive grey pigmentation and thickening of the skin were the only adverse effects. No vomiting or respiratory depression have been observed; analgesic and arousing properties, on the other hand, were multiplied." "...the Kommandant will surely appreciate the new additions once they arrive in Zepernick." The rest of the documents consist of various graphs, charts and tables related to the experiment. On the blackboard, aggression should be spelled with two "g", not one. Player Camp/Base If we're still using Sentinel HQ as the main base throughout the story, why not add the training modules there instead and make most or all of them available from the start? If this customizable base's going to serve as the player's main base after a certain point in the story instead, maybe have the Sentinels provide the basic building(s) and services (armory, merchant, sick/medical bay, etc.) and have the player shell out cash for expansions/upgrades. I'm thinking an isolated manor/compound out in the countryside, since that would have a lot of space to work with. True, an underground base may be easier to hide, but it's a whole lot more restrictive. I also think that another Sentinel squad should be assigned there, since a whole base for just one squad strikes me as a bit overkill. They could serve as the enemy team in certain training modules. Training Modules If possible, perhaps provide special training items during certain training modules instead of making the player use their own, like high-durability weapons that deal 0 damage and medical/engineering items with extra uses but no bonuses, then removing them once the player's finished with training. Also, maybe script it so that the player can't bring anything into the training modules unless otherwise specified. My suggestions for training modules would be: 1) An area in the woods where you search for camouflaged targets and/or try hiding from spotters. 2) An abandoned quarry with some mostly-wrecked buildings to practice with explosives of all kinds. 3) An area with a fake minefield. Also, I have several suggestions for already suggested training modules: 1) For the shooting range, I think it should be outdoors, be in its own, separate building or have really strong walls, so as to prevent damage to the building from overpenetration. I would definitely recommend a separate training module for explosives like grenades or rocket launchers if the shooting range is indoors. I would also suggest 2 versions of the shooting range if the training weapons suggested earlier are implemented, one with training weapons purely for training Shooting skills, and one that lets the player use real weapons to build familiarity with them and/or see their effects. 2) For the sick/medical bay, I think it should have a section with several lifelike training dummies or volunteers with various different simulated injuries, kept separate from the main section used for treating those who are actually wounded. Maybe have some doctors/nurses near each one that explains what "injuries" the dummy/volunteer has and what they should be treated with.
  22. Further Editing Because It Just Occurred To Me Blood Soaked Note The note you found on the dead man's body. It's impossible to make anything out on it, as it's completely soaked in blood. (Note: The hero would have no idea who Erwin was, since he died before the hero arrives. Same thing for the body, maybe call it "Burned Body" or something like that?) Difficulty Keeping the Panzerfausts to provide more of a challenge is fine with me, but I think that just 1 Panzerfaust would suffice. Considering that the enemy has a numerical (and likely equipment) advantage and the player has either Erwin ("Drug Deal") or the initial volley ("Ambush") to deal with, I think they should be toned down somewhat stats-wise, or at least have it mentioned beforehand somewhere that these guys seem unusually skilled and well-equipped. As for the reduced XP in "Ambush", I think being locked out of further missions on that chain and facing such difficult enemies is already punishment enough. If a player manages to survive and kill enemies that strong, they should at least be rewarded appropriately. On a side note, I'm not really sure why drug dealers, even if they're working for a paramilitary group, would be bringing so much heavy weaponry to wreck an unarmed civilian's house, especially if they don't even know it needs wrecking ("Drug Deal"). They don't need more than pistols or melee weapons and something to set it on fire at most, really. Erwin I don't think he'll have much further involvement since he's pretty much just being used as a pick-up point. Maybe have him offer up info on something odd he noticed, like, for example, some of the opium (a special grade or somehow altered specimens required for the super-drug, maybe) being moved isn't like the other stuff, and the most recent packet (the one the player can loot) is one of those?
  23. Capture The Mole Rather late, so you may have already worked out the specifics. Anyway, I think the player should arrive before the train, giving them several turns to get ready. When the train arrives, so do (around 10 to 15, maybe?) Die Wolfe soldiers disguised as Armed Civilians. No armor since they're in disguise, but since they're engaging in an open attack, they'd probably be toting 98Ks and some heavier weapons, maybe even a Rocket Launcher of some sort. As for loot, I don't think there will be anything worthwhile at a civilian railroad station aside from maybe a few engineering tools of some sort in the generator room and/or utility buildings. Probably should get an actual German speaker to doublecheck these: "Hardware Store" = "Baumarkt" "Central Station" = "Hauptbahnhof" "Repair Shop" = "Reparaturwerkstätt" Drug Deal/Ambush Did Die Wolfe assign their top of the line troopers to the drug business or something? That stat and perk lineup looks pretty OP to me, not to mention having 3 Panzerfausts on hand. Editing The man in a suit: ...you don't get to make that decision, Erwin. Erwin: Yes, I do. I told Oswald - this is the last time. The goods are upstairs, take them and leave. The man in a suit: Oh, really? After the Soviets beat you into a pulp for having a Wehrmacht uniform in your house, after their commissar raped your wife and daughter, after they shot your brother when he tried to defend your family... Erwin: Yes, but... The man in a suit (interrupting and raising his voice): ...after the commander of their occupational forces announced it was all right for "his boys to let off so steam". After all that, you have the gall to tell me you're quitting?! Erwin (determined): Yes! I won't let you exploit me any longer! I'm done with this! The man in a suit: You're done all right! The man in a suit (to his men): Go, get the opium and burn this place down. Hurry up! Drug Dealer: What about him? The man in a suit: Let him bleed to death. Stupid bastard is lucky Amir isn't here, he wouldn't be as merciful. "Erwin seems to still be alive, but he's bleeding out fast. Get someone there and stop the bleeding quickly!" (Note: Used "someone" instead because anyone should be able to stop the bleeding with Haemostatic Powder, if not, change it back) You: Are you alright? Can you talk? Erwin: Yes, thank you. I didn't think he'd actually shoot me... (winces)... I really need to get to the doctor soon. You: I'll be quick. Who were those clowns? Erwin: I'm not sure. I usually deal with Oswald. He drops off some items then someone else picks them up. You: How do you know Oswald and who does he work for? Erwin: We used to be in the resistance together. But something changed him... (groaning from pain).. Umm, I heard him mention "Wolfpack" a few times, but I don't know what that means. You: Do you know Captain Danilov? Erwin: Yes, he's the one who persuaded me to quit this dirty business. Good man. I think he was after Amir, their supplier. Amir's is the one responsible for smuggling the opium into the country. Oswald and his associates distributed it. You: Where would they usually take the opium? Erwin: They have a facility somewhere in Blumberg. They disguise it as a <...insert some building type...>. (They also have a small warehouse near <...insert a location...>) You: Do you know where Amir is? Erwin: I don't know. I hope the Captain got him... You: All right, you can go now. Erwin: Thank you. I owe you one... (groaning) ... bye... (Note: Erwin doesn't seem like he's in any shape to walk to a doctor, maybe have the hero call in Sentinels to transport him to one?) Note The note you found on Erwin's body. The handwriting looks familiar. It mentions a location in Blumberg, a town located approximately 30km east from Berlin. "Something's not right! The place has been turned upside down... There's also a distinct smell of burned flesh."
  24. Virus Immunity 1) I intended complete immunity, since I'm not particularly fond of getting instant-killed. Of course, you could simply bypass that by having the ones that show up in gameplay be light enough not to affect them, and reserve the immunity-breaking amounts/method for a Bad Ending cutscene or something like that. That said, a new idea just popped up in my head: What if the hero is affected, but it has different effects than intended? 2) There doesn't seem to be much difference between the two, though I'm no expert on biological/chemical weapons, so being immune (or affected differently) to both doesn't seem like much of a stretch to me. 3) Shouldn't be too different from other missions where the hero is on their own, like the early missions in S3 or the final battle in S2. More emphasis on stealth and cautious advances, I guess. 4) If the hero doesn't need the PK, than one of the squad members can use it instead to accompany them. Also, I'm pretty sure the Professor would have some sort of protection available, stealing some for your squad could be a primary or secondary objective in one of the missions to put the PK together. Alternately, they could be separated from the hero in an uncontaminated and sealed off section of the same map (assuming this is indoors), where they provide indirect assistance (opening or closing doors, triggering or disabling automated defenses, etc.) 5) Shouldn't really be an issue, all classes can fight effectively and there are multiple ways of overcoming most problems as long as the right tools are provided by the mission if the player doesn't bring their own. For example, a locked steel door. You could: 5.a) Gun it down with lots of high powered rounds (stationary MG pointed at it). 5.b) Blow it up (nearby small cache of assorted explosives). 5.c) Lockpick it (a lockpick on a dead person nearby). 5.d) Get a key or find the switch to open it (take a detour and fight your way to one. A last resort way out any class can do, so the player won't get stuck, in case the others fail due to bad luck and/or poor skill levels). 5.e) Have your squad open it remotely (to make progress through the other section, if added, just as important as slogging through the contaminated area) Contamination Missions Personally, I think the Sentinels would rather handle the capture and modding of the Protector themselves, since they can't be sure that the Allied personnel assigned to do it would be trustworthy. Feel free to modify or not use these ideas: 1) Thor's Hammer Supply Cache The Allies have pinpointed the source of the chemical spill, but cannot investigate further as none of their protective gear is effective enough. Sentinel intel indicates that there is a Thor's Hammer supply cache in the region that contains a unique Panzerklein model designed to operate in hazardous environments. A Die Wolfe retrieval team was sighted heading towards the area, stop them and secure the cache. Map: Either an innocuous looking run-down shack or warehouse concealing an elevator leading to an underground bunker. DW either starts outside like the player's squad or is already inside, depending on which you prefer. Objectives: *Eliminate Die Wolfe retrieval team. *Search the fallen DW team leader for intel. (After he dies) *Capture the "Protector" Panzerklein. *Retrieve the parts. (After DW team leader dies if you decide to add some of the parts to this mission) Clues: *Parts List (dropped by Die Wolfe team leader, unlocks next mission): A list of parts. The following is written at the bottom of the list: "Retrieve these parts along with the Panzerklein if any are present. Bring both to the indicated location." A set of coordinates is written next to it. Enemy Squad Composition: *Around 5 DW commandos, equipped with German carbines or SMGs (likely Mauser 33/40s and MP 40s), led by 1 veteran commando with higher quality SMG (MP 40/II, perhaps) and better stats. Probably expecting a quick, quiet operation, so light armor at best. *1 or 2 DW Panzerklein operators, probably carrying nothing more than a German pistol (likely a 9mm one so they can share ammo with the commandos with SMGs). Rewards: *Lootable Panzerklein repair tools, AGS Ammo and PK Operator uniform(s). 2) Die Wolfe Panzerklein Facility Having analyzed the list of parts, the Sentinels believe Die Wolfe is attempting to enhance the Protector's biological and chemical protection. The indicated location is a known Die Wolfe base, though its purpose was unclear until now. Find out what their intentions for the Protector are and retrieve anything useful. Recent intel suggests they may be attempting to build Panzerkleins of their own at this location. If so, ensure that they do not succeed. Note: I think there was an Axis Panzerklein in S2 that was only available when playing an Axis campaign. If the model for that one is still in S3, I'd like to see it included here as Die Wolfe's attempt to build their own, particularly since I remember it looking like a partial copy of the TH PKs. Map: A seemingly abandoned compound in the middle of the woods, the surviving L-shaped building looks like it's in bad shape while the others are ruins. The Panzerklein bay is in the longer section, while the other serves as the living quarters/armory/cafeteria for the garrison and the Kommandant's office. The PK Bay looks ramshackle and contains the Protector parts, the PK Engineers and Operators and around 2 inactive Panzerkleins (1 TH and 1 Axis, if the latter can be added, 2 TH if not). Half the guards are protecting the inside, while the rest are stationed outside to watch for intruders. Since this is a highly important undertaking, a Senior Officer is present to oversee operations. Objectives: *Find out what Die Wolfe is up to. *Eliminate all Panzerklein Engineers and Operators. (After reaching the Panzerklein bay) *Retrieve the parts. (After reaching the Panzerklein bay) *Capture or Destroy all Panzerkleins. (After reaching the Panzerklein bay) Clues: *Letter (inside the Kommandant's office): An unmarked letter that says: "I require pure samples of the original substance this time, they are present in the laboratory where it was invented. Your men will need specialized protection to enter and collect them, I have included a list of the necessary equipment to do so." Enemy Squad Composition: *Around 10 to 12 Die Wolfe guards armed with German rifles (likely the Carbine 98k). Light or medium armor at best. *Around 3 PK Engineers. Pistols or unarmed, no armor. *Around 2 PK Operators. Pistols or unarmed, no armor. *1 Die Wolfe Armored Soldier guarding the Kommandant, equipped with a German LMG (MG34, perhaps). *1 Die Wolfe Senior Officer, armed with a high-end German pistol. Rewards: *The PKs, if you captured them intact. *Lootable PK weapons, ammo and repair tools. Let me know what you think.
  25. Game looks interesting, seems too random for my liking though. About fleet names, what about swords (gladius, katana, saber, etc.)? I read that the titular Sword of the Stars is a SolForce dreadnought class during a marathon through TV Tropes.
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