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Everything posted by cyrus

  1. Ha, and from that graphs, if I remember correctly, mode means the value which delivers the maximum of distribution density (the function that shows how many values have the particular probability). Then, for Reactions (mode = 50) that means that most of the soldiers will have Reactions around 50, right (on this particular sampling)? Of course, the sampling of 200 soldiers is not very representative, but it really seems, Mouse, that you get the short straw.
  2. Greetings Zombie and welcome to the safe heaven for X-Com craving souls, known as XCTC Thank you for the complement (to the whole board, of course! ). If you're interested in mathematics, then you should browse the 'Formulas (oh the agony)' topic, for it is specially dedicated to the different ingame formulas and the stuff like that. By the way, your talk about linear and gaussian distributions have reminded me of the same talk some time ago, concerning damage vs. armour (I will talk about it here, if you please, though it is from another thread). Well, the question is: if the distribution of random damage values is linear(even) or gaussian(normal or bell curve). Personally, I think it's linear in the range Nominal Damage +/- 50%*Nominal Damage but I haven't gathered any statistical info on this, so I may be wrong. Also, NKF, that's amazing. I also used such a criteria to determine, whether to show PSI stats or no (in the little util, which I wrote to display different game graphs in more convenient way).
  3. This is the same question, as: "Where sectoids keep their grenades"
  4. Yes, the engines are different. Besides, the FPS is one thing and 3D strategy is completely another. I fear DOOM3 perfomance will be a bit degraded even on the hi-end machines, especially with the highest settings. Then, what will be with a strategy game, that generally has more polycount (I think so).
  5. After the death, if I get you right. Then theese forums are a safe heaven for those X-Com souls. :angel:
  6. That's because of this bug in UFO, when all levels were reverted back to beginner. Nevertheless, TFTD is a lot harder than it's predecessor. TFTD on Superhuman rocks, if I may say so! Absolutely guaranteed to have long many hour fights if you wish to keep alive most of your members.
  7. cyrus

    UFO: Alien Invasion

    This game looks great! (at least from what I've seen on the screens) It's amazing, what could be done with that ol' Quake engine. The models, textures and overall map design look fine. I have a feeling, that you guys have a lot of experience behind you, the game looks professionally made - not the quality of every fan made project. I haven't yet seen the game, so don't know exactly what the gameplay is, but the game has the potential to be on the even plane with the Great X-COM! So, guys, Good Luck in your endeavours.
  8. cyrus

    A new X-Com sim

    I have no doubt about that! I'm simply not sure, whether I could attend it on the regular basis in the nearest future, maybe a bit later, don't know.
  9. cyrus

    A new X-Com sim

    A-ha, here's finally the super-secret project, Loonie kept talking about for so long That may be interesting, at least the idea behind Genesis is more to my liking, than Alliance. So, maybe I consider joining in.
  10. cyrus


    NKF, You've mentioned earlier, that you have raw data for throwing distances of items. I've found in the manual for Laser Squad, that throwing distance is equal to the strength of the soldier divided by the weight of the object. I know, that LS is a different game, but made by the same people and it influenced X-Com greatly. So, does this formula fit in your data?
  11. cyrus


    Sometimes you can increase the accuracy even more. For example, in one mission one of my soldiers killed 9 aliens and received 8 increase in firing accuracy from 72 to 80; another one killed 7 aliens and received 7 pts increase (from 84 to 91). So the maximum may be 8 or even more. Oh, that was in TFTD, but I don't think this really matters.
  12. cyrus


    About encumberance. I think, that even if the total weight is less than the strength of a soldier, it still affects the amount of stamina subtracted each turn. Or am I wrong?
  13. When I said about switching the Sky to aggressive, I hadn't ment going all the way down the enemy. I'd just said that it will TRY to close. And when the Avenger has fired it's shot, you can retreat with that Sky. In this manner the Sky will behave as it has a weapon (well, if it get to close just hit retreat, then aggressive again and so on - just hang around the hypothetical firing range of the Sky weapon).
  14. That's because each weapon has it's own rate of fire, so for the same weapons this rate will be the same and the shots will go off simultaneously. This can be exploited to increase the chances of hitting UFO before it will escape (when fighting with Interceptors). Also, I've used that to bring down even large UFOs with single Interceptor (well, in fact two in a row and they never got shot because the range of Avalanche is greater than that of an alien weapon, mounted on the large UFOs (but not the battleships - haven't yet figured what was this type)). I think, it will work with normal Skyrangers also. You should switch to aggressive with the Sky and it will try to get as close as possible to the UFO. Meanwhile, attack with your Avenger, then retreat both crafts to the safe distance. Skys can be replaced by Firestorms though it takes far more time to repair Fire. Well, actually I haven't used that tactic, but instead attacked simultaneously by 3-4 crafts. In TFTD, I was able to bring down the large USO with 3 Barracudas (this USO had long range weapons that outranged even the DUPpers).
  15. No, actually, they have very high rate of fire, even faster than Gauss Pistols. The problem is that they deliver relatively low punch. But, nevertheless, I've used them with heavy weapons guys early in the game. Later, of course, they were replaced by Gauss Pistols.
  16. Yes, but in TFTD the aliens are a bit smarter, so they won't use them, if your soldier is close enough (unless they are panicking or going berserk but even then I don't think they will use pulsers). So it may be good to get near them and do whatever you like with them
  17. cyrus

    Help Me!

    Well I've found one on the eBay for $25 or so. But on eBay you have a sort of bidding system so the final price may be greater (The starting price was around $5 Here's the link But I start to think that the best solution to all this XP problems is just to install in addition to it some older OS like Win98 or even Win95. It has a FAR LESS problems with old Dos programs.
  18. In TFTD the aliens that seem to carry no weapon in fact carry a lot of pulsers (say 4 or 5) and some HTH weapon. But sometimes they don't carry anything. I've noticed different types of aliens: leaders, medics and even technicians to behave such strangely with no apparent reason. Maybe they've forgotten their weapons somewhere? ::
  19. Well, I have some idea. Maybe the civilians that were killed by disk explosion or by mines weren't counted 'cause they were destroyed. ED said they became a pasty goo. I've noticed, that when you destroy the body of an alien, it's not added to the kill count of the soldier that actually killed it, neither it is added to the 'Aliens killed' count at the end of the mission. The same may very well be applied to civilians. I think it's a bug and it was fixed in TFTD.
  20. NKF, maybe you haven't yet uncovered it's hidden potential?
  21. Ha, I've just thought about training rookies with low reactions on Lobsterman These guys have insane reactions and will miss one time out of hundreds
  22. Well, I'd used this incredible grenade armor to stack grenades under the Lobby. Threw two or three high explosives and two grenades on top of it and they all exploded one after the other. That's very useful. Speaking of destroying proxies. You need this to deactivate them, yes. Well, I think the best way to deactivate them in TFTD is simply to reload. After that, the mines will still be there, so you'll be able to get them back after the mission, but they won't be useful until the next mission.
  23. If there was some fixed size font here, it would be possible to write simple text tables, like in good ol' times. By the way, it seems I've found one more topic for this thread. This is: Base maintenance costs regarding the modules - are they the same as stated in UFOPaedia. In fact they aren't. It seems that they differ from base to base. For example, the general stores. UFOPaedia states, that the monthly maintenance cost for this modules is 5 thousand $, but the real costs may vary and be ten or even fifteen thousands. Other modules may cost less than stated. I presume, that this costs are connected to the location of the base and to the initial cost of the base, but I don't figured out yet in which proportion.
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