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Big Game Delays for 2009


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Just browsing Yahoo for my daily fix of news and ran across this topic. Looks like most of the good stuff will never make it to the shelves before Christmas and maybe not even beyond that. Here's the list:


  • Starcraft II
  • Dante’s Inferno
  • I Am Alive
  • Heavy Rain
  • Alpha Protocol
  • Aliens vs. Predator

I was looking forward to Starcraft II, but would much rather have it playable than hastily rushed out the door with bugs, so maybe it's for the best... :oh:


- Zombie

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I see Modern Warfare 2 is scaring even more titles into 2010. Great stuff.


Was it last year when all the companies decided that releasing a shedload of games every Christmas might not be the best strategy? And then released a tonne anyway... :oh:


Edit: Heavy Rain. I think this is going to be Farenheit/Indigo Prophecy all over again. A decent adventure ruined by constant QTEs that only get more ridiculous as the game goes on.


And one big fat LOL at Dante's Inferno. I can't wait to see Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales as a MMORPG.

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Alien vs Predator and Aliens Colonial Marines, I cannot wait for their release.

AvP is scheduled for Feb 2010 IIRC, so that is not a shocker. A:CM depends on AvP success, although Sega says they plan to bring it to the light at some point in time in every case. Just a matter of priorities. And I'm just as anxious!!!

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Looks like the MechWarrior 4 Free release is going the same way. MekTek's website has basically said that they have no idea when it will be released, but also says they are right on schedule. In the same announcement, in the same line, in the same sentence.


What does that even mean?? :oh:

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I'm not a licensed psychoanalyst so no. But surely if people buy a game which is morally disturbing there must be a disconnect with their synapses somewhere. *pokes Matri* Looks like you're ok. Next! :oh:


- Zombie

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It would be quite easy to make a game about Jack with some moral ambiguity to it, e.g. You hunt down demons, kill them, complete the game, and then it turns out you've just murdered a load of prostitutes.


Deus Ex did this years ago, you kill a load of people thinking "OMG, I'll terrorise the terrorists!" except later it turns out you're working for a right lot of evil bastards, killing the freedom fighters.

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