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Bioshock Team Working on New X-Com Game?


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While on my miscellaneous wanderings of the net, I came across this little news item on Kotaku about a rumour running in the latest Official XBox Magazine. One can only hope it's true...


The latest Official Xbox Mag is running a rumour that's been quietly - oh so quietly - doing the rounds for a few months now. That rumour concerns just what, exactly, 2K Boston (and I presume 2K Australia as well) are up to these days. With 2K Marin confirmed as the team behind BioShock 2, what could Ken Levine and the rest of the guys behind BioShock 1 be working on? Maybe a new X-Com game. Yes, X-Com. 2K quietly bought the rights to the series in 2007, so the rumour's at least got a solid footing, though we're still going to recommend you increase your daily intake of salt. If only because the thought of a new, official X-Com game is too awesome to mess around with.
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Hmmm, nothing new unfortunately, this rumor has been running around for more than a year. We've been keeping a close eye on them. In fact, if it were any closer it would be embarrassing. :)

Something tells me we might find out what they're working on on E3.

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Highly unlikely, as far as these series of rumors go it's a tactical RPG. Even if such a label doesn't really fit X-COM, more Jagged Alliance. Although even that's a stretch.
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Here's to hoping this isn't going to be an X-COM game. If they do the same thing to X-COM that they did to the "Shock" franchise, all your soldiers will be indestructible and there will only be one enemy type throughout the entire game.


It must be given to someone else.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just popped in to say hi again...


aaaaand that this rumour has been popping up a bit more frequently recently - people who have no idea what X-Com is but know I love it have even been mentioning it to me.


My New Year's Resolution is to actually have some real hope that an X-Com sequel is presenting itself at some point!

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  • 1 month later...
It has been mentioned? Any links? I didn't spot anything recently. Or do you mean that it was mentioned by those people? The last mention I remember was in May I think.


Just popping in again - the rumours are still spinning. The Escapist (https://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/89110-BioShock-Dev-Working-On-A-Multiplayer-FPS) comments on the new job offers from 2K Boston possibly being linked to a new X-Com title. If this was the case, it's going in a FPS direction with MMO elements


They don't seem so sure and nor am I, but the rumour continues to do the round. Commenters at destructoid (https://www.destructoid.com/bioshock-team-looking-for-multiplayer-talent-120190.phtml) seem to mention X-Com too.

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Well even if they did what Valve and co did with Left4Dead, a multiplayer co-op FPS with the right atmosphere really wouldn't be so bad.


On a long list of my regrets for things that never quite came to fruition in the X-COM universe, X-COM Alliance is pretty near the top.


As long as it's not an MMORPG I'll keep the plasma rifle powered down for now ;)

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It's also possible they're working on two games at the same time. Well, not necessarily same time, more like they're working on one and doing some preproduction on the other.


In related news, 2K Australia (ex- Irrational Canberra) has been even more silent since the release of Bioshock.

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