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First UFO: Extraterrestrials Review


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GamePro spent some time on planet Esperanza recently. From what we can gather, they had a blast staying there!


In the end, UFO: Extraterrestrials has largely managed to capture the elements that made X-COM such a classic and iconic game. Almost nothing about the game can labeled as innovative or revolutionary, but it is such a well packaged refinement of a proven formula that it is hard to complain. There are some rather questionable design choices that cut into the fun but otherwise it's a wonderful homage to a classic title. X-COM veterans and gaming newbies alike should definitely take a look into this one-old school PC gamer or not, there's a damn fine gaming experience waiting for you.


The Core team is saddling up to join the fray, so look for our own review sometime in the next few weeks!


Spotted at Tacticular Cancer

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They were most amusing. I reckon there wasn't one strategy gamer comenting there, and if there were then they'd either not played or didn't like X-COM.


Sweeping generalisation I know, but since they seem to be basing their lame comments solely on a few screenshots... meh.

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Don't read the comments at the bottom of the page. Seriously, don't. You will save your nerves.

I thought this comment from IrishDragon23 was rather insightful:

I don't think I'd buy this. I was never a big fan of the movie "Aliens".


But retarded comments aside, didn't you guys notice something a little odd in the review?

edit: Nevermind. Just saw the other thread.

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2 days ago EBGAMES didn't even know the game existed. I asked myself and looked the guy over the shoulder, the game was not in their list at all! UFO:Afterlight was, however :D


Gonna check again tomorrow.

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