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Equip to view actual stats!?

Azrael Strife

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There is a thread somewhere on the official forums for suggested fixes required for a patch. I'd add it to those. Agree with you that it is a bit awkward but personally I'm much more concerned with the memory leak!
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It bites bigtime that 'feature' :bleh:

Although I just adapt to it and continue with the slaughter.

*It goes on the 'room for improvements' list*

This game just oozes of a bit too much 'Do it/Figure it out yourself' attitude. It just begs to be modded beyond it's orginal retail version to become more playable.

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Agreed Gringo, there is a bit too much figuring out of what you need to do to get some research and buildings,plus also instructions on things like how you capture and enemy soldier.


On the whole all of these are fairly minor niggles, and I have thoroughly enjoyed playing the game :bleh:

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  • 1 month later...

Ooh. A game that doesn't spoon-feed you? I like it better already!


How would you rate its enjoyability compared to Enemy Unknown and Aftermath ? I kind of ran out of steam on Aftermath 2/3s through, and never picked up Aftershock, but finish Enemy Unknown every few years.

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  • 3 months later...
Playing it for good now, and I must say it's better than I imagined, so far I'm having a blast, not sure if it's correct to compare it to UFO: AS or AM, it's *almost* a different genre, completely different strategic gameplay (tactical is somewhat similar), I'd rate it way more enjoyable than UFO: Aftershock, game that turns very repetitive very quickly, this one seems to offer a lot more, my original distaste for the increased RPG elements has been diluted a little bit, I'm actually liking knowing each character by name and knowing their story, but that further increases my compulsive reaction to reload should any of them be killed, but hey, as long as it's fun...
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Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself! Will have to take it for a REAL spin soon myself...

Do tell us what you think as well.


From what I've seen so far, the difficulty is superior to Aftershock, and the AI is definitely smarter (at least a tiny bit); I never had to change tactics in AS, once I got medium armor and XM8s I didn't have but to charge against basically anything that would come up, but AL has just forced me to change tactics and actually retreat during a mission :) which also showed me that ALTAR forgot a very important concept: carrying your own troops out of battle! should they become unconscious, they are basically dead if you want to abort the mission, dragging them out would've been a great idea..


Oh well, right now I have my squad all dressed up in Heavy Armor and carrying standard Rifles, which were, up till now, the best for almost any combat situation, and those silly Beastmen did not prove a challenge, oh well but things have changed, the damn Beastmen have brought reinforcements, and they are not easy to take on now, as in I ran into an encounter that has simply TOO MANY enemies with too powerful weapons for me to stop them, so right now I'm forced to be on the run, praying my research brings new weapons and armor to fight back :)

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