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UFO:AL Screenshots

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Well,just as before I have created a space for all our screenshots,so that the experienced generals among us can marvel with pride,and the newbies can marvel with awe!

Maybe this should go in the UFO:AL forums?,but I hope not as I have got to know some of you in here,especially that gun-crazed psycho MR.Gringo,and others.


To the moderators: Can you place a spoiler warning in the title description?,I forgot,thanks.


Let the battles commence! :(

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I shall post 2 shots from a previous encounter.

This first one shows a mission to the excavation site,which quickly became a disaster!.My squad took up a decent position behind the structure where they began to put some fire onto the huge Mech.The squad suffered minimal damage as they bagged the tin can.

That electrical streak looks great :(




This one shows my first encounter with the beastmen (BM).This fight became ugly,and I had no option but to accept defeat and re-evaluate things.My front line (or supposed front line) was no match for the BM as THEY themselves assumed a front line tactic and even appeared to split their forces and cut off my retreat to the UFO!

Another problem is squad composition,which is even more important in this game,not being able to properly decide who should do what and how (so many bloody possibilities).Having said that its obvious that Harald is designed to be the squads' main gunner.




Thats all for now.

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Evening all.


Here are a few shots from a mission I am currently in the middle of.My team are assigned with the task of exploring the Martian site and retrieving the alien artefact or whatever it is and bring it back to our UFO.My squad took up a good position on top of that ridge and waited for the robots to casually come up,which they did.Harald was sent down to slice up any that may have managed to survive the attack with his buzzsaw.However in this shot he stupidly forgot how powerful their electrical attack can be as he takes a face full of shocking pain! (lovely effects too).


He finally finishes it off for good before spitting on its rusted remains.


The squad finally secure the entrance to the strange structure and move inside.


For the first time they were greeted with the most bizarre sight ever,they never imagined how big this place was!


I leave it here where the squad have took up a position somewhere where they THINK the object lies.I wonder what this device is,and what implications it will have for the rest of my game.

For those interested about squad compositions ect,below is a quick rundown of my 1st Assault Squad (this may change as the game progresses).


Diego - squad leader

Hikaru - scout and expert on Martian science.

Oliver - 1st Marine,for holding the left flank

Benat - 2nd Marine,for holding the right flank

Harald - main heavy gunner and rocket support (also carries his buzzsaw for some metalwork)

Tadeusz - combat medic (also provides support fire if squad needs it)

Mark - future sniper (will also provide rear guard action...just in case)


NOTE: this squad is very similar to assault squads I would use in :AS,however I have deemed it important to have an extra marine in this squad,if not then my firepower might not be enough to fully suppress BM or any other enemy for that matter,and it works perfectly.

Keep posted for more shots of my game (for those bothered of course,if not then dont bother) :(

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Here I am again with some more shots from my game.I just keep on playing,and before I know it the bloody birds are singing outside,and I havent slept! :(

Here my assault team are on a daylight mission to capture more precious fuel,and the hostility of the environment was very high in this area,due to intense solar energy.Tadeusz was used as a decoy to draw the robots near,then my main squad on that nice elevated position up there opened fire :(

ALWAYS gain the high ground (if you can).

I forgot my bloody buzzsaw too for this mission,like I needed it.




Here the squad shift to the other side of the ridge to engage the robots,proving again that the high ground is your best friend.



Thats it for tonight,see you all tomorrow.

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That's it, thanks a lot guys, you've just made me want to get AL.


You made me wish that it was Friday today! Hopefully Afterlight will turn up them. Play.com were very prompt in posting it - only 4 hours after I placed the order :(

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As usual here I am with another shot from a recent excursion around Mars.This time I barely survived as I faced 3 or 4 Mechs and several robots! :( I actually had to escape back to the UFO due to no ammo (and I brought supplies).Those Mechs really guzzle ammo when all you have is standard rifles and no rockets :(

From what I have learned it is best and safest to concentrate ALL your firepower on a single target,then rotate to the others when the situation changes ,ie whoever is nearest hehe.Trust me,if I had set up on the ground down there I would have been overrun big time and trampled into the dust! .

VERY tough mission,hardest yet.Thats what happens when you underestimate robots.




I'll be back.

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Here I have some more new juicy shots for you.

This was by far the toughest mission I have had yet,as you shall soon see.The map was easy to understand,I had a small base-like area,with a fair bit of indoor cover,and a vast area in front,where I correctly anticipated the enemy coming from.All was going well as the first BM came into view.The squad got into battle positions and prepared for the assault! Hikaru was above them on a ramp providing critical overwatch on the enemy advance.




...Then disaster struck.The squad was quickly assailed by larger numbers and caught in a deadly crossfire,facing superior weapons,including a devastating grenade like projectile,which slammed into my men causing critical damage! :(




I immediately reloaded (again) and tried a more reliable tactic,the almighty ambush!

The next time I got my squad inside the complex,and waited for their imminent arrival.The squad decimated the fools with combined shotgun (on scatter mode) and rifle fire,until only 2 remained,the curious Alchemists,as this shot shows.




He launched a grenade round into the main doorway,displaying some pretty good effects.Gringo will love this! :D




I finished the mission with a well conducted pincer attack on both of them,proving that real tactics CAN work.

I raise my score of the game due to improved A.I. from 8.5 to:





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El Crazy Gringo has arrived on Mars and will continue where he left of....

So here is a quick recap.


Sure the gravity on Mars is 1/3 of that on Earth so mastery of the air is easier there.


So I hereby introduce Air Beastman!


Air Beastman taking off!


Air Beastman in flight


Still airborne


Air Beastman has landed!


This shot one of my favourites.


Nailed to the wall.


Dirty Harry Style on Mars. :(

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What took you soldier?!! nice to see you made it Gringo.You had better get on that firing range straight away mate,there are some serious battles out there! :(

By the way,Im sure I read somewhere that the gravity is actually heavier/denser on Mars than Earth's?,and that your weight would be about 3 times heavier?.Either Mars or Jupiter (if it had a surface?.)I may be wrong too.

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Some lazy shipping earthlings delayed the departure from Earth but I am back now.


And it's lighter on Mars, heavier on Jupiter (which doesn't have a solid surface).

As it is shown here


In my ongoing struggle with the Reticulan Rebels I adopted the age old tactic of grenade-through-the-door-followed-by-man-with-big-gun.


Spring cleaning


Mobbing up


As shown in the pictures my squad is mostly if not entirely equipped with Beastmen weapons due to the fact that the ammo options with these weapons are just staggering.

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In my search to overcome the latest Beastman weapon and armor leap I decided to try out the Warp Cannon from Earth. With some very promising results as shown below.

You've been Warped!

They might do lot's of damage but they are a bit slow for my taste.


After rushing in the production of my first set of sniper rifle I put them to good use on a night mission. Knocking them out with the sniper rifle and finishing them of with the shotgun.

Finished it!


As always with these seek and destroy mission you gotta hunt down every single one of them.

I surprised this Matriach (damn bugger).

Showdown martian style


Well back to Mars....

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Nice shots guys,keep em coming.

Here is a few new ones from a recent mission.

This one clearly shows an intense firefight,ending up with having to fully retreat to a safer position,ie the UFO! :) I finished the mission eventually.




I recently got a weapons shipment from Earth,and I eagerly anticipated exactly what we were getting.This is what we unloaded! :(




This just had to be field tested straight away! I shall say no more other than that Mech over there was destroyed in one shot! :D




Finally,this is what happens to BM who just had to f### with me on a bad day! a grenade right on their heads thats what! :(




See you all later.

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Todays session went much more smooth with the arrival of two new heavy weapons, Laser Cannon and Gatling Gun, to the battle field. It also helped that I got some new armor that really puts a dampener on the Beastmens projectile weapons.


First of a shot of the Laser Cannons special ability, the power shot!

Feel the Power!


The next one show the Gatling Guns special ability, scattershot!

Just rolling!


The good old sniper headshot still roles the battlefield.

Head Shot!


And we finish of with some shotgun fun.


Right in the gut!


One shot, two kills!


Finishing up!

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Since a long spell of quiet from the Reticulan Rebels walked on the wrong side of the fence. So I decided to kick their little rear all the way of the planet into the realm of the Grim Reaper.

In the assault on the final Reticulan Rebel territories the terrain was very much in my favor as I found a place that I call 'Snipers Perch'


After I decided that Ute's fun time was over I send in the Gatling Gunners (Diego and Harald) to clean out the rest of the Reticulan Rebels. As seen here in the last stand of the Reticulan Rebels.


As always the Matriachs are the bitches of the battlefield which needs to be put down as soon as possible.

One way of doing it is with heavy laser weapons as seen here.


Psionics is especially an other very efficent way of bringing them down as seen here. A real Kodak moment.


Stunning them also works to buy some time and then finishing them off the way you want too as seen here.


I'm gonna try to blow one up with some dynamite :(. That should make an example to all the other beastmen out there on Mars and beyond.

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Good evening once again ladies and gentlemen,and welcome to Mar's only public cinema,where we get the chance to see our boys and girls in action :(

For those of you who are still struggling to come to grips with the EF have no fear,as for the last 2 hrs or so I have been studying these little pests,and have come up with some good strategies to use against them.

So listen up!


1: it is IMPERATIVE that you create a solid base area,with good long range fire support,preferably with 2 gunners who excel at long range marksmanship.


2:You MUST bring with you a grenade launcher or similar weapon,for critical area effect support,as the RF and EF attack en-masse and are easy to target this way.


3: you must send your scout far ahead of the main force to look for the main threat here,the MCUs.He will be pivotal in being able to provide your grenade launcher operative (I use him just like a mortar) with line of sight to the target/s.


4: you must nominate a member as the ammo man,so he can bring along extra grenades and drop them off next to the grenade launcher (GL).


5: your scout MUST remain mobile,so as not to be flanked and attacked by the MCUs by surprise.Many times have I been MC'd by an invisible force,and that is how to counter it.


6: the most important rule however,is good target aqquisition,and being able to rotate your fire intelligently and decisively through the enemy formation.Example,use the 2 long range gunners to target MCUS and flanking forces,so that the enemy remains at least partially down your centre.If attacked by superior numbers every man must then mark his/her targets and fire at will.Bombard the enemy generally where the highest concentration is with area-effect weapons,until the enemy becomes more manageble.A sniper would be extra useful here to target MCUs and Expedition Rocketmen (ER),so that the rest of the squad can concentrate on the other threats.


7:any stragglers can be attacked traditionally,and the base formation can be abandoned,for a more looser formation.


Trust me here,do not think I am being too tactical,the EF are VERY dangerous,and these tactics work,as the following shots shall show.


Here the squad assume their positions and establish a base,with good perimeter security,and grenade support is towards the middle out of harm.




Having bombarded countless EF,one remaining Ret tried to flee for his life.We of course cannot allow that and we opened fire with the mortar...well GL :(




The result :D




I was attacked easily by about 15 or so EF,and only my scout recieved light damage.


Hope all this helps you out there soldier,trust me,you'll need it!.

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