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I love this game!


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I was a bit dubious about this game. I started playing, and the first mission was over in a few minutes.


I liked the additions, the weight limit, the AP cost for switching weapons and kit etc, but the second mission seemed, at the very beginning, to need you to rely on luck. Five men, and you've got one grenade? With you starting so close to them, it's a case of throw grenade, run and get seriously wounded or run and get lightly wounded.


After that, though...oh baby. The game really opens up. Talk to folk, set up a little militia (which were totally slaughtered but hey, they armed themselves), take jobs from people to kill other people, intimidate, ambush and decide on your own course of action. Swish.


Loved Peter Claus' attempted intimidation.


"Ve vill start vith all ze money you haff on you."


"Er, no."


*murderise the lot of them*


"Thank you for all the money and weapons, Santa Claus. Ho ho ho."


Thanks again, Pete. ;)

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Commiserations, mate. ;)


One bad point: The music. I didn't know they had invented cock rock in Europe in 1949. My musical history knowledge obviously isn't as good as I thought it was. They should stop putting jarring anachronisms in these games.

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Yeah, I never understood the point of reviewing the unpatched version. They'll argue that most people play the retail version, but if there's a patch out by the time you review it the readers should have the good sense to install it.
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Yeah, I always wondered that about reviewers - it's like they're lazy or something. All they have to do in their opening paragraph is say something like "whilst you'll have a hard time with certain aspects playing it straight out of the box, the latest patch fixes X, Y and Z" and then go on to write a fairer review.


I don;t recall seeing an unpatched game in the last few years except those where developers/publishers refuse to make one.

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One thing I don't love is the weapon deterioration.


It goes down. You fix it. The maximum level goes down.


What are they made of? Tin foil?


And that bastard running the weapons shop, buying stuff at 10% of what he sells it for? WhyIoughta...

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This is a start of second turn. Are you need any additional comments?


I ran the other way...not that I'm the kind to run away, of course. ;)


I've come to enjoy situations like that. It's a lot different from S2 where you can just soak up half a mag of 9mm and then mow them all down in return. One good rifle shot pops your head, so you have to really think before you act. I can see why it frustrates some players, but I think it really shows how dangerous gunfights are. The fight with Claus, especially, is fun.

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One thing I don't love is the weapon deterioration.


What are they made of? Tin foil?


It is not far from reality:

duration of barrels is a real problem at war, for example a Mg 42 have a barrel duration of 3500 to 4000 rounds, and an Mg 34 was 5000 to 6000 rounds provides that it was changed according to manual. A barrel of a manualy loaded rifle after 50 rounds of continuous fire could overheat and be destroyed, the PzB 39 as a life expectancy of 300 rounds !!! A RPzB 54 (panzershreck) as an expected life span of 200 shots.

myself I overheated 2 FAMAS, each after full autofiring of 2 magazines of 20rounds. and these weapons are delivered with spare pieces for the breech as it breaks very often!

But if you do not like it just change the duration with the editor as a new Mod!

Good game pal.

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The deterioration itself is fine, but the fact that repairing the weapon lowers it's durability makes no sense. It seems like a cheap trick to make you buy new weapons, as once the durability is below a certain point, the deterioration quickly renders the weapon useless (as it jams every other shot).


Machine guns are a special case, as they fire rounds at high speed with a very high RPM, and besides that, they were issued with spare barrels anyway. But most rifles, pistols, submachine guns etc have a lifespan measured in years (though of course this depends on how often they are used) with regular cleaning.

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yes, if you did yourself it is worst than ask the gunsmith to do it for you; so I never do it, due to prices of weapons, so my engineer is useless in this case: I think oil and cleaning device should actually allow to return to a normal state... but It doe not

as it is worst to do it than wait for the next gun shop ! something definitly wrong!

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As for weapons deterioration I can say this....Get your engineer up to somewhere near 200 in engineering skill and he'll make those weapons even better then new when fixing them.

Mind you that it does take a long time to get the skill up there....I was 3/4 through the game when I tried it....

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Y'mean that guy in the hut in the woods? I got as far as talking to him and he brags plenty but I didn't see an option to repair anything ;)


Keep talking to him and evetually the option comes up I think.

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I don't think that any vendors repair weapons anymore....I only used the guy in the forest to modify some weapons which got repaired and rearmed in the proces.

aybe sell your weapon and buy it back repaired? But with the low sell value of the weapons and items compared to the purchase value you just wind up loosing a lot of money....

It also makes more sense since you are 'alone' behind enemy lines with out any kind of support from HQ and therefore you don't have that kind of 'base' that you have in S2 and S3.

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I just received the game from Amazon.de for the full retail price of 29,95$ (ouch).

Although H&S is only a mod gone full game, it has an intro movie and completely new setting, additional sounds, weapons, skins, gameplay changings etc. That means it beats JA2:Wildfire retail by miles. Just too bad there isn't a German unofficial patch for it :)

I just started my second time, because the first time I killed Konrad in G-Town because he suddenly turned hostile during the fire fight with the THOs and this way I missed the ambush on the Army Post and ended up with nothing to do on just 4 maps except wasting everbody. Thanks to Ms. I'm-wearing-uniform-Soldier-girl I couldn't even go to Z-town without having my team locked up (my bad, although the location names are in my native tongue, I can't remember them ;) ) .

If I hadn't consulted a walkthrough on what to do next, I wouldn't even had known what I did wrong. In danger of shooting prematurely here, I'd call that a giant design flaw. And while the dialogues are witty and interesting, they are also sometimes very confusing and out-of-order.


The roleplay is pretty nice, but even though I just solved about 3 quests in my first attempt at the game, I already went up to level 12 or so... is the game that short or do I spent the last half/third as a kick-ass jack-of-all-trades in my class?

And since finding new equipment and applying it to my squad is a very important part of a RPGs magic to me, the generally low weapon durability is really pissing me off. I don't want my SMGs fall apart after 5 repairs due to sunken durability, Novik ;) ! I found the S³ durability quite annoying, but still more realistic than the H&S one.

Nevertheless, I like the game. It has an interesting setting, the lovely S² engine, and the addictive taste of interesting story and new weapons to be discovered. The German dubbing is good, too, and the new missions are a fresh breeze to the still brilliant tactical gameplay of S² (fake Secret Service papers, you gotta love them).

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