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Calling all modders!!!


As you all know, S3 is a terriffic game that was torpedoed by Jowood's non-existant marketing. (Released in the US 2 years after development? With virtually no announcements to the fact? What kind of corporate retard made that call?) Thus we have a GREAT game, with virtually no online community.


Anyways, it seems to me that the already small S2/S3 modding community is further fractured by a lack of focus. We all see similar issues with the game (mis-labeled guns & ammo, wrong ammo being dropped w/ weapons, etc). So you have a game that is just SCREAMING to be modded, but we all seem to be busy re-inventing the wheel.


It seems that if this game is ever going to get traction, several things need to happen, the 1st of which is the community needs to unite.


So, here's what I propose - we, as the StrategyCore community, create S2 & S3 v2.0


Here's how I propose we do it.

1. Decide what changes need to be made to the original.

2. Instead of seveal people making changes to local db's we set up a CVS* repository and work from a single db.

3. Repeat steps 2 & 3 until we have a decent release.

4. Include as many 'new' features as possible (integrating RandomStorm would be a great start). Preferably a few new guns and player models as well.

5. Release our changes as a single package, rather than a bunch of disconnected mods like what the community currently has.


* CVS is a tool which enables developers to work from a single codebase. VERY simple to use for the end-user, and I've set up several CVS servers before, so that's not a problem.


What would be required of YOU:

1. Teamwork & compromise. (We ALL have great ideas, I'm sure, but we need to work together to save this game.)

2. Effort. One big step will be integrating work you've already done into a fresh DB. This will take work, but again, I see no need to re-invent the wheel. And in the end, we have 1 awesome mod, rather than many so-so ones.


OK, so who's with me?

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I like the idea Cookie. Problem is that most projects like this die long before the modification is ever finished (or even in alpha), and the reason is usually lack of leadership or people going tired because the community dies around them. Silent Storm already has a close to dead community, and the only ones I know who came close to releasing large mods are Novik (H&S), KoMik (RandomStorm and the new one he is working on) and vs322 (Sandy Wastes, haven't heard from him in a while).


Anyway, if you're willing to put the effort needed into this, and could get one or more of the few dedicated modders to join, this could work out. We'll do what we can to help you here at StrategyCore, but I have very limited time, so don't expect too much from me. Forums, hosting and so on we'll provide, but I can't be actively involved in this project. Don't know about the rest of the staff, but I can't promise much.


Don't mean to sounds negative, as I would be thrilled to se a total conversion for Silent Storm (like the Fallout inspired Sandy Wastes), but it's important to be realistic. I suggest you PM people that has already released mods, or worked on them, and alert them to this topic. Good luck, and do tell if there's anything we can support you with!

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I understand what you're saying Slaughter. I've been there before. I headed up the UT Total Conversion Mod Unreal Badlands a few years ago, so I know all about what it takes to get a mod out the door.


The simple fact is, is that I LOVE this game. I'm an old-school wargamer, so having a game that recreates small unit-battles in this way is just terrific. And I hate to see a game die just because of a retarded Publisher. I feel there are other options available, and I want to pursue those options.


Obviously, I need to put my money where my mouth is. So, I released my 1st mod today - Cookie's Weapon Mod.


Also I want to be clear - I don't plan on this project being a Total Conversion Mod, instead I want to give S2/S3 a much needed facelift, and correct some of the issues that have been brought up in the past.


I guess at this point it comes down to this - I'm going to continue releasing my mods (each one focusing on a different area of gameplay), and if others want to contribute, they will be more than welcome.

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Badlands looks neat! Well done! Think I might even have played it at some point, though I may get it mixed up with other western mods. Anyway, if you can head up such a mod you have good experience.


As for the rest, it all sounds good :lovetammy:. Keep making those mods, and hopefully more will join. KoMik is still working on his, and I hope vs322 is as well!

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  • 1 month later...
Calling all modders!!!


As you all know, S3 is a terriffic game that was torpedoed by Jowood's non-existant marketing. (Released in the US 2 years after development? With virtually no announcements to the fact? What kind of corporate retard made that call?) Thus we have a GREAT game, with virtually no online community.


I am not sure whether it was JoWood or the incredibly tough editor (imo) :)


Anyways, it seems to me that the already small S2/S3 modding community is further fractured by a lack of focus. We all see similar issues with the game (mis-labeled guns & ammo, wrong ammo being dropped w/ weapons, etc). So you have a game that is just SCREAMING to be modded, but we all seem to be busy re-inventing the wheel.


I think the main issue here is not the mislabeled ammo but the plot itself. With a beautiful and capable engine such as this (SS/SSS/H&S) there is always something that spoils the game for me. And I am not talking about some minor imperfections for me to whine about, I mean big turn offs. In SS it was panzerkleins (a completely out of place monstrosity) and Thor's Hammer itself (a totally silly idea, really), SSS was pretty much the same as SS with some improvements, fewer PKs though, which was a good thing. H&S on the other hand introduced some interesting innovations (clothes' hide values and ID recognition, some RPG elements, passage of time, revisiting of the areas, etc.) but the overall plot and the penalties for implementation of tactics different from what the developers had in mind reduced the value of the game for me drastically :( .


It seems that if this game is ever going to get traction, several things need to happen, the 1st of which is the community needs to unite.


Agreed! :)


So, here's what I propose - we, as the StrategyCore community, create S2 & S3 v2.0


:cool: How about H&S expansion (the beginning of the Cold War)? Or an American/ British/Russian spy as a high ranking officer in SS, SD, etc. during the war or last months of the war?


Here's how I propose we do it.

1. Decide what changes need to be made to the original.


I would be happy to join in :) . Depending on the goal, of course. I generally finish everything I start, but we have to be realistic here too.


2. Instead of seveal people making changes to local db's we set up a CVS* repository and work from a single db.

3. Repeat steps 2 & 3 until we have a decent release.

4. Include as many 'new' features as possible (integrating RandomStorm would be a great start). Preferably a few new guns and player models as well.

5. Release our changes as a single package, rather than a bunch of disconnected mods like what the community currently has.


Great idea!!!


* CVS is a tool which enables developers to work from a single codebase. VERY simple to use for the end-user, and I've set up several CVS servers before, so that's not a problem.


What would be required of YOU:

1. Teamwork & compromise. (We ALL have great ideas, I'm sure, but we need to work together to save this game.)


Well, I'd call it a face lift. The great engine is already there. It just needs decent story line and some cosmetic changes (or perhaps something else). Vocalizing dialogs is not necessary at this point. I really loved the investigative nature of the original, until I encountered PKs at the Unknown Compound that is. From that point on it was a very frustrating experience but...whatever...


2. Effort. One big step will be integrating work you've already done into a fresh DB. This will take work, but again, I see no need to re-invent the wheel. And in the end, we have 1 awesome mod, rather than many so-so ones.


I've done very little work with the editor, but I am a fast learner. As soon as we agree on what needs to be done, I will consider starting on my part. I can provide art support, uniforms, posters, plot developments, dialogs, maybe some other stuff. I was thinking about making newspapers like "The Grooper" or "The Berlin Sentinel" that could be buyable (like from Gunter in Zeizenburg) with certain updates, hints, new branch openers - in a form of articles in English (I'll try to make one and post it on my blog). It could be humorous too... And it doesn't have to be Berlin related. I just happened to read a lot about that particular period lately.


OK, so who's with me?


Again it depends on what you have in mind. I have quite a bit of time on my hands right now, so that is not an issue. The cause itself might be a stumbling block though. Personally I don't think I'd be interested in working on pure sci-fi err...stuff, but WW2 related material sounds like my cup of tea. Heinrich Himmler's Ahnenerbe division, Thule society and such are noteworthy and could definitely be used not as a primary objective but as a fully developed "paranormal" side branch. After playing H&S I've been researching Berlin, Germany 1949... wow! So many different factions: 1)CIA, 2)U.S. military, 3) U.S. military Intelligence, 4)Gehlen Org. (ex-Nazis),5) Remer's Socialist Reich Party (neo-Nazis), 6)Odessa organization, 7)French military, 8)British military, 9)British Intelligence (M15), 10)Israeli Intelligence - Mossad (just formed in 1949), 11)German Communists, 12)Soviet Intelligence (MGB then), 13)Remnants of Russian SMERSH. , loads of interesting plot twists...! The 14)Thor's Hammer idea needs to be redone entirely; I find it simply unbelievable to have an organization of that size, complexity and discipline to exist during that time under the ever seeing eye of RHSA in Germany and NKVD in Russia. The secret of their existence must be unveiled or just bury them. 15) Sentinels on the other hand are a more plausible case. I wouldn't touch them at all..., well maybe a little bit... Organisational structure, perhaps... You know, every institution has an agenda, and a sponsor...


So, Cookie, and whoever else is interested in the same kind of unified effort, what is it exactly that you are planning, aside from combining all/most of the existing mods into one big "something"?






Sorry for the off/top but...

Who is this "HMMM..." person. It is supposed to be BlunterII.


Hey, Slaughter, how do I change my username. I am not sure I want to be "hmmm....". There were two lines for username, I put Hmmm... in the second one... (crying), please... :)

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So, Cookie, and whoever else is interested in the same kind of unified effort, what is it exactly that you are planning, aside from combining all/most of the existing mods into one big "something"?


Could be one of yours. Sent you a personnal message BLUNTER II

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Soviet Intelligence (MGB then), 13)Remnants of Russian SMERSH

About which 'remnants' you talk?

SMERSH - military counterespionage service, under this name exists in 1943-1946, in 1949 - part of MGB, since 1954 - 3 main department of KGB USSR.

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hmmm... I'll see what I can do about it

Thanks, Slaughter ;)


hi, brandeburg

Could be one of yours.
I know :) , although it's not my goal. The process of creating something interesting that's what appeals to me the most. And learning a few new things along the way, of course. :)
Sent you a personnal message BLUNTER II
I'll be in touch. Sounds like we could come to some sort of agreement. And that's always good. :)



Hey, Novik

About which 'remnants' you talk?

SMERSH - military counterespionage service, under this name exists in 1943-1946, in 1949 - part of MGB, since 1954 - 3 main department of KGB USSR.

I am talking about SMERSH ("SMERt' SHpionam" (RU), "DEATH to spies") as a seperate entity, that as far as I know ceased to exist in 1946. Yes, it was reorganized, renamed, restructured, etc., but I am referring to a more appealing, partially fictionalized SMERSH, as an elite assasination unit.

So by "remnants" I meant those units, particularly of foreign origin, that either split off, disappeared or became insubordinate in some way after the WW2 ended. They've got the training, the guts and the itchy trigger finger - but they might be under a new boss, no boss or with a completely different personal agenda... :cool:

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  • 1 month later...

I hope this idea has not died allready as i for one would love to see an active mod community to the S2/S3 games. i have searched far and wide for any new mods to play and get frustrated that such a good game has no online community to speak of.


i have attempted many times to create mods myself and have learned the editor fairly well, the problem is if i create the mod it sort of ruins the playing of it, so i loose interest early on. However if we could get a big mod going, i would be happy to join in on the team. i may not be in a position to have this be a real playable mod for me, as i would know what it was all about before i started, but it would be worth it. if we could just get eneugh interest going to get people into making more mods this would be a good trade off. so if you are making a list of peeps to include in your team count me in. in short my resume would be map making and scripting. and of course creative collaberation. i also have alot of firsthand knowledge on realworld firearms and ammunition to help tweak that area, but i think for the most part there is so many mods in this area allready that it is basically covered.




you can email me e_swallie@hotmail.com and let me know if you are going to press on with this.








i for one have also done a mod similar to one i have seen talked about on the boards that i would be happy to integrate into this project. that being the idea of random maps. i have made in S2 and then again in S3, a random city generator. it uses the basic nested template idea same as the underground system talked about on the forum. basically there is one main map that is a empty template. then each subtemplate will have several versions of each section down to individual random structures/furnishings. so you may well see the same structure pop up over abd over again at various points in the game but each time the structure appears it may have different floor plans, and will most certainly be furnished differently. thie idea was to then extend this to an under ground system, and then a rural setting as well.


any way it is easy eneugh to recreate this in your master mod, as it is really just alot of basic map making. and nesting the templates. but if we do this in the mod you plan, our random encounters will be far more useful as going to the same spot over and over will give you a truly new encounter each time.



p.s. i would hope however that our mod was not just a "master mod" in the idea of taking all the existing mods and smashing them together. but rather a whole new story / plot. with new maps and maybe even entirly new things like vehicles that work etc. but either way i am all for it. so let me know.

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Hi eswallie and welcome to the boards! ( ...registered :eh:)


in short my resume would be map making and scripting.
Oh, that's great. Scripters and map maker actually make the story-mods to play - I mean, scripts happen.


Hopefully you find your team. I'm so 'spare time busy' with my lunatic mods that don't count me on (little helper I may be of course) and my knowledge about SQL-server is so poor that I can't host anything. I think team over SQL needs a internet security spesialist to work.


What comes to team works ... hmm ... maybe my English is not good/fast enough. Too much trouble. And speaking of new programmed stuff: I'm here just for action points stories, period. Can't make new 'accompaniments' what players are always demanding (for a good reason for new stuff in games of course).


i have made in S2 and then again in S3, a random city generator.
Heh, that sounds like good old vs and he vanished a some time ago ... too bad, he was a skilled in many things. I would like to see something like that but I have modded and played S2/3 so much that got little bored to them (with good reasons) but I think you may find some testers from here so you don't have to get too frustrated about testing your own works.


Keep strong and let us know what is happening in there.


Yours, KoMik.

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