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Alien Pact


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So its the end of July and UK agrees to increase its fundings.

All through August I've been shooting down these infiltration attempts but at the end of August UK always signs a pact with the aliens. I've tried replaying the month over and over again but it just seems as though they will infiltrate UK regardless if they succeed in landing a craft in Europe.


Is it an event built into the game where after severals months of alien-ass-kicking they will remove one of the countries from funding xcom? UK brings a fair amount atm, about 1M.


Any ideas?

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The mass infiltration attempts happen all the time. Usually with five ships Two battleships, one terror ship, one large scout and one other... I think it was a medium scout. It's not preset, but it does happen, frequently as you progress through the game, and is most annoying. Their target countries are random, although they have a tendancy to attack your current country of residence.


I say their targets are random since they have been known to sometimes try to infiltrate countries they've already infiltrated. Lucky me, I don't have to respond to those ones at all. :)


It's debateable whether shooting down the ships before they land and or taking them out before they manage to take off stops the infiltration.


I have successfully avoided a pact signing by disabling the minor UFOs and then taking on the battleships on the ground (The Skyranger being forced to perform two trips to boot!), although I cannot recall if I salvaged the minor ufos or not after the two hectic ground battles against the battleships.


On other occasions, I lose the country no matter how hard I defend it.


On even rarer occasions, not one ship lands (or even appears for that matter) but the country signs a pact anyway. This is most baffling!



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with five ships Two battleships, one terror ship, one large scout and one other... I think it was a medium scout.

Two battleships, and 3 others. All designated as Infiltration. I shot them all down and some in the ocean so I don't have to go do a recon :) ... or does that mean they'll swim ashore and infiltrate UK? :)


I have two avengers armed with dual plasma.. but I only send one out there to shoot them all down.. it comes back to europe at about 60% health. The other avenger is for the retaliation ships... I'm just trying play throught August quickly (not doing any recon) without losing UK. If I manage to survive it, then I'll go back and play the month through doing all the crash sites. My experiment hasn't been too successful.


It's not really the funding that I care about since 1M is chump change compared to the millions my engineers rake in from the laser cannons, and pawning off the heavy plasma. I just like to see all the countries supporting me.

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I have only one way of defeating such bogus events. XComutil.

Whenever I lose a country and think crap that was just unfair... I play through the next month paying extra attention to that country. If by the end of that month I've defeated all alien activity there I use the editor to put their funding of me to zero but also have their attitude towards me change to slightly improved. 1 I think... Can't remember. If you keep it up in the next few months then they slowly increase their funding and it's like a kind of rebellion where the alien's have all been thrown out of the country.


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I believe that the Infiltration is randomly selected when the score from the month comes up. At that point, if a country is selected, there is nothing you can do about it, unless you play the game from before that month ran.

I actually finished the month with a rather high score compared to my other months (when I played it through slowly).


As I've mentioned, I've tried playing from before the month started. At the end of the month I was clear, UK even decided to raise the funding. But then by the end of next month.. no matter what I try to do, they seem to be able to take UK.


Maybe its time for some xcomutil.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've had a similar problem a few times, 1 was with india, i had 1 of those handy Hyperwave Decoders, but still it said India signed a pact, right, now after bout 6 months, they manage to get 1 (yes 1) battleship through my defenses at North America, and take my highest supporter of 1,5 milion atleast, although I did kill the battleship crew.
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Sometimes the aliens will land in cities that aren't "in a country" and cause a country near by (and when i say near im talking about on the same continent) to sign a pact... *Thinking*.................. I wonder if x-com could do a lil "infiltration" (ready the psi amps)


-PSY GUY- :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Same situation here, an attak with 3 battle ship landed in spain, france, uk the others 2 has been destroyed. but...at the end of month UK signed the pact with aliens :)


Anyone can explain me the EXACTLY DOS command 4 xcomutil please?

I'm thinking UK ppl are not fair.. :) :) :) LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, it seems the British are destined to be traitorous dogs who capitulate like a Frenchman confronted by a German. The UK is by far the most common country to go bugeyed (possibly for dramatic purposes as the game is from the UK - abit like all those Jap shows where Japan has been/becomes totally destroyed).


Who cares if a country packs it in? All the country's combined don't contribute as much money as either the sales of alien artefacts, or a properly set up engineer program. $1M per month? Don't waste my time! Oh sure, we'd all like an extra ivory back scratcher, but come on...

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Don't worry at all if a country is signing pacts. It isn't even worth your time and effort to modify the game to get your $500,000 a month back from them. You can sell 5 Heavy Plasmas and get that. Attack a large scout per month and you'll have all the money back.


The only time you need to worry about funders going is when you start to get down to your last few countries. That's when things start to get desperate. I remember my first game I ever played to the end, Russia was the ONLY country left that supported X-COM. I had 4 bases there, and when I saw even a small scout on an alien infilitration mission, I would obliterate it. All infilitration missions by battleships were downed by my 12 Avengers at the four bases, I NEVER let them land. Russia was funding me somewhere around 8 million a month, so it was a good possesion. One month I actually let an Avenger land in... Novosibirsk I believe, and Russia didn't sign the pact.


Has anyone ever lost a game by having all countries sign pacts?

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  • 1 month later...

I have.


A few days before my Avenger was ready to go to Cydonia (ie, completed), at end of month of course, Australia, my last remaining sponsor, signed a pact with the aliens.


That really seemed sus, given the timing.


I've also had one country, Japan, once, in the two years I've been playing the game (UFO ver 1.0), spontaneously abandon a pact and ramp their funding back up (over about 4 months). At the time it happened, I hadn't heard of XCOMUTIL.

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Are you saying the countries can cancel their pact with the aliens?!

Even with the claims made a country might come back after defecting to the aliens I've never seen it happen.

If it's possible within the game than it's either the result of a glitch or there's a need to very strict and unknown conditions for it to happen. But I believe that in these reported cases it's simple a matter of your memory played tricks on you like when I was completely convinced that there were Muton commanders.

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I've never heard of a country coming back after signing a pact. Never seen anyone with 1 country left. Lowest I've had was like 5 countries giving me crap loads of money, 1 was up to 9.5million alone and that was small country like France.



I would love to see a country come back to me, in 1 game I spent like 10million on my north america base(3rd base in my game built it up to be a better designed 1st base with all the snassy stuff like avengers and grav sheilds and what not) Only to lose Every country on that side of the globe in 2 months

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