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Xcom Remake

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Hail Xcom Fans, Wantt a new Xcom was made, well perpare yourself, Being created by a Band of Diehard Fans of Xcom at Xcomufo.com , A remake of Xcom UFO Defence is in the works, and this is no joke, The Geoscape can be downloaded there to test, So Go Loyal Fans of Xcom, Support that site, the project, and if you have the Skills, Help its Construction
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Yea... the site's very interesting, particularly Stewart's posts about base design :)


BTW, the forum there is an Invision Board (same version as here), and in that forum the members CAN post file attachments (like images)... it'd be nice to have that here, what do you think guys?

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I agree it's a very nice project. I can't run it until I get my new computer up and running but I will as soon as I get it. What progress has actually been made?? I saw the geoscape but what about the tactical, ufopedia and all the other parts of the game.
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im not really sure, i have seen a screenshot of a program that could be used for Battlescape, right now its only been in develpment for about a month, i suggest you look around the remake section of the forums, mainly we are just thinking of that we should add or take out, so far the Geoscape is pretty much it for now
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To Crazy Photon - I like to limit the freedom of users :) Nah, I don't allow file attachments to keep possible viruses to a minimum, bandwidth to a minimum and disk usage to a minimum :)


It's all alright until you get the bill once a year for your webspace :):)


Erm yeah, good project guys. I'll be watching it closely and not noticing the downloads page at all. Downloads page? What's that? :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
Yea... the site's very interesting, particularly Stewart's posts about base design :(

I just noticed this. Thanks for the kind words. As I said in my posts over there, "I've spent far too much time thinking about base designs".


Please note that some of what goes into some of the designs and schedules and so on is based on the artificial restrictions I place on the research tree, the artificial restriction I place on the use of the Avenger, and the assumption that hits from base defenses reduce (or have a chance to reduce) the size of the landed invading alien force.


The stuff on the "core" base as a means of repelling landed alien invasions applies in all situations. Though not related directly to bases the observation on when to stock-up on engineers also applies in all situations too.

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This game was called Xenocide right? Ive got versions one and three and neither of them work. When i get in, the dos screen pops up, but then it says it has preformed an illegal operation and shuts down, leaving my screen size set at 800x600 instead of 1024x768. Can anyone tell me whats wrong, and what i can do to fix it?
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Xenocide is indeed good. The geoscape looks beautiful, and I made some posts over at the forums of xcomufo with my opinions. I love the ideas, it's everything I would have done remaking it.
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We get TONS of opinions about what the remake should have. Many are repeats some are things no one ever thought of. Some ideas are popular some aren't. V1 will be made quite similar to the original, corrections may be added but not many (if any) changes.


When last discussed the idea was to create V1.0 this way as an open source project, then like Linux, from there people can make their own versions. There will be official v1+ versions of Xenocide but "other" versions based on the v1 code will not be called Xenocide. At least that's the idea kicking around right now.

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