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Ego Terrorist

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We won't really know if we would like a multiplayer version of the game until we see the single player version. I personally think it may suck a bit... The XCom games and games of similar genre don't really lend themselves to multiplayer mode...
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The first two games would have been good in multi. Thanks to the awesome XComUtil, we can play them that way! However, you need to research each thing before the alien player may use them, so that bites. :P


Real time mode wouldn't work to well for this new one. Whenever anything happens, the game stops and both players issue new orders. Then new orders are given acording to the other players new orders, and so on and so forth. In short, you wouldn't get anywhere! :laugh:

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the 'we-go' turn based system of play [as opposed to the 'i-go, you-go' turn] does actually work in multiplayer and, probably, works far better than the old 'i-go,you-go' that everyone's used to. there's a WW2 game that uses this system called 'Combat Mission:Beyond Overlord' that makes good use of it as , think about it... in the usual turn based games you have to wait for the other guy to finish his turn, then take yours... but in this new system you both take your turn together.

it does work better, i find, as you are responding to your opponent's move but also, trying to predict him, which does take a lot of tactical thinking.

but, as usual, it's all about 'horses for courses'. some ppl may like it, some may not.




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I dunno. Given that the other player might pause the game at any time, for any amount of time, it could well be frustrating just waiting. The designers point out that against the computer, this ain't a problem: it'll always be waiting for you! :laugh:
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Probally not. Given that you have to control EVERYTHING...


Given how often you would have to give orders, and how long it might take, it might not work well under multi, is what I'm saying. Maybe if they include a system like the original...? :laugh:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Multiplayer for the strategic elements of the game (base building, etc) I can't see happening... As the Veteran says, it does not quite lend itself to this sort of thing...


With respect to tactical combat, I think it could be done. E-mail X-com uses usual X-Com turn system, and that could work here fairly well. Laser Squad Nemesis uses that phased real time system, and I would love to see that in this game, but the system has not been well received by some of the older X-Com players.


Overall though, I don't know if I'd play multiplayer too heavily... heh, but then again, it depends on the competition, right? :laugh:

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  • 4 months later...

This Game must contain a Multiplayer function!


I'll be honest i don't know the work involved for you guys to add this function in but in regards to getting a Publisher it's a huge selling point! People will be piled high at the doors of all computer games out lets just get get their hands on, then the very rare and superb game UFO - Aftermath!


What I'm trying to say is I'll eat my hat if a multiplayer function doesn't massively increase sales of the finished game.


If you can do it Fella's, do it break the mold.


Whatever your descion my £35 is yours, keep up the good work and i'll be backing 100%.



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  • 2 months later...

i guess multiplay might work and it'll be interesting to have simultaneous turns.

for example, all players make their decisions and click that "DONE" button. And things unfold themselves at the same time... that or real time strategy that has speed as the key element... and boy! what-a-click-fest... ???

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your all talking about turn-based multiplayer...

Need I remind you that Apocalypse had the "real-time" option?

I know which I preferred...

Then again, I always go for real-time against turn-based (more realistic).


I would probably use the multiplayer function over a LAN...

Are we talking Co-operative multiplayer here?


Say you start a multiplayer game then you have two X-Com (or whatever their now called) teams. But perhaps the aliens are twice as strong (or something to make up for the extra amount of people). It would be easier if it was real-time, as if one team was fighting and the other wasn't in that battle, then they wouldn't have to wait until the battle is finished. The down-side is that their base could come under attack while they are in battle... Maybe that would require the ability to go from the battle-mode back to the worldmap (although they are both still active even if you are at the world map etc).


Ah well, thats just what I am hoping for.. a real-time co-operative LAN version!

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ALTAR has stated that UFO: A is not going to have a multiplayer aspect. SP only.


I'm fine with that. There's no easy way to play a game like this in MP, you either have to disable the ability to pause, which greatly reduces your fine control over your soldiers, or you have to deal with people pausing all the time, and that gets annoying.

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  • 1 month later...

Well considering the semi-realtime aspect of the game, I still think it would be possible.


A multiplayer game starts. A map is loaded. It could be player vs player for an example. Now there could be 1 or 2 minutes to see the surroundings and give the first orders (for both players at the same time). Then the game would start with both players moving their soldiers at the same time. Let's say that every minute both players would have more time to move with a time limit and make decisions. The game could stop also when all the soldiers from both players are not moving.


I think it would work. You would be thinking all the time, the game would be quite active without being totally real-time. There would just be a limit of time to think to not eternally wait for the other player to decide what to do. Would be great because, there would not be (or less) cheap tactics because each map would be different and even a good player at that game would have to watch his butt because he would never know the maps and would have to discover them each game.


There could be different game types too. That is player vs player but we could keep the same thing with 2 players going against a bunch of computer controlled aliens. The host would just have to choose a 'theme' for the map like jungle, city or even alien base. Then the game would generate a map of that type. I would certainly look for it and I hope they are thinking of something about it. It's another good aspect of the game that can be worked on that makes an awesome game a better one in giving it even more replayability.

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That could work, and it would be great fun I believe! But they don't have time to implement it, so it will have to come in a patch or a expansion or something. Oh, and welcome to the boards btw!
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Imperium Galactica 2 works with a way that time flows at medium speed. Nobody can pause, only the host can do that. It works fine, though the game is very huge.

I'm positive UFO: Aftermath can achieve the same. I would say Imperium Galactica 2 kinda looks the same like Aftermath.

It's not impossible, they just need to take the decision to develope it, or continue on the multiplayer code in already.


Altar, Multiplayer SELLS and keeps the game alive.

A very good example for this would be Jagged Alliance 1: Deadly Games. It's the only xcom like game with multiplayer. I have my copy :rolleyes:

It's VERY old. I'm looking at the box right now. I don't have the release date, but here are the system specs:



8mb RAM

Doublespeed CDROM (lol)


A mouse, soundcard and a VGA compliant gfx card


I never played this online, but I know lots of em are still playing this classic.

To bad Jagged Alliance 3 never came. They say JA2 didn't sell that well. It was the best game ever next to xcom.


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