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Game will not run...


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If the game do not run after you've had the "UFO:Aftermath was successfully installed to your computer" message, there is some problem obviously. There have been several reports on this happening with the German version. We are not sure why at the time, but more info can be found here once a fix is available. You can also browse the official support board for more information. Thanks for your patience!
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have this problem.. and It directly related to the copy protection. Before the game runs it eveluates your computer so see If you may be a pirate.


simple things like runing the game from a CD burer or having a debuging software installed (my issue), to having a virtual CD drive, can cause it to think you didnt pay for the game.


I had the same issue with NWN. They evenualy removed the copy protection from the exe. Lets hope that Altar does something similar. Otherwize I will be taking this back to the store.


Oh well I still have xcom :laugh:


-Blade FireLight

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Ok so there I am attempting to play my new game I get all the way upto the tutorial and... it freezes. Almost everytime now the difference is only one or two screens but it occurs everytime and I have toreset my computer do I have this copy protection problem? or do you think my PC is trying to fry what few brain cells I have left? :laugh:
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very strange, every time it stop, I've the orinigal, but after installation it runs fine, after stop the game, then start again, then works nothing!!! install it again, then it work again, but after stop game then..... work nothing!!!
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Well this explains why I can't run the game with Daemon-Tools. :laugh:


Now, before you start calling me a pirate... Arrrr... I do have an original game which I have purchased. However as the disks came in these crappy paper sleeves, I thought it prudent to create a viral copy of the disks for my own private use. Thus I can leave the CD's in the paper sleeves without fear of damaging either the CD's or sleeves, throught wear and tear.


Strange thing though is that before the 1.2 version patch I could run the game without any problems. When I installed patch v1.2, the game no longer runs for my virtual image.


I think this stinks!! I paid for the game, so I should be able to use the game as I see convenient. Only I have this CD's, only I use the virtual image, so what's wrong with that!!

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No you should not. These games are sold to be played from the CD, not from the HD. You are however allowed to make backups in most countries, but ALTAR can't make sure the game will run from an image, you understand that too. If you make a backup copy of the CD however, you should be fine I guess.... And what error message do you get after the patch? None?
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No you should not. These games are sold to be played from the CD, not from the HD. You are however allowed to make backups in most countries, but ALTAR can't make sure the game will run from an image, you understand that too. If you make a backup copy of the CD however, you should be fine I guess.... And what error message do you get after the patch? None?

First off I would just like to point out that running from the CD or HDD should be irrelevant, as the Daemon Tools sets up a complete drive object, with it's own drive letter.


With regard to that error message question. I don't get any message at all, the game simply will not run. When I click on the game icon, I get a burst of disk activity, then nothing. This only happens after installation of the 1.2 patch. So...


Version 1.0 -> CD and Virtual image will run the game.

Version 1.2 -> CD will run the game, virtual image will not.


At this stage, I've resigned myself to the fact that I'm going to have to run from CD. So I'm deleting the virtual image, and going back to, ** sigh **, CD swapping.


Happy NOW!! :hmmm:

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Calm down... I'm sure he was just trying to help...


Perhaps I should clarify the issue.


The english version of UFO:Aftermath uses SafeDisk copy protection.. this is an encriptoin wraper that is used to encode the exe. When a new version of the EXE is released, the progarm is re-encoded, with the a newer version of SafeDisk that Altar gets from the publsher.


What SafeDisk does is:

1. read a special part of the CD to varify that it exist.

2. search the local hard drive for progarming tools that could be used for cracking the protection (This is like Blockbuster not renting to me becaus I have a DVD-R drive.)

3. search the registy and hardrive for other suspicous software, like Deamon Tools and memory dump diagnostic tools (my guess that that 1.2 had updated to dectect the latelst version of DeamonTools, and DeamonTools will have a new version to counter that soon)


If it finds anything that it's blacklisted, SafeDisk exits, with _no_ error.. If your computer passes the cavity search then it will decript and run the game exe.


This is a reall pain for thoes of us who develop software. As my computer fails theas tests all the time... Forcing me to find an illeagle crack for somthing I bought


Altar has told me that they think the concept of forcing paying cusomers to 'discover' the world of game cracks counter productive.. but they dont get a say in the issue.. They are bound by their distribution contract.



For thoes of you who dont know DeamonTools is a virtual DVD drive emulator. Verry usefull if you are developing software and want to not have to burn test disk.

It also comes in handy if you have kids, as they dont take care of CD's and being able to mount an image saves the disks from a horible death by finger prints and scraches. (you should see how many cd's a 2 year old can fit in a CDROM drive )


-Blade FireLight

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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...

i cannot get the game to run. i DO have an original copy. i have played it before [for a few weeks when it was first released]. my hdd went tits up and i lost my savegames.

so, i am looking forward to starting again [at least this time i'm ready for the biomass that caught me unawares last time!]


i installed patch 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. the grfx and sound tests all worked fine. but the game won't start and reports that time allowed for reading cd has run out [or something like that].

cd seems busy but then stops with that report.


i used a 1.3 nocd exe but it crashed the game, but at least it did run the game for a short time and the grfx ran very slowly and choppy.

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