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General Rant

Ego Terrorist

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15 of Feb 2004


Well I've had enough, my computer is on the verge of crashing and I can do almost bugger all on it these days - can't play any DVD's or MP3's can't seem to install any games, Microsoft Word is buggy, Photoshop is very buggy, I havn't been able to run scandisk in over 519 days as it crashes on loading it up, I havn't defraged in 528 days, Explorer is constantly looking for an excuse to crash, but when it isn't it's acting weird, I havn't been able to look at the XCAS webpage without my computer bitching about something on it "An error occured in a plug-in on this page" and the animated buttons arn't working, for some reason I couldn't seem to view webpages on a website which was using php (just got the menu bar and a blank page) "msgsrv32" whatever the bugger is that has to be crashed to view websites - however I can get around this by viewing webpages offline then I view then viewing websites online - but when msgsrv32 crashes (which it inevitably does) then I can't seem to listen to any audio whatsoever.


oh, and I whenever I try to shutdown the computer from windows it used to just restart the computer (I've checked the relevant settings and it should not be doing that!!) but now (and the same applies for restarting the computer from the windoze start bar) several programs crash and the computer just hangs.


So as of right now I am making the final checks, I shall back up the important files on my HDD to CD-R, settings shall be recorded, then I'll format the bastard and install Windows 98SE (though admittedly I'm tempted to leave it for a night and then to pop down to school and see if I can persuade the IT tech to lend me his copy of Linux (that or a copy of *gasp* XP!!!)) and then reinstall all of my precious software and then pray to the Patron Saint of Technology - Dogbert, to cast out the demons of stupidity and get my computer to work.


Hence, as you may of guessed this may take a while (40gigs usually takes around in my experience ~2 hours) Windows 30 minutes, Driver Software, 1-2 hours, everthing else probably a good few hours. So I should hopefully be running nice and smoothly before the Sim tonight, however if things start to go pear shaped then I might be either late or unable to attend, but I'll do my best. So my preemptive appologies if I'm late/unable to attend tonight.



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My windows completely died on me but it's probably the best thing that ever happened, after the reformat and re-installation the thing was so bloody fast it was unbelievable, there was so much crap on my computer and now I don't have to find all that crap and remove it :)
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It wouldn't surprise me if I did have a problem with that as well, but I've just formatted my little beauty (While Windows was installing my dad taught me to drive...brakeing and getting the car going are a bit of a problem for me!) and so far it's running nice and smoothly, very sweet, everything is in order just need to install the many programs that I'll need and I'll be sorted.


Just downloading mIRC, ah...things feel so normal again, no crashing programs no weird rituals required to get the computer to work, :) next stop once mIRC is in place - Trillian! w00t!


So yeah, you reading this, if you havn't already download your copy of mIRC and sign up to XCAS :)


lol, yes, but the main thing is that I'm happy again. :)

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How about the Ki force? "HADOKEN"

:: Ki-tat shoots out a blue ball of pure energy towards Hoz ::

mwahahahaha! ph33r mah |33t Ki 5|<1||z!


:: looks around, just to see DH dropping in:: "Oh uh..."

:: goes back to topic ::


so yeah, i just reformatted my other comp, now updating everything, and trying to get the chinese touchpad to work. my dad writes stuff you see...

:: looks around, hoping DH didn't notice ::


(edited for xcasie goodness!)

Edited by Ki-tat Chung
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ahem. last i checked, your PL was 691. and after this post my PL will be 1082. MWAHAHAHAHAHA! eat HADOKEN!

:: fires another blast, but this time at DH ::

:: changes into another fighter ::


:: changes again ::

Psycho ball!

:: yep, change ::

HADOKEN! (that was ken)

:: change ::


:: change ::


:: change ::

BANG! (X-com topper with Heavy Plasma)

:: change ::

BANG! (X-com trooper with Devistator cannon)

etc. etc....

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Oh no,it's the Anime People!


::Turns into a Dune charcter,to annoy everyone else::

::Clicks a button on his belt and *visht* power shield on::

::Takes out dual gun-shaped Microphones,aims at both DH and Kitat, and starts



Is it over now?

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I don't effing well believe this! My effing computer is effing screwed again...grrr...grrr...It's about a stable as a mentally unstable patient in a straight coat in a high security mental ward for highly unstable patients! I have to boot it multiple times before it works without hanging or crashing!! Explorer is crashing. My computer refuses to shut down without everything effing programing performing an effing illegal operation!!


*screams once again*


*calming breathing...calming breathing....sea splashing against the beach...calm...calm...*


Great I'm now going to have to have to back up my HDD *again*, format c: my HDD *again*, reinstall all my software...I can't believe this!


*calm...calm...* :)

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