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Blunter Mod and RS3 Mod


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Hey guys i have a quick question regarding the compatibility of these two mods.

I have the blunter mod installed and am really enjoying the new content but i felt like i need more random encounters. So i installed the RS3 mod.

Together they dont make the game crash but it seems the Blunter mod suppresses the RS3 mod.

I have tried the RS3 mod alone and know what encounters to look for but i dont get them when playing with blunter also. I have tried creating a fresh game with the two and it still does not work

Thanks for any and all help.



Also i know the game files are very accessible and editable but i do not know where the Random encounters are in the game directory or within the blunter files


-edit: The RS3 mod is the random encounters mod. So alternatively if people know how to add random encounters to Blunter that could also work but then I would ask how to get those encounters and maps out of the RS3 mod.

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  • 9 months later...

I've been trying to get several different versions of MSQL running on win 7, but the editor and tools never work. MSQL developer engine 8.0 doesn't work with win 7 apparently and SQL express needs win 8.1, so I'm SOL. :(


Like you, I am interested in merging and/or dissecting mods. I've always wanted the All uniforms mod without the gameplay changes and OP items.

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I've been trying to get several different versions of MSQL running on win 7, but the editor and tools never work. MSQL developer engine 8.0 doesn't work with win 7 apparently and SQL express needs win 8.1, so I'm SOL. sad.png

All you need is MSDE 2000. Also google this steam guide :

How To Get The Map Editor To Work (also for GOG version)

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  • 4 months later...

Hi pals, Nice to be back after so long.

I played all the new mods and will give feed back.

Blunter, you just made and excelent work and an wonderful new action mod. Post war money forgery and bootlegger is perfect inside stories.


I will ad some screen shot later, and give you minor or major bugs I had found. This is not a complain or a wish to change your game you did with your own objective but some idea to give silent games longer live it deserve.

I try myself modding but my maya expert is gone and myself had a terrible wrong accident. May be one time I'll modd again


at First gaming balance; I played with all characters

1) engineer : I love to play one of them to unlock and appoint in the team the robotic Panzerklein man can find in the warmachine factory. sadly, now, he or she is a more poor fighter, really bad in medic. Enginneer would be great to play with better close combat abilities or grenade throwing to be effective as a team member or main character.

To give him back medical assistant role will help in such heavy combat mission as the ''railways station''.

The most important is the base' weapons availability : more grenades and mines, and mortar shells compability with setting traps.

In fact a good enginneer should be a cross between scout to trap set or disarm explosive,

or a cross with grenadier would make her or him an explosive expert.


next time screenshot.

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feed back to Blunter Mod (which is excelent)

now Sniper compare to Grenadier and scout : sniper are now to weak and useless in Party, they are good medic now but medic capacity should be done to close range fighters instead of the long range sharpshooters.

here are some screenshots that show how grenadier have long range throwning capacity far better than scout and sniper!!

normaly I take 3 snipers in my team to cover the close combat warrior (an engineer for UN building, and grenadiers, I love blast everything).

here sharshooting versus grenade throwning :


here the screen shot.


here sharshooting versus poisoned scalpel which render inconscious! so the balance is in difeavour of the sniper.


now suriken a weapon which is to powerful.( all characters got the same level).

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About Medic/doctor. I could play without one of them in my team.

As a mean character choice doctor is very poor at firing and fighting is to hard to try hand to hand close combat.

may be with Smg will doctor interesting to be play ?

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  • 2 months later...

doctor sniping problem : Doctor could reach high standart in sniping (here 108) but he poorly reach a target,

From the same firing position to the same target location a pioneer/engineer with 42 in sniping is a better marksman !

Something is not working with this ability.

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I don't think sniping skill affects shooting ability. I believe that sniping allows you to use more APs for sniping. Comparing the Engineer he has better shooting skill and more VPs. Now I'm not an expert but I think game says that VP also matter in terms of shooting (not that much like shooting skill itself). Oh and I'm also noticing different guns. Some guns have worse accuracy - if handling is hard and your familiarity is low, don't expect to be super proficient. And there is the pre-aim malus I think?
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Hi, folks.


The throwing skill and the grenade weight manipulations were purely experimental. I will probably roll some of the changes back, or at least reduce the extent and the scope of them. BTW, ideas for creating hybrid classes is something I've been asking for for some time. If you have any suggestions, preferably detailed (perks. tactical purpose, etc.) - shoot... I'm listening. Best posted in my thread since I check it more frequently.


Komik's Random Storm is incompatible with BlunterMod for two primary reasons:

1. Komik's random encounters were attached to the original chapters. Some of those chapters are gone as I introduced new ones instead.

2. I didn't set a new database value ID of 1700000 from the very start, I made several hundred entries with the automatically assigned 1000000, which is what most modders do. I bet Komik did the same...meaning that a whole lot of things in both mods have conflicting IDs and thst leads to problems.


Now, concerning the perceived doctor problem... err... I don't think it is a problem or a bug.


To hit probability in the game is affected by several things. The most crucial one is one's shooting skill. Weapon's range is also very important. Familiarity adds to it as well, IIRC. Various skills, like "Rifle Specialization", improve shooting skill. There are other perks affecting to hit probability.

Garand and "Piggy" are 2 different weapons with one major distinction: range. Garand's 49 vs. "Piggy's" 60 is a big deal in to hit calculations. While those TH units are still in "Piggy's" operational range, for the Garand rifle they might be at a distance where its to hit probability starts going down dramatically.

Some rare weapons, "Piggy" included, have a slightly higher accuracy than their regular counterparts via a database tweak in the RPG Weapons table (1% or 3% in this case).


[EDIT] Oh, and let's not forget the character's stance. Some weapons are 'optimized' for crouch (like MGs) while many others favor prone position in their accuracy/ to hit probability assessments as well as shot AP requirements.


The best way to check it is to give those two weapons to the same person, switch to snipe mode, aim both at someone (a party member, for instance) at various distances and compare the results.



As far as handling is concerned, I still don't fully understand the mechanics behind it, so I can't comment.


Anyway, snipe skill has nothing to do with the accuracy dilemma you've encountered, I am afraid. It primarily affects the APs spent on aiming and the critical hit probability.


I hope this clears thing up a bit.



~ Blunter ~

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