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Apoc...with badass rockets


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Okay awhile ago probably a year or so my brother and I played apoc...He played more then I did so obviously he got farther, and then he stopped playing. He said that one alien took out like half his squad, he said it had a rocket launcher with a missile that by passes yer armor and kills you instantly. Could someone inform me on this please.
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Can't remember exactly what its called, Disrupter launcher or something. Its kinda like the Apoc version of the Blaster Launcher from UE.


Its like other weapons, they don't cause instant-death, they just deal more damage than your soldier has health. Same as any other game.


Most likely would be to get shields, and take him out ASAP

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Bypasses armour? Easy. Brainsucker launchers.


Hey, you cannot fault me there. *Technically*. it did answer the question correctly! :blink:


Seriously though, there's also the entropy launcher, which doesn't exactly bypass armour. It eats your armour. Your best immediate defense against these are disrupter shields. Lots of disrupter shields. They can take out almost a 3rd of your shield power cell per rocket. Your absolute best defense is evasion.


The dimension missile launcher doesn't exactly bypass your armour either. A full suit of disrupter (yes, I said full, not partial, full!) resists dimension missiles pretty well. Of course, if you're wearing a Marsec torso plate, trust me, if the game decides to damage your torso, you'll drop very easily.



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wOw...I must have not been that far in the game because I don't know ANYTHING of which you just said hehe...But yea my soldiers always have pinpoint accuracy, heres how...Take yer whole team and give them stun grappers, then once they have that raid a friendly building(must be 100% allied to you), then once you learn how to herd all the people in that building together just start shooting them, they won't shoot back cause you didn't hurt them, and if you do then...well thats just sad cause I don't know how you will, and keep doin that and yer accuracy will go up a lot :mad:
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Of course, if you're wearing a Marsec torso plate, trust me, if the game decides to damage your torso, you'll drop very easily.
I learned that one the hard way. We had to use a brush and dustpan to clean up what was left of the poor buggers who I dressed up in odd armour bits... :) Still, saved on the cremation costs :blink:
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Not if you only have one soldier evacuate. The missiles only get one person at a time, but the explosives in your pack, if you fail to drop them, can blow up if they are damaged. If you have any friendly units nearby, they'll get caught in the blast. What's worse, if the enzyme's eaten away all your armour, your soldier will most probably suffer instant death from those spare AP grenades you may have been lugging around.


I'd actually make an attempt to keep the soldier in combat unless the soldier faces certain death or is very critically wounded. The entropy enzyme wears off after a short while (about a turn or so for turn based and a couple of seconds in real-time), so if you're in a secluded area, dropping all your equipment and then running around helps. The smoke that emanates off your soldier provides a very minor smokescreen, which isn't much, but every bit helps, eh? One other option would be to stun the soldier with a stun grapple. The aliens tend to ignore stunned units.


All missiles in the game are homing missiles. Once a target is selected, the missile will try to home in on it. Luckily, missiles have a very hard time turning sharp corners. It's not that noticeable at the beginning, considering how fast the rockets are, but when you get the teleporters, I was actually shocked the first time I saw an entropy missile do a very wide turn after I'd teleported behind the missile. I laughed myself silly when the same thing happened with one of my minilauncher missiles and an alien that just decided to use its teleporter. :blink:



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haha...i know. i did that too. sometimes, the homeing system in the game gets confused tho, and it just does circles. or you just happen to be in a possition where the missle can't turn sharp inought and it does cirles. very funny. ^^ but one note, if you're gonna teleport just behind the missle, makesure it has used up a fair ammount of fuel. sometimes, if it still has ehough time, it can do a 360 and hit you still... ::rolls eyes::
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  • 2 weeks later...
If someone played Shadow Warrior, then you may remember those heat seeking missiles that sometimes acted in the same odd manner. Especially when fighting the last guy, that had this missile launcher. He shot several missiles at a time, which ended up circling around the battlefield, sometimes hitting him instead of me :blink:
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In UO, you fire, you get hit, period. It was mainly due to lag that my bro was ablke to outpace the thing for so long. Even if he had teleported away, the game would eventually regester the hit, as it was regestered on the server soon after it was thrown...
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  • 2 weeks later...
You know, has anyone ever seen enzyme damage a unit directly? Not counting impact damage when the missile itself hits, or the vortex mines that detonate all at once...actually, I don't think the enzyme eats at your agent at all...
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That's why you strip off everything and run around. :blink:


You do get eaten, since something has to be fuel for all the smoke that emanates off your body while the enzyme is active (your default jumpsuit maybe?), but there aren't any direct effects on your unit's stats.



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* grabs his entorpy launcher *


* looks down the barrel *


* pulls the trigger *




* nothing happens *


* he then tries to fire it at Ki-Tat *


* enzyme starts to eat Ki-Tat *


Yes, it would seem it does eat your soldiers.


* sprays Ki-Tat with a fire extenguisher *

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

The entropy launcher is the weapon I fear the most :)

It does kill agents without having to detonate any grenades he may have on his person at the time, but when that happens it's even worse.


As soon as I hear the noise of an entropy rocket launched, all you see of my agents is a blur running for the nearest cover! :blink:

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