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Poor old Apcoalypse

Stun Grenade

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Now who's claiming that Apocalypse is the bad one of the series? If anything, that title would belong to Enforcer, but even then Enforcer is good in its own way. But in the spirtit of the X-Com games, Enforcer is indeed the odd one out.


As for not finishing the game, the team who were making Apocalypse simply ran out of time (the publisher got tired of waiting, if I remember correctly) so they had to drop all they were working on and get the game publsihed.


It's a lot of fun as it is, and rather playable. However, it's rather saddening to see all of what could have been.



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* takes a deep breath *


* begins his anti-Microprose speel yet again - *


In the beginning there was Mythos, who made LaserSquad. But they couldn't find a publisher. Microprose, however, told them to make something similar, but bigger. And so UFO was made.


And it sold like hot cakes, and Microprose was very happy. So they said unto Mythos, go forth and make more! And Mythos said, sure, give us a while and we'll make another great game.


Stuff that idea, said Microprose, and they then went and made TFTD on their own, without Mythos. Their awesome skills resulted in a new graphical set, a changed tech tree, a couple of new weapons and a different plot (ei and expansion of UFO).


However, they did get Mythos in for Apocalypse. However, they wouldn't wait until the game was finished, so a lot of the stuff is half implemented, if at all. For example, there were going to be other items (such as the psi shield, which you -can- still find), and aliens were going to be crawling on the walls).


I don't think Mythos lasted long after that, due to something Microprose did, or some such thing. All other X-Com projects (which the exception of the X-Com based third person shooter, Enforcer) have met terrible ends.


Many people gripe about Apocalypse because it could have been better. As it is, however, it is still one of the better games you'll ever play.

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  • 3 weeks later...
In the beginning there was Mythos, who made LaserSquad. But they couldn't find a publisher. Microprose, however, told them to make something similar, but bigger. And so UFO was made.

Well, in the beginning there was nothing. :mad: Then suddenly Jullian appeared and made many interesting and good games for the time (for example Lords of Chaos). Then there was Rebelstar Raiders, Rebelstar 1&2, and then The Laser Squad. All this games were in fact the precursors of the x-com game.


...What was that I tell you all this for? Uhm, don't mind...:blink:


As for what I like the most...Who knows. I'd say it is UFO Defense, after all, though I like Apoc much also, especially the idea with the corporations and this cyberpunk background.

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Apoc would probably be the best one out of the seires if they had actually finnished it. But till then it's the 3rd best. UFO defense is #1 cause it was the first and most interesting, TFTD #2 cause it was bloody hard.
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Apoc was ok. When I finally got around to playing it I had a lot of fun with it but the graphics were just wrong. They were 2D/3D hybrid animations and they just didn't suit the games at all... No original is the best and always will be...
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  • 1 month later...
its a shame about most of it. TFTD was just a skin (several good additions, such as the ability to open doors without having to go through them and vibroblades etc), and apoc was never finnished. apoc is much easier and harder than both TFTD and UFO. much easier to manage the world side, cuz its just a city, and you could easily save a corp from being totally infiltrated. but yeah, UFO definatly on top of my list. the TFTD geoscape sucks totally. i know that they had to change details from the land to the sea, but still, its all blue anyway! and land is not yellow! UFO did an alright job on that aspect, the geoscape was awesome the firsttime i saw it (i played apoc, then tftd before ufo)
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  • 2 weeks later...
I didn't like apoc much before but recently I started playing it again and decided to give real time a try. The game was excellent!! Right when I stopped expecting it to be a x-com 1&2 clone and started accepting it as it is (very different game comparing to the first two) I started liking it. Yeah, it's different but it's a great game. Would like to have more challenge to battlescape though.
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again, man, if they finnished it....well...i'd be battling you guys right now on it. yep, for those of you who don't know (most of you do already), apoc was gonna have multiplay. and better politics. yum, politics, something we all like. :blink: and guess what, we could track, imprison, and assasinate any leader of any corp we wanted!


"Lets see here....whats this! a mark on a lawpistol slug (!) ? Leys go out and do some MarSec hunting"

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Pity that publisher always have to enforce something on the creative side. I mean, the game would sell better if it was finished, right? Personally I would like to see Apoc remade for XP. Even UFO & TFTD would be great if they were remade with just a little better graphic (ok, lot better graphic) and with little tweaks that would improve but not overly change the concept. Yeah, I know, in those days it was the best that could be done. But still, imagine UFO 1-3 with new graphic enine... it would be a sellout! Pity that people who hold money don't realize that. I would be the first in long line to buy such madeover games...
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But still, imagine UFO 1-3 with new graphic enine... it would be a sellout! Pity that people who hold money don't realize that. I would be the first in long line to buy such madeover games...

Actually I'm afraid there isn't THAT much ufo fans that it would be profitable idea. Most of old ufo gamers have grew up from the gaming age and the ones that still would love to see remake or sequal are too small crowd. :blink:

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I love Apoc. Infact, I rate it on the same level as UFO. TBH, I didn't like TFTD greatly. It was too samey.


Interceptor was good too, especially the multiplayer, as long as you play it in quick bursts, rather than prolonged. The downfall of XCI was that it got old quite quickly, so if you never let it get old, you love it.


Don't talk about enforcer.

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i think Apoc could have been alot better if it were finished (duh) or at least that it latsed longer. i hate how you can just power through the game and just cream the aliens in their dimension and everything just sits there to the point that you get bored equip an anhilator with disruptor weapons a few shields and single handedly level the city (with manual control of course) or you could raid the COS multiple times and get a ridicoulous score but it gets kinda monotonous... it went to the point that i actually cultivated aliens allowing some ships to make it and drop guys off in the city and i would just randomly dispatch troops to some locations... buuuuuuuuut Apoc is still my fav i think :blink:


EDIT: question. is there an editor that changes the frequency/amount of aliens that show up/get dropped off? if there is what is it?

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Apoc is a great game when it comes to squad based combat but terrible in terms of the frequency of alien attack, air interceptions, so many pointless/crappy items, and unfinished aspects.

If only there wasn't so many battles or more battles that you could skip (in X-Com 1/2 you could skip many missions UFO crash missions and only go to terror sites and still get a 1000 point + score). In Apoc you need to go to all the buildings the UFOs beam down troops into and all the buildings the aliens retreat to. (most of which you don't know untill the alien alert pops up).

Also the single city makes things annoying because you tend to have missions in the same few buildings which reduces the variaty you have.

It would of been better to just redo X-Com 1 but up the graphics, research, and add a real time option


*edit* The aliens in Apoc where patheric and annoying. I would rather blast some sectoids, ethereals, chrysalids, and i would love to see how many devistator blast a lobsterman would take before dieing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

lol it'd just be

*soldier shoots at lobbie*


*lobbie doesnt even turn around*


*soldier empties his gun into the back of lobbie*

Lobbie: huh, I thought the annoying little bugs come out later in the year

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