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Marsec have turned into a bounch of alien lovers


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As the title explains, all of a sudden marsec became a bunch of alien lovers. If I try to bribe them they tell me the relations cant be improved as long as we oppose their alien friends blah blah. But i don't get it, there 0% infilitrated and never were infiltrated.


Does anyone have an idea how this may have happend?

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There are two ways an orgnisation can get hostile with X-Com. First is infiltration, as per usual with a large squad of aliens infesting a building for too long, and the dangerous micronoid rain. Total infiltration is unrecoverable.


The second method: the organisation gets fed up with X-Com. Either by X-Com constantly causing damage to their property or attacking one of their allies. They can only take so much until they start seeing you as a threat to their business.


Oh, and by damaging property, I mean actual damage that occurs to the interior of the building, no matter who fired the shot. In 'raids', even if you don't fire any offensive shots, but one of their guards stupidly tosses an armed proximity mine (they do things like that, you know) and steps on it, X-com will be blamed for the damage. It won't be seen in the score tally, but the somewhat hidden PR score between X-Com and the organisation will suffer.


Transtellar in particular tends to end up refusing to negotiate with X-Com if you have too many sloppy air skirmishes in the city. Since they've had enough of X-Com, X-Com's enemy, the aliens, are now technically their allies (although the aliens might not know this). So since you're constantly attacking their 'ally' they'll just keep getting angrier with you.


However, one advantage is that you can still repair relations with them by attacking their sworn enemies. They'll just never accept any bribes from you anymore. They may still ask for restituition payments, which you should pay at every opportunity.


It gets even better when the aliens send in an overspawn. Hopefully its random wandering pattern will have it stomp flat one of these stubborn organisation's buildings. This'll make the organisation perceive the aliens as their enemies again. This is a Good-Thing™. Or maybe you can wait until the Apocalypse raid (or whatever it's called), where the aliens go nuts and start blowing the city up.


I suppose you can think of it as a condition that's not as bad as total infiltration. All it takes is a bit of politics, or waiting for an overspawn to come along and make them see the error of their ways.



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  • 1 month later...

If you play long enough, the game can reach a certain point where the aliens will send in some of the biggest and baddest ships they have and start blasting Megaprimus into little itty bitty pieces rather than delivering the usual payload of alien eggs and guards or micronoid rain.


If you cleaned out the alien dimension early on and send in a regular clean-up patrol, the aliens won't be able to perform this attack -- well, obviously. :power:



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afaik... as soon as they hit 50% they're lost... the definate way of telling is if you try to do a cash settlement with them. if they say that its inpossible while you oppose their alien friends, then they're lost, so blow them into little pieces and steal their stuff...



which reminds me... anyone remember why an organisation would turn to aliens in week 4 for no apparent reason? (ie: they aren't infiltrated at all)


i lost osiron and diablo that way... although... i can still buy from diablo, and there was no "our sources say they're alien lovers" screen... just the "no settlement" and they hate me bit....


*ponders* no matter i'll just dust 'em

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No, organisations won't go hostile on you for no apparent reason -- except when they're exposed to micronoid rain.


Some organisations can get so fed up with X-Com that they completely refuse to accept any bribes that are offered offered to them (though they will accept it if they ask for it). Like Transtellar for example. If they don't get infiltrated, they'll eventually go hostile on you if there are too many air skirmishes in the city and your misfired shots are constantly ripping up their roads and knocking out their people tubes. This is why I like to bring the air battles over to the AD fast -- it gets rid of the political aspect of the game entirely, since you no longer have to worry about aliens in the city.


Also, for other organisations, you might be attacking one of their allies a little too often.


It doesn't mean these hostile organisations are with the aliens just yet (believe it or not, this also includes the Cult of Sirius). They've just given up X-Com as a lost cause, since you're harming their business in some way (in the cult's case, you're attacking their objects of obsession -- as if the tame sectoids and hybrids weren't enough!). As the saying goes 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend', they start thinking of the aliens as their friends, since they're not harming their business as much as X-Com is -- so they might as well support them. The aliens probably don't know this -- as their Overspawn will just step on everything -- even the buildings of their 100% infiltrated allies.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
If they have no cash, they won't do a damn thing to ya, in fact my mormal tactic when an organisation became alien lovers was to go to their corporate headquartes, and load until it's the type of HQ held up with pillars :power: wade in with the D-Cannons and V-Mines and watch it go tumbling down....
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Um, hold up. Psyke and Diablo are both hostile, and due to my actions and that of my allies, we've pushed them well into the negatives by both raids and aerial attacks. They've been in the negatives for quite some time, with no hope of recovery.


However, one bunch of nuts (Psyke) keep sending aerial attacks against my warehouse and my recyclotorium (the one in the superhuman map). Mostly hovercars, but they're nothing against my explorers. The other, Diablo, keeps sending raids against me. Poor buggers, even with disrupter shields and devestator cannons, they're no match for my plasma defense corridor.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Companies see the aliens as just another company (thought you can't get them on your list). So, they can ally with the aliens. Marsec would be very interested in their technology, for instacne, so they always seem to turn to the dark side. Don't worry, when the apocalypse hits everyone will be throwing flowers at you... :power:


I often find Nutrivend (or whoever owns the hydrofarms) tend to get a bit annoyed with me when the aliens go after the water supply (those big huge frame things with the walkways up the top are just so fun to destroy. Have you ever seen it rain aliens? :bomber: ). However, after the aliens stop, they ally with you big time...

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