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TFTD Extender


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i'm wondering if the "dead end" had something to do with armor and the person who wrote the complaint hadn't paid attention to notes about it. Thanks for checking it for me. I know all the changes so I need fresh eyes on it.


I ran into some problems with reorganizing my files. I had them in one location but decided to move them to have them located in the same way that I do for UFO extender. I finally have all the kinks worked out for that, am now in the process of organizing all the code into better categories similar to what I eventually did with UFO Extender, and I am slowly updating a lot of the already written code to better stuff that I did while working with EU more.

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i'm wondering if the "dead end" had something to do with armor and the person who wrote the complaint hadn't paid attention to notes about it. Thanks for checking it for me. I know all the changes so I need fresh eyes on it.

Yes - there was a user named PeachGirl who didn't understand Your clues but finally got it right:


[spoilerS BELOW]


Well, after getting both a dead and a live Lobsterman from that last Alien Colony, I do have to say... you were spot-on right about it! I just didn't expect Ion Armor to be so "hard" to get. I mean, you can get Plastic Aqua Armor relatively early in the game by obtaining just a Deep One corpse. I therefore thought the next tier armor would be derived from some of the mid-game aliens, particularly a terrorist alien (to follow in the same line as Plastic Aqua Armor).



Retrospectively, Lobsterman does indeed seem to make more logical sense now (down to the yellow color of it and all!). Although It'd be perhaps nicer if Magnetic-Ion Armor was a little harder to get afterwards, since by the time you get a Lobsterman you will have already gotten Magnetic Navigation a long time ago.


His (or her) topic is still on the first page of Terror From The Deep subforum - here.


I ran into some problems with reorganizing my files. I had them in one location but decided to move them to have them located in the same way that I do for UFO extender. I finally have all the kinks worked out for that, am now in the process of organizing all the code into better categories similar to what I eventually did with UFO Extender, and I am slowly updating a lot of the already written code to better stuff that I did while working with EU more.

Glad to hear that You're still doing excellent job - keep us posted about new stuff! smile.png

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Just a point of clarification: Does your PWT Displacer have an entry for snapshot in the attack menu?

No. There is only "Launch torpedo" entry.

Has anyone encountered any issues with the technology tree still having dead ends? I saw someone mention this somewhere but no details were ever given on what was not available.

Some specific conditions could result a dead end in tech tree. See Post #399 for example

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No. There is only "Launch torpedo" entry.


Some specific conditions could result a dead end in tech tree. See Post #399 for example


Thanks. I didn't think so, but needed to verify.


That's not really the dead end to which I was referring but it is a problem. I'll have to see why KOed creatures are not being saved correctly. It seems to me that the check for containment is passing, else you would get the "no containment" message at the end of combat, but the code responsible for making the transfer determines there is not. Another issue to add to the list....

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Game somehow automatically kills captured aliens. Example: we need Deep one to evolve an Ion armor etc. Gillmen attack a XCOM base(savegame attached). The base has Alien containment. We dealt with them, 4 aliens are paralysed. Amongst them are 2 Deep ones. Mission debriefing counts 4 live aliens. However, in transfer list we see Deep ones corpses instead of live creatures. Thus XCOM cannot evolve to Ion armor and finish the war properly. To avoid the issue, one need a savegame editor to spawn a Deep one in alien containment forcibly.


It was always part of the game that once you research a particular live alien (and its rank) the game would stop capturing that alien rank. I don't know if this worked in UFO or rather, it was never noticed because research into one of the important live aliens always gave the linked technology as soon as research was complete.


This is one of the main issues for creating a tech tree dead end. The easiest solution is to just stop the game from killing the already researched live aliens, since players can manage their alien containment through the "transfer" screen.

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It was always part of the game that once you research a particular live alien (and its rank) the game would stop capturing that alien rank. I don't know if this worked in UFO or rather, it was never noticed because research into one of the important live aliens always gave the linked technology as soon as research was complete.


This is one of the main issues for creating a tech tree dead end. The easiest solution is to just stop the game from killing the already researched live aliens, since players can manage their alien containment through the "transfer" screen.


It seems the game checks if a new UFOpaedia entry could be opened by researching a particular alien, then an captured alien is placed in alien containment. Else alien is killed. Game does not check if any new research can be possible. This is a result of the several aliens of SAME specie could give DIFFERENT results in research tree.

Interesting: medic interrogation could only open entry in ufopaedia, but has no effect on tech tree.


Possibly, if the auto-killing is off, then the large aliens could be captured?

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It seems the game checks if a new UFOpaedia entry could be opened by researching a particular alien, then an captured alien is placed in alien containment. Else alien is killed. Game does not check if any new research can be possible. This is a result of the several aliens of SAME specie could give DIFFERENT results in research tree.

Interesting: medic interrogation could only open entry in ufopaedia, but has no effect on tech tree.


Possibly, if the auto-killing is off, then the large aliens could be captured?

What you wrote is more technically correct. The code checks the status of the ufopaedia entries. Which means that researching a medic who also gives you the information on Deep Ones would result in a block in the tech tree, since the game would stop attempting to capture them from that point onward.


If I disabled this then you will keep all KO aliens even if they have been researched in the past, until the ASTORE.DAT file is filled.


When I implement the code that allows players to kill unwanted captured aliens, I'll disable the code.

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  • 1 month later...

I've completed a lot of the updates for old code and included some new stuff to fix a few issues. I haven't had a lot of time to test everything, so please report any errors with the exact circumstances and error message. Thanks for supporting the TFTD Extender!


1.07.3 beta:

  • Fixed tentacaults not attacking
  • Fix for crash when alien units change levels on the battlescape
  • Players will now always capture all aliens even after they have researched that particular alien type and rank.
  • Fix for crash when unit becomes a zombie / zombie hatches.
  • Added a delay to alien melee attack so it is easier to see how many attacks occurred.
  • Berserk units will not get extra time, especially with sonic cannons.
  • Alien will only remember a unit for 1 round for MC attacks. I've Increased the range penalties for MC Control so it will be less likely to control distant units the map.
  • Panicked units will not run off the map.
  • Removed the additional window that opened when the user started the Extender.

1.07.3 beta[2016/03/04]:

  • Fix for a crash during battles
  • The game will now load all unit graphics when loading a saved battle. This will prevent invisible units and seems to make the game more stable.
  • Items without owners will not be collected if the player aborts a mission.


  • Ion Armor will now be unlocked correctly with Alternate Tech Tree mod under options 1 and 2.
  • Replaced the prerequisite for Ion Armor from a live Deep One to Zrbite on option 1 and 2.


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The forumla for how radars (sensors) stack is:

lgradar=pow(0.9,(num of lg radr)), smradar=pow(0.8,(num))


long detection = (1-lgradar)*100 short detection=(1-[lgradar*smradar])*100.


so two large radars would give: [1-(0.9*0.9)]*100 or 19% chance to detect.


a large and small radar would give you [1-(0.9*0.8)]*100 or 10% long range and 28% short range detection.

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I've completed a lot of the updates for old code and included some new stuff to fix a few issues. I haven't had a lot of time to test everything, so please report any errors with the exact circumstances and error message. Thanks for supporting the TFTD Extender!

Yeah!!! It's a pleasure serving with You sir! smile.png


Couple of questions though:

1) There are 2 new mods - "Ablative Armor" and "EU2012 Item Rules". What are they doing??

2) Arrows (left, right etc.) do not function at all, either at Geoscape or at Battlescape - a bug? It isn't new problem because I've also had this problem in older version (1.07.2).

3) I'm using a mod "Start with Alternate Tech Tree" which is set to level 2 so I should get Ion Armor without needing to research live Deep One. But recently I've researched Plastic Aqua Armor and after that I didn't get Ion Armor. I had to research live Deep One anyway to see it on my research topics list. However it's possible that I've changed level after starting the game but only from 1 to 2 so maybe it's a bug. Important - it's a save from older version - 1.07.2.

4) When TFTDextender is windowed, in my case it's 1280x1024 (max resolution of my LCD), it's doesn't aply "screen ratio" setting. I don't know if it's normal behavior or not. When I switch to full screen everything is OK.


And that's all for now, I'll report when I'll find something unusual.

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Ablative Armor: No changes for AP weapons but armor is more effective against HE, gauss, and sonic. However, these attacks quickly reduce the armor in the location hit. In regards to the armor value used to determine stun damage applied to a target, the stun rod is treated as an AP attack but the Stun Bomb is treated like HE. Neither stun attack damages the armor.



EU2012 Items Rules: Alien weapons have a high probability to self-destruct if their owner dies, aliens that die in explosions will have all their items destroyed, fire is highly destructive to high-tech items. Units that panic will not drop items they are holding.


3. Alternate Tech Tree 2 -> isn't that the mode where you need lobsterman corpse, shouldn't Tech Tree 1 remove the need of Live Deep one?

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Silencer - thanks for info. As for "Start with Alternate Tech Tree" this is description from ExtenderINIref.txt:

*Start with Alternate Tech Tree: Provides varyious stacking levels of changes to the research paths. (Once chosen, this is set for the game)

Can choose up to 3 levels:

-----level 1: Removes the required research of a live Deep One for Ion Armor.

-----level 2: Also makes the vibroblade available for research when found. A calcinite autopsy is required for the thermic lance.

So as I understand it level 2 is level 1 + additional tech tree changes.


Done some testing and after intercepting landed USO on Alien Resource Raid and then aborting the mission I got mission summary screen with unusual message:


Maybe it's because Resource Raid also for X-COM? grin.gif

During recovery of shot downed USO everything is fine - no Zrbite for free.

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Unfortunately new version isn't working on my system (Windows XP SP3). On Geoscape everything is fine but when I sent my aquanauts on a mission to recover shot down USO it crashes after couple of turns. All I get is this error message:



BTW, I can't get any version of TFTDextender to work on Windows 7. It crashes after running main executable. Any useful tips / guides?

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  • Fix for a crash during battles
  • Fix an error with the Alternate Tech Tree mod: Option 1 now stacks correctly with Option 2.
  • The game will now load all unit graphics when loading a saved battle. This will prevent invisible units and seems to make the game more stable.

Click here to download

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Unfortunately new version isn't working on my system (Windows XP SP3). On Geoscape everything is fine but when I sent my aquanauts on a mission to recover shot down USO it crashes after couple of turns.

BTW, I can't get any version of TFTDextender to work on Windows 7. It crashes after running main executable. Any useful tips / guides?


I had a typo in one routine which was causing the crash.


Some people get the Extender to work with no problem and others find their system doesn't like it at all. I think it has to do with video or sound drivers but that is just a guess. Does the original _patched.exe loader work?

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1.07.3 beta10:

  • Fix for a crash during battles
  • Fix an error with the Alternate Tech Tree mod: Option 1 now stacks correctly with Option 2.


Thanks Tycho! Testing it right now and everything seems to be working fine in Battlescape mode.


Although I've still have a problem with Alternate Tech Tree mod but this may have something with my stupidity dntknw.gif To test this mod I've started a new game with Option 2 selected and using an editor I've put into my stores a Deep One corpse and small amount of Aqua Plastics. Next I've done the research:

- first Deep One corpse which unblocked Aqua Plastics,

- after researching Aqua Plastics I got Plastic Aqua Armour,

- now to obtain Ion Armour I should research Ion-Beam Accelerators but after researching it I get nothing. I even tried researching Accelerators before Plastic Aqua Armour but result is the same - I don't have "Ion Armour" topic.

I know I'm missing something but what?

I've attached my savegame -seems that "7z" file format is not permitted.


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  • Ion Armor will now be unlocked correctly with Alternate Tech Tree mod under options 1 and 2.
  • Replaced the prerequisite for Ion Armor from a live Deep One to Zrbite on option 1 and 2.

Click here to download


Thanks to Ros for helping me isolate the problem!


The issue wasn't in my logic for unlocking the research but that the section of code, where Ion Armor is unlocked, is skipped if the completed research is not a live alien. I had to alter the code to shorten the jump destination.

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I had a typo in one routine which was causing the crash. Some people get the Extender to work with no problem and others find their system doesn't like it at all. I think it has to do with video or sound drivers but that is just a guess. Does the original _patched.exe loader work?


Yes, it works! Thanks Tycho for the tip! I haven't been using Steam version because it's very strange DOS / Collector's Edition hybrid. Instead I've been using CE version downloaded from some abandonware site. Yesterday I've applied TFTDextender on my Steam version and it worked. So I guess it's not that bad anyway smile.png



  • Ion Armor will now be unlocked correctly with Alternate Tech Tree mod under options 1 and 2.
  • Replaced the prerequisite for Ion Armor from a live Deep One to Zrbite on option 1 and 2.

Click here to download Thanks to Ros for helping me isolate the problem! The issue wasn't in my logic for unlocking the research but that the section of code, where Ion Armor is unlocked, is skipped if the completed research is not a live alien. I had to alter the code to shorten the jump destination.


It's been a pleasure smile.png Thanks Tycho - You're THE MAN!

One question about new version though. In my playthrough I'm at the beginning of March - so to finally have Ion Armor I should just copy Your updated files or begin a new game?

And last but not least - would it be complicated to add a functionality of increasing or decreasing the in-game music volume? Right now music is very loud and there's no way to change volume. Besides it'd be cool for example to play UFO: Cydonias Fall soundtrack smile.png There was such possibility in DOS version but I think only in Battlescape.

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Yes, it works! Thanks Tycho for the tip! I haven't been using Steam version because it's very strange DOS / Collector's Edition hybrid. Instead I've been using CE version downloaded from some abandonware site. Yesterday I've applied TFTDextender on my Steam version and it worked. So I guess it's not that bad anyway smile.png

From what I understand about the Steam version, you get both the CE and DOS version but the link that steam creates activates DOSBOX and the DOS version only. I'm not sure if it has been changed now or remains that way. I know a lot of people wanted a link to get steam credit for playing the CE version, and I think someone on their forums figured out how to do that.

One question about new version though. In my playthrough I'm at the beginning of March - so to finally have Ion Armor I should just copy Your updated files or begin a new game?

There should be no problem with continuing your game but if you've already researched all the prerequisites for Ion Armor, it won't be available until you complete research on something else.

And last but not least - would it be complicated to add a functionality of increasing or decreasing the in-game music volume? Right now music is very loud and there's no way to change volume. Besides it'd be cool for example to play UFO: Cydonias Fall soundtrack smile.png There was such possibility in DOS version but I think only in Battlescape.

If you mean Mp3 music, it shouldn't be that much trouble to put a volume control on it, as I've already done so in UFO. MIDI music is another issue. UFO had the problem of the sounds being too loud. I had to implement BASS for everything to fix that issue.

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From what I understand about the Steam version, you get both the CE and DOS version but the link that steam creates activates DOSBOX and the DOS version only. I'm not sure if it has been changed now or remains that way. I know a lot of people wanted a link to get steam credit for playing the CE version, and I think someone on their forums figured out how to do that.


Actually, I've found out it's very simple. All I had to was copy Extender files to my Terror From The Deep Steam directory and run TFTDextender.exe. It works like charm, although I don't have time right now to test it further. Besides I've created backup directory of TFTD Steam directory and I run Extender from there.


There should be no problem with continuing your game but if you've already researched all the prerequisites for Ion Armor, it won't be available until you complete research on something else.


Ok, thanks for the answer. I did quick test and in my current game, after researching Ion-Beam Accelerators, I've finally got Ion Armour (although I've already researched live Deep One). Also in my new, test game everything worked as You described. So thanks again!


If you mean Mp3 music, it shouldn't be that much trouble to put a volume control on it, as I've already done so in UFO. MIDI music is another issue. UFO had the problem of the sounds being too loud. I had to make BASS control all the sounds to fix that issue.


Yes, I meant MP3 music. Would it be possible for OGG files (which actually I'm using from some OpenXCOM mod) as well? They have the exactly same names as MP3's.

I've found out that in Steam DOS version "README.txt" it's written as follows:


Pressing Plus key '+' or Minus Key '-' anytime whilst playing X-COM: Terror From the Deep will increase or decrease the in-game music volume.

So maybe it'd be a good idea to use those keys?

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Yes, I meant MP3 music. Would it be possible for OGG files (which actually I'm using from some OpenXCOM mod) as well? They have the exactly same names as MP3's.

I think BASS will play them. Have you already tried them?


So maybe it'd be a good idea to use those keys?

The game has no internal controls over sounds or music. Those keys probably control the volume of DOSBOX.

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I think BASS will play them. Have you already tried them?


Yeah, I already have tried them as I prefer OGG Vorbis over MP3. BASS plays them without any problems.


The game has no internal controls over sounds or music. Those keys probably control the volume of DOSBOX.


I've checked it and they control music volume but only in Battlescape and only in DOS version (it's not a future of DOSBox). As I understand Your post it'd be very hard to implement this function to CE version?

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