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Finnish Line - CMBB AAR


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1939. With the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, eastern Europe was secretly divided up into Soviet and German spheres of interest. Finland was to fall under the Soviet sphere. Yet, unable to obtain concessions from Finland through negotiations, the Soviet Union invaded. The Winter War began.


Outnumbered, with essentially no tank forces, a tiny air force, and a lack of materiel, the Finns attempted to stop the Soviets.


This will be me controlling the Finns, versus a Soviet attack, in 1939, very early in the Winter War. It's cold and still, overcast, and there has been a light snow recently. The battle will be 50 turns. The terrain is mostly flat, some very gentle slopes, covered with a lot of scattered trees.


Overhead view of the battlefield.



High angle view.





3x Jaakari ("fighter" I believe, basically, infantry) platoons.

4x Maxim machine guns.

3x Boys 13.9mm anti-tank rifles.

5x Lahti L-39 20mm anti-tank rifles.

2x machine gun bunkers.

1x BA-20 armoured (ha!) car.


They are laid out thusly:


1) Lahti ATR team and BA-20 AC. Guarding my left flank, Lahti on the upper floor.

2) Glad's platoon.

3) Airaane's platoon, approx 70% strength, with Maxim and Lahti teams.

4) Narvola's bunker. Surrounded by barbed wire, will not be easy for infantry to assault.

5) Maxim and Lahti teams. Covering the road from the upper floor.

6) Viljakainen's bunker and Lahti team in trench behind it. Covering Eriksson's platoon.

7) Maxim and Boys teams. Covering the road.

8) Eriksson's platoon and Lahti team. Sitting in trenches, behind barbed wire.


Not shown are two Boys ATR teams, one on the far right and far left, guarding against flanking vehicles.




Hold the village. Soviet penetration into Finland must be stopped dead.




My ATRs should be mobile and respond to armoured threats. The two Boys ATRs out on the wings especially should be prepared to come in quickly and engage passing armour. Eriksson's platoon should be able to hold, given its prepared position, but the other two will have to be fluid and keep moving if needed. The BA-20, ideally, will not get killed by a tank, and will provide quick-response MG fire. My Maxim MGs have plenty of ammo, and they can lay down all the fire they want. I want to keep the bunkers alive as long as possible, so they will be covered by MGs and ATRs.


Turn 1


On the left, Lyytikainen's Lahti team watches over the BA-20 AC, their view impeded by trees, but with clear lanes of fire extending up to 700m in places.


The 20mm Lahti L-39 anti-tank rifle is heavy and unwieldy, but the three-man team are adept and have grown used to it. They no longer curse it as much as they once did, anyway. With 112 rounds of ammo, divided roughly 50%/40%/10% between AP/HE/T, they know they can give a good account of themselves.


On the opposite side of the Finnish position, Eriksson's platoon are as happy as men in open positions can be.


It is their turn to occupy the trenches instead of the warm houses of the village, but they make the best of it, huddled down close to each other for warmth, in good cold weather gear, feet clear of the slush in the bottom of the trenches. The Lahti team are on overwatch, looking and listening for the enemy. Situated so close to the roadblock, they know this position is likely to be where first contact with the enemy will happen.


Turn 2


Dedicated to covering the road are a Maxim team in the house on the left, and a Boys team in the house on the right.


Each team has sorted out a good firing position, stacking ammo neatly close by, lining their weapon up on the road, noting ranges and likely routes of approach. They know that when the enemy vehicles spot the roadblock, they will have a few seconds to take advantage of that surprise.


To their left lies Narvola's bunker. Dug several feet into the earth, which is as hard and as cold as iron, it is stoutly constructed of local lumber, and fenced off on three sides by barbed wire. Its machine gun has thousands of rounds of ammo on hand, close by and safe from the elements.


Not sited to cover the road itself, but the approach to the village through the forest if, say, a column of vehicles spotted a roadblock and then sought the shortest route through the woods. It is watched over by a Maxim team and a Lahti team, sharing the upper floor of the village hall.


Turn 3


And to their left lies Airaane's platoon, accompanied by a Maxim team and a Lahti team.


With 8 men missing from 31, the platoon is under-strength, but they are the only veterans there, scoured and chafed rough by their recent acquaintance with war. The solid core of the Finnish force and position. They have more Molotovs and grenade bundles than the other two platoons combined.


Behind Airaane's platoon, covering the other side of the road, lies Vil's bunker, covered by a Lahti team. The bunker, identical in construction to Narvola's, lacks only the finishing touch of barbed wire.


The bunker is sited to cover Eriksson's platoon and the right side of the road. The Lahti team, secure in their trench and managing to stay at least somewhat comfortable, ensures no tanks will be able to KO the bunker without trouble.


Turn 4


Last but not least, between the BA-20 AC and Ariane's platoon, lies Glad's platoon.


No casualties, but no experience of war, yet, they sit in houses which are dry, if not as warm as they would like because the NCOs will not allow fires, and wait. One man begins to whistle and is promptly cuffed around the head and asked if he would like his face to be used as a sleigh.


Turn 5


The Lahti team in the village hall decides that perhaps a more forward position, somewhere covered by Narvola's bunker, might be better, for early warning purposes, if not for shooting. Just as they leave the building's warmth for the still, frigid air of winter, an enemy is spotted. An armoured car?


The Boys ATR team opens fire, and misses. The shooter swears at the gun and reloads. He misses again. The Maxim team across the road, watching this happen with something between horror and hilarity, decides to help. Two bursts of fire send rounds spanging off armour. The Boys misses again. A Lahti joins in.


A hit, a scream, and the armoured car rolls to a halt. "That's what you want, lads." The Lahti shooter slaps the massive rifle affectionately. "Good Finnish engineering, none of that British shit."


Turn 6


The surviving crewman piles out of the armoured car and runs for it. The Maxim team let him have a few rounds for a laugh, and watch him disappear into the trees. "Come back, Ivan, you've left your engine running!"


Turn 7


Merikallio's Lahti team, spurred on by the beginning of the battle, hurry on and reach their destination, a house just forward of Narvola's bunker, with a good view of the road.


They set up quickly, the abandoned armoured car a cheering reminder of what they can do.


Turn 8


With every unit now alerted, waiting becomes painful. Men check their weapons for the tenth time. Airaane nudges the closest private. "Have they all ran away?"


Turn 9


Merikallio's decision is quickly justified by the appearance of another armoured car. The death of its predecessor doesn't put it off.


Nor do three 20mm penetrations, to Merikallio's annoyance. A third armoured car comes into view.


Turn 10


As the second armoured car is hidden by trees, Merikallio spots the third and swaps targets. Multiple penetrations stop the armoured car.


It reverses out of sight. Merikallio grins smugly. And although hidden from him, the third AC is still in view of the Boys ATR...
















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Turn 11


The Boys ATR opens up on the reversing AC, and the shooter's occasional curses become constant as hits ricochet away into the woods, deflected by the steeply sloped armour. Composing himself, he waits for the AC to stop, and when it does, thinking it is sheltered by trees on both sides, he fires.


The ATRs are doing exactly what they have to do. Take out or drive back the enemy armour, forcing the infantry to come and fight alone.


Turn 12


The Maxim opens up on the remaining AC, and the commander ducks inside, slamming his hatch. Wuolle's Lahti team leaves Eriksson's trench for a better view of the road.


Turn 13


Wuolle doesn't need to move very far before getting eyes on a good stretch of road, and the remaining AC. He sets up amidst the trees, and starts shooting.


He only hits once, and curses his nervousness.


Turn 14


Wuolle has no luck with the AC, still missing most of his shots despite the close range, and his nerves are not helped when the Maxim opens up on enemy infantry.


The Soviets ignore the machine gun fire as they hurry through the trees, but are turned back by concentrated fire from Eriksson's platoon. How did they manage to get so close?


Turn 15


Soviet infantry get closer, using the trees as much as they can, and Eriksson begins to regret not asking for one of the Maxims to be put alongside his platoon in the trench. The enemy are not even a hundred metres away, and Wuolle is beginning to regret leaving the trench. He tries to get his job over with.


AC crippled, he wonders whether to try and slip back into the trench before the enemy spot it and start laying down fire, or fall back towards the village...


Turn 16


Jaakola's Maxim team in the village hall move to a different corner, hoping to get a view of the road and still cover Narvola's bunker, as Eriksson's platoon start firing in earnest. Velin's Maxim, covering the road, is firing constantly now, sewing the trees with lead as a long stream of men flicker into view, heading for Eriksson's platoon.


Eriksson really wishes he had a Maxim with him.


Turn 17


Jaakola finishes setting up, loads a belt, and joins in.


Two Maxims are strafing the Soviets as they go, and even Merikallio has a pop, sending several 20mm HE rounds exploding amongst the trees, kicking up puffs of snow.


Eriksson's platoon keep up a steady, disciplined fire. Accurate mortar fire begins to hit their position, including an airburst in the branches above that miraculously, does not cause any casualties.


But a following round does, dropping squarely into the trench and killing a man. Eriksson wonders why this had to happen to him.


Turn 18


Liimatainen directs his driver, and the BA-20 churns around in the snow, and heads off up the road to help out Eriksson's platoon. As it does, bullets ring on its flank.


Could be just a BA-20, but the tentative ID says something with a 45mm gun turret, maybe a BA-10, so Liima is better off down the road while ATRs puncture it.


Turn 19


Liima's BA-20 joins in, along with two Maxim teams, to make three MGs trained on the Soviet infantry attack, and stop it in the trees. One or two units try to venture out and are quickly shot up by Eriksson's platoon. But the mortar fire keeps coming, and Eriksson, joining the firefight with his SMG, estimates it is at least two 50mm mortars. Knowing the depth of Soviet ammo issue, he becomes even more worried. It might be time to pull out.


The airburst sends fragments of metal and wood slashing through the air, and another man goes down, sinking to the floor of the trench, groaning. Wuolle's Lahti team falls back past Eriksson, ducking under the incoming fire.


Turn 20


Kaartamo's Lahti team, still gloating over killing the first AC, hurry to a new position further to the left, slipping into a house, setting the huge rifle on a table, and sighting out a window.


No sign of the enemy vehicle. Lyytikainen can't see it either, even with his higher viewpoint.


Both teams settle down to wait, hardly daring to breathe.


Turn 21


Eriksson has had enough. He shouts for the first section to fall back as he reloads his SMG, and the other members of the platoon HQ add their rifle fire to the fight. The section pauses, takes a deep breath almost as one, and leaps out of the trench, to scramble and tumble through snow and trees, across a stretch of open ground, to another stand of trees, where they turn and get ready to lay down covering fire. A mortar bomb airbursts above them.


Face-down in the snow, a piece of hot metal sizzling near his head, a private is heard to mutter "That was closer than I'd like."


Over on the left, Kaartmo spots enemies through the scope of his rifle.


Frantic hand signals pass the message to Lyyti, who passes it on to Glad's platoon. An infantry response is needed.


Turn 22


Eriksson gives the word for his second section to fall back, and the Soviets take advantage as the weight of fire from the Finns lessens. A platoon attacks, starting across the open ground, but most are turned back by MG fire. One unit reaches Eriksson's position, and gets entangled in the barbed wire.


Eriksson hesitates for a fraction of a second, then hurls a grenade and strafes the unit with his SMG, emptying a magazine into their prone forms. They are wiped out. Eriksson, having just killed men doing the same job he does, but on the Soviet side, feels nothing but fierce joy. His men are going to get out of the shit. The platoon sergeant informs him they have less than half their ammo remaining.


On the left, the AC reappears. Kaartamo and Lyyti both engage it, causing several penetrations, and it reverses as fast as the Soviet infantry advance, sprinting through the snow.


There's no machine gun lined up over on that flank, so Liima's BA-20 returns, simply reversing down the road and rotating the turret, stopping behind a house for cover.
















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Turn 23


Eriksson carries on shooting, and gives the second section the order to retreat, even as Soviet fire intensifies and the third section is pinned.


No more casualties are taken. One of the Maxims covering the retreat jams for a few seconds, but then resumes.


The enemy AC noses into view on the left again, and Lyyti promptly holes it. Enemy infantry try to cover open ground and Glad's entire platoon opens up on them.


The AC reverses out of sight, the enemy infantry runs away. Liima mans the BA-20's MG and laces the woods with fire.


Turn 24


Liima, taking a break from machine-gunning invading foreigners, spots bad news approaching.


What looks like at least three vehicles, coming down the centre. Liima orders the driver to get them behind another house for cover as a shell screams past.


Valo's Maxim team moves from the safety of an integrated position with Airaane's platoon to cover the left. Setting up on the edge of some woods, they soon find targets.


At least one 50mm mortar, and perhaps a platoon of infantry? Bad news.


Turn 25


On the right, Eriksson orders the last section to retreat, lets his men empty their rifle magazines, and then leads them off, as Vil's bunker starts laying down MG fire just beyond the barbed wire.


The last section is a little slow to start, still shaky from being pinned, but soon gets the idea and starts running, chased by Soviet lead.


Merikallio realises, perhaps a little too late, that the forward position he wanted might just have become a death trap. His team grab the Lahti and nip out the back.


The Soviets have no trouble spotting them, and soon they are face-down with bullets flicking up icy sprays from the snow nearby.


Turn 26


With a Lahti and Maxim currently positioned close to lots of trees on the left, and hence vulnerable to infantry assault, Glad sends out one of his sections to cover them.


A fortuitous choice, as an enemy unit comes into view, passing Kaartamo's house at a sprint. With supporting fire from a section of Airaane's platoon, Rimminen's section gets into a firefight.


Narvola finally gets involved, spraying several advancing vehicles and keeping them buttoned up.


He takes a little return fire, none of which is accurate, and switches to target some infantry off to the right, laughing at Soviet incompetence.


Eriksson keeps the withdrawal steady and disciplined, sending a section and Wuolle's Lahti team on ahead.


A little more time, a little more distance, and the platoon will be safe, the enemy barred from pursuit by Vil's bunker MG.


Turn 27


Velin's Maxim team realises that the time for falling back may have passed unnoticed.


With empty cartridge casings everywhere, Velin has less than a third of his ammo left. With little else to do, he continues to lay down fire, as Merikallio's Lahti team hides behind some trees, and Tamminen's Boys team make themselves scarce.


Despite supporting fire and enthusiastic use of their own weapons, including grenades, Rimminen's section takes a casualty.


Inexperienced, and out of sight of their platoon HQ, the section panics.


The overall battle situation.


About halfway through, coping quite well overall, very few casualties, but it looks like the Soviets are far from exhausted. That infantry thrust is going to cause me problems if it starts overrunning my MGs and ATRs.


Turn 28


Eriksson's platoon complete their withdrawal, safe on the other side of Vil's MG fire.


As the platoon catches their breath, Eriksson orders them back to the village. They can take up new positions in buildings and fight from there.


On the left, Glad views his section's panic with a fierce mixture of fear and anger, and without thinking, runs to them.


Under his command, the section stops panicking, but remains pinned. Airaane's section pins the Soviet infantry and they crawl into the trees.


Lyyti, unable to spot any more armour, shifts position to the right, remaining upstairs in the big house.


Hopefully he can still see to the left, and watch for that AC, and get eyes on the armour coming down the centre.
















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Velin's Maxim team realises that the time for falling back may have passed unnoticed.



I mean, tough luck...


Very nice screens, I love the detail the game has. I gather that ditches are taken into account even though they don't seem to be in the abysmal depth range?

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Very nice screens, I love the detail the game has. I gather that ditches are taken into account even though they don't seem to be in the abysmal depth range?


They are taken into account, yes, despite their apparent shallowness they count as excellent cover. Except when you have mortar fire dropping straight down in to them. :blush:


Turn 29


Narvola's bunker comes under fire from an AC, taking 45mm HE hits. Lyyti can't see that particular AC, but punches another with a first-round hit.


Kaartamo targets another AC coming down the centre, and fails to hit it. He snarls with disgust, unused to missing.


Velin's Maxim jams again, quite seriously this time, and comes under fire from several points. The entire team sprawl out on the floor as bullets rip through the walls.


With only one other MG currently firing at the Soviet infantry mass, they are freer to move around and shoot back. This could be severe trouble.


Turn 30


Narvola gets tired of being shot at, and hammers the offending AC with MG fire until it brews up, chewing through the armour with repeated impacts.


He gives the MG a few seconds to cool down, several men scooping snow onto the barrel, then starts firing at another AC.


Velin finally clears the jam, tops up the Maxim's coolant with snow, and gets back to hacking down men.


Still taking fire from several sources, and running low on ammo, Velin has nowhere to retreat. Airaane's platoon may be needed to keep his position from being overrun.


Rimminen's section, a little more collected under Glad's control, get themselves together and assault the enemy infantry.


It goes wrong almost immediately, fire from enemy ACs sending them sprawling for cover, and added fire from enemy infantry panicking them and sending them crawling away. Glad shouts orders impotently.


Turn 31


The two remaining ACs coming down the centre are engaged by Lahti teams. Lyyti takes the one on the left, Kaartamo the one on the right.


Lyyti, down to his last half-dozen AP rounds, focuses even more on making his shots count. After this, he has only a dozen of the precious tungsten rounds left. The HE rounds might still do the job, but are far less effective.


Glad abandons giving orders and opens fire, as Rimminen's section gets chewed up.


Pinned by AC MG fire, the section takes three more casualties, and runs. Another enemy unit comes out of the woods and heads for Kaartamo's house.


On the right, Velin's Maxim team suffers a casualty, a bullet cracking through a wall at knee height and crippling an ammo bearer.


Enemy infantry pass between Merikallio and Velin, running for Narvola's bunker, grenades in their hands.


Turn 32


Airaane orders two sections to shift right, and foils the enemy infantry assault on Narvola's bunker with rifle fire.


The enemy infantry disappear amongst the trees. Airaane reloads his rifle and smiles with grim satisfaction.


Velin's Maxim team takes another casualty as they cope with the first.


Receiving constant fire from different angles, they have a panicky moment and enjoy examining the floorboards in detail.


Vil's bunker continues to lay down a steady stream of MG fire.


It does its job, stalling the enemy infantry there, keeping their heads down. They'll flow around it eventually, but it's working for now.


Glad shouts another section over to help.


Even with support fire from one of Airaane's sections, and covering fire from a Maxim and the BA-20, it looks like holding the left could be a struggle.













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Velin will no doubt perish in his lone forward position.


And yet, his act of bravery, fully intentional or not, shall be remembered, for others live only due to his unwavering perseverance in the face of such overwhelming opposition.




Beware, though, FA, you're going to have a dangerous blind spot there when he bites the bullet. :blush:

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Velin will no doubt perish in his lone forward position.


My God, that's cold-blooded. Perhaps you should be in charge?


DARN, it takes AGES for this AAR to load... Each pic has cca. 1,5MB, and there is quite some on the page. Is it possible to tone them down somewhat before posting?


Hosting the images here wasn't my idea, but I thought it would be quicker!


Open the page in different tab - go read something else - come back when you finished - read the AAR.


You, sir, are a genius. We don't give out gold stars here, but if we did, you'd get one.

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DARN, it takes AGES for this AAR to load... Each pic has cca. 1,5MB, and there is quite some on the page. Is it possible to tone them down somewhat before posting?


Perhaps it's time to upgrade from dial-up internet... lol. How long is it taking you to load this page? It's taking me maybe ten seconds or so.


Good job on this AAR, FA. I'm hoping you get rolled over by Soviet might, but we'll have to see. XD

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Good job on this AAR, FA. I'm hoping you get rolled over by Soviet might, but we'll have to see. XD


Love you too, man. Thanks. :blush:


It is a little slow to load, nothing outrageous but it's certainly not the smooth viewing experience we'd all wish for. I shall try to find a solution.

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Hosting the images here wasn't my idea, but I thought it would be quicker!

It probably is. I'll have to check from my home connection, but where I am the loading seems like tectonic movement. I already do what Silencer suggested.


You, sir, are a genius. We don't give out gold stars here, but if we did, you'd get one.

But we DO! :blush: Here's one for Silencer!



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Just had a quick test, and it's taking about twice as long to load versus my previous AAR with the images hosted on PhotoBucket. :blush:


Turn 33


Kaartamo takes out an AC, and Lyyti scares the last one away.


That's all the armour I can see taken care of.


So Thorondor decrees, and so shall it be.


After two more casualties, they attempted to flee and were cut down as soon as they left the house.


More enemy infantry turn up on the left as Rimminen pulls his section together.


Glad orders his fresh section forward, and hopes for more support, though from where he has no idea.


Turn 34


Airaane's platoon repel the Soviets as they close in on the village.


Eriksson's platoon are also just across the road, and will soon be taking up positions in the houses.


Rimminen attempts to absolve himself by saving Kaartamo's Lahti team.


Enemy infantry poke their noses into the house and get it shot off as Kaartamo stays down.


Turn 35


Rimminen fails miserably, takes another casualty, and Kaartamo is wiped out.


50mm mortar fire splashes Glad, and he fears this may herald the end.


Jaakola keeps up a merciless fire, knowing anything less will see him end up like Velin.


He strafes the enemy as they make for Erikssons' trench, and Vil's bunker hammers the resulting clot of troops.


Turn 36


Liima uses up the last of his MG ammo on enemy infantry.


Now, he wonders, will he have to resort to running over Ivans?


Eriksson's platoon filter into the village, taking turns to lay down fire as each unit crosses the road.


The village is slowly becoming a very solid position, although ammo is becoming a concern for everyone.


It's a bad time to be a Lahti team, as Merikallio is triangulated by fire.


He can't make it to real cover, and there's no way to keep the enemy firepower off him.


Turn 37


Airaane remains the heart of the defence, keeping everyone under careful command.


One Maxim running low on ammo, a few ATR teams, and his platoon hold the centre of the village. If the ammo runs out, they risk being drowned by a tide of Soviets.


Merikallio takes a direct hit from a 50mm mortar.


A casualty, and the team is still stranded.


Turn 38


Jaakola keeps raining down lead, even when return fire snaps in and kills the gunner.


A brief break in the fire as the dead man is hauled aside, then it resumes exactly as before. Eriksson's platoon open fire in support.


Narvola, sweeping infantry back from Merikallio, realises he has enemies closing in on both sides.


It might be difficult to keep the bunker from being KO'd at this point.


Turn 39


The enemy unit assaulting Narvola's bunker comes under intense fire.


Merikallio marches off, hands in the air, no other choice but death.
















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Turn 40


Jaakola's Maxim runs out of ammo.


As does one of Airaane's sections. They prepare grenades and the handful of rounds they have left, and stand by ready to take on enemies at close range.


Turn 41


Narvola's situation grows dire.


Without covering MGs, he's soon surrounded. Supporting fire from the platoons might keep him alive. That, or he'll be wiped out in a hail of grenades.


Asikainen's section do exactly what they've just prepared for, popping up out of hiding, unloading their few bullets and hurling grenades.


The enemy is definitively repelled, dead men laid out, wounded crawling and leaving bloody angels in the snow.


Turn 42


Multiple sections out of ammo, and the Soviets are getting closer, but their attack doesn't seem to have much weight behind it now.


Airaane's platoon steps up its fire as the Soviets close in. This may come down to bayonets yet.


Valo's Maxim, covering the left, spots an enemy mortar wandering around.


Glad orders his only unengaged section to go and make sure the objective is safe.


Turn 43


Rimminen's section has no luck at all. After enough time to get themselves back together again, with Glad close by supervising, they try to get back into it.


And come under fire from multiple enemy units. They keep at it this time, firing and pitching grenades.


Turn 44


Vil's bunker, plenty of ammo left, hoses down the enemy approaching the village.


Fire from the platoons may be desultory, but the bunkers have rounds and time to use them.


Turn 45


Glad prepares to retake Kaartamo's house, where the enemy are funnelling through.


They have little ammo, and are down to 50% strength.


Turn 46


Glad leads by example, assaulting the house, pelting it with grenades and entering with a burst of SMG fire.


The enemy are stalled momentarily, unable to pass through the house and on into the woods.


Turn 47


Overall situation.


If they had any fresh units left, they could crack me open easily. But I think the only units they have are on their second or third try, and are low on men and ammo.


Eriksson, his sections out of ammo, pitches in.


He didn't get his men out of that trench just to die holding a village.


Turn 48


Very few enemy units visible, and even fewer shooting back. None advancing.


Turn 49


A sudden infantry assault surges out of cover, two units headed directly for Vil's bunker.


Directly into a wall of MG fire that stops them both and ushers them back to cover, several men poorer.


Turn 50


The battle does not end suddenly, but peters out, with the fire on both sides dying down to nothing over a little while.


The Finns survey the battlefield, and can hardly believe it. The remaining Soviet forces are a rabble, platoons down to 20% strength, with a few LMGs and mortars accompanying. The few surviving ACs are badly damaged, or missing a crewman and hence incapable of combat. But just one or two more platoons would have swung the battle, and the Finns would have been wiped out.


The defenders climb out of their holes, peer out of their houses, edge out of their positions, and slowly filter out, a few at a time, to round up prisoners, and recover materiel. Abandoned Soviet vehicles, tools, weapons, ammunition, and grenades will be recovered and used against their makers. Bunkers will be restocked, positions will be improved and fortified further, food will be taken from dead men, and eaten with joy by the living.


The war will go on, and one day, it will be won.
















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No, never managed 100%, I doubt it's possible. :blush:


Could have placed my MGs and ATRs better, they were too exposed and also too spread out, they could have done their job equally well sited behind my platoons. The ATRs especially should have been situated with certain routes of attack in mind, instead of just spread evenly around. Eriksson's platoon performed very well, withdrawing under fire steadily, but I should have had a Maxim in that trench, which would have allowed them to hold for a lot longer. Bunker alignment should have been changed, Vil's was okay but Narvola's should have been angled much further right, towards the road, or a little further left. Glad's platoon needed greater cohesion.

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It was pretty close, really. I had one MG and a couple of infantry sections with some ammo left at the end. A few more units would have swung it, or even careful use of the 45mm-armed BA-10s earlier on. Eriksson's platoon slowed the main infantry attack, which was very handy. If that hadn't gone right, it could have been much worse.
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