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Base assault


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Can some onr tell me what the synonium device looks like ive been doing the mission for like and hour and havent seen any thing different except a room that looks like this


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thats about the only thing iv seen that stands out but the FAQ says its explosive but these arn't so could any one tell me what it is?




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The Synomium Device is in the second stage of the assault in the base. A large room with a tower in the center, pipes around the base of it, steps up into the tower then a lift. The lift goes down one level where a hallucinoid usually waits for me and up one level to the synomium room with a swinging door that leads to a squarish main frame type computer. Destroy that.
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Valid Mikey boy but that's an alien activity site. What Apoc is looking for is an alien colony assault I believe... What you want to find is a 20x20 room.

The top floor of this room is full of ION accelerators. Not the boxes on the USOs though. The big long ones that you get in the UFOpedia. Like strings of purple bubbles with boosters at one end. There must be about six in the room altogether... At the top right end on the screen are two (alien implanters I think?) wierd alien things and next to each one is an alien lift down to the next level.


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The next level these take you to has for square rooms that you can't get into and in the middle there is an opening looking down to the level below where the synomium device is. It looks vaguely like this...


Well there was a map but the forums are dodgy and don't allow more than a single space to be used so it looked even worse than it was intended to! Basically there's only one thing to remember...


Find the hole in the floor,

Toss a grenade in her and boom!

So long synomium device!





The most important thing is that you know what the synomium device looks like though. It is basically a golden coloured cylinder placed up on one end. On the top of it sit two golden halos, one of them rests on one edge and rotates on the cylinder. The other sits with one edge on the OTHER raised edge of the first and rotates according to that...

A side view would be,


/ Again very vaguely... The halos are not at an angle like this,

\ they are much closer to being flat but hey!



Good luck! And congratulations if you understand this!!!

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For a visual reference:




And don't mind the theatrics on the topmost level. That's just there for laughs. :P


Oh, and by the way: One or more of those lobstermen surrounding the synonium device are commanders (yes, that's where they begin when the mission starts). If you haven't got one yet, a couple of shok bombs into the room would clear the room just nicely, and nab you a live commander too.


Fun activity:


Can any of you spot the zrbite pods in the top picture? Hint: There are two of them and they're in plain view. They're on different sides of the room too.



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the Zrbite is easy to spot. and the reson they are in plain site is a isue with the way the images are stacked.


I beleave that the bottom room has one commader and 2 navigators.. every time. and the AI makes it close to imposible for them to leave that room. (how some of the maps are so well done and other are so full of mistakes like that is frustrating... I guess the QA did not notice.)

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