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Sneaky bushwhacker team


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So. I'm having a try at saving Arulco from the New! Shiny! bastards of the Night Ops mod.




In order to give myself a shot at succeeding, I start out with a somewhat competent team. The enemies are definitely not pushovers, tries with two- and three-man teams have ended with me shot to pieces in Omerta.




From left to right - my sneaky IMP, Dr.Q, Wolf, Raven and Grunty. Can't afford to lose anyone, and grabbing a mine in time is going to be hairy.

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Undecided. Rather depends on me not getting shot completely to pieces for quite a while, and I'm a bit rusty at this.


Len, perhaps. Can't see me getting rich enough to hire Magic, really.

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If you're serious about making a sneaky bushwhacker team then Shadow is the natural fit. Permanent camo AND a total bad ass on the battlefield...c'mon.


Magic ain't no punk either. I usually get him in the course of forming my A-Team (not the show, but my primary fighting team) as a the guy that fixes everything. His mechanical skill is at 91.


Reaper...eh, if I ever do get him, he usually ends up on the B-Team. He just seems very average to me for being considered a super merc.


My A-Team usually looks like this, IMP merc with no mech or explosives, almost everything else maxed, stealth/night, Shadow, Magic, Trevor, Scully or Len, Conrand Gillit. Notice I don't have a medic really...that's because my B or C-Team usually has one, probably Dr. Danny.


I think his merc's name could be translated as "Deadly Bastard."

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...What is your IMP's name? Bastard of Death? ;)


Something of the sort, in probably broken spanish. Seemed like a good idea at the time :)


The show is on the road. Cleared Omerta with minor wounds only, wandering through the bush towards Drassen. Grabbed Ira as cannon fodder for the time being.




Grabbed some loot in a random shootout and ran. Some nightvision goggles can't hurt.


The body armour does what it's supposed to. Doubt Raven would still be up and walking - somewhat painfully - after 15 hits taken and no rest, otherwise... Natural bullet sponge.


Darkness can't come soon enough.

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Ah, remembered my Spanish...bastardino isn't even a word. You'd probably use cabron or hibrido. Depends on which Spanish you're talking about.

It would surprise me if it were ;)


BTW, what exactly is these Night Ops mod? I have never heard of it before.


Quite new mod, translated from Russian to English this spring and summer. Climb into the Bear's Pit and ye shall find:



The mod feels good so far.

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Night falls, and great is the enthusiasm of the squad. Drassen awaits, once several ounces of lead have been plucked out of Raven.


Sneaking into the mine district, the foreman is woken up by a flash-bang stunning the somewhat too wakeful sniper on his roof. That taken care of, a sniping duel ensues with the neighbouring roofs, and some confused soldiers are caught in the open.




Good thing they were caught by surprise, because one of them would've enjoyed using this, I believe. As will Grunty.


Only Ira and Bastardino were wounded this time. Quite an improvement on our daytime performance.


Raven mostly hung back after that, but grabbed this one from a counterpart - should come in handy when we're caught in daylight again.




One down, two to go. Better try to grab all three sectors before daybreak.




Ira is a useful distraction. And tear gas and Ingram at close range is quite effective for non-marksmen.




Dr.Q is rather slowed by the bullet wound, thus hangs back and patches the others up. Good hit percentage with his Stechkin, but not much effect.




Grunty is solid, showing Ira the ropes of Ingram use.




Wolf is probably the best allrounder in the team, and it shows. Not a scratch, fair hit percentage, showing off by doing mp5 bursts to the head of a rooftop sniper looking for him.




Raven is deadly, even in the advanced stages of lead poisoning. No new wounds in this battle, thankfully.




And the Head Sneak does better than expected, mainly shooting people in the head through windows at very close range.

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Middle bit of Drassen isn't much to write home about. Though the 40mm flares show their use.




Wolf gets a bit humbled. Door-to-door housecleaning, he gets ambushed and shot five-six times in the chest. Not horribly hurt, but knocked down and about to be. Ira, of all people, peeks in the window and fells the assailant with a shot to the head.


Doc gets his priorities right.




Onwards! Airport assault! Lead poisoning accumulates, but everyone is up and about.




Toughest defenses I've assaulted yet. Light weapons only - sandbags and good armour, though.


Grunty leads the way - smoke, stun and ingram autofire knocks the paired snipers out.




Finally, Drassen is mine. For a few hours, at least.




Defending the place is out of the question. Everyone wounded. Raven now is a paragon of health compared to the others.


After a ridiculously bloody night, the leader of the killcount scoreboard is ... Grunty!



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Drassen Airport is probably the toughest sector I had to attack so far. Your men can only go within a small stripe of land to start and that makes it hard to formulate a decent strategy. Looks like you did ok though. ;)


- Zombie

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Yeah, getting shot all to hell does have one advantage. Boredom. So you got to fill it some way, usually with training militia, training fellow mercs in stuff, repair down down gear like weapons and body armor, or if you have a mine or two just sit back and watch the money roll into and start thinking about how to spend it. Oh, and get nasty emails from that useless ass, Enrico Uselessdouche.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Back in the saddle. I get left alone for a few days, and spend them getting less bloodstained.


Then the expected counterattack materializes.




Only ten? They don't take me seriously yet. Thankfully.


Wolf enjoys himself.




Dr.Q makes a hypnotic gesture, and the opposition explodes.




This all goes very well. I then get a message that Omerta has been shot all to hell. Again. And I really ought to talk to those rebels again.


We quickly fit out an expedition, leaving Grunty and the Doctor behind, them being all tired from all the patching up of men and metal.




On the way, we get in trouble. Big trouble.




4 vs 21? This could be bad... it's dark, though, let's have a look.




There's a war going on.


Raven grabs some target practice.



The leader of the attack goes splat. Whoops. Turns out there was a mortar around.



But we win the day, and send Ira back with some spoils - she being the only one shot all to hell in the process.




Onwards, to Omerta. Hopefully. A three-merc expedition is rather vulnerable.

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Meanwhile, back in Drassen, Dr.Q stumbles over a shady old friend on his morning stroll.




He offers to help - and we need all the help we can get. Heavy weapons ability will definitely come in useful.




And who can resist a man that brings his own explosives?




While waiting for darkness, the forces of Evil are hard at work.




Sergey is quickly dispatched to send word and reinforce the expeditionary squad. Not to mention pick up some loot on the way.


Just after dark, a patrol is ambushed. Wolf shows how, with his hand-me-down steyr aug para from Raven. Very handy gun, that.




Sergey shoots the next enemy in the other eye with his trusty russian pistol. I sense a bit of rivalry developing, there.




Dimitri brings his own cannon, but not too much lead. I have a ton of throwing knives stashed, however.




What's this? Poor Vicki. You should've asked around before taking this contract. The rebels had funds, too.




Omerta and the road cleaned, back to Drassen and prepare to re-evict the queen's squatters.

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Wait, what? Vicki? You're fighting against other AIM mercs too?


Yup. Deidrianna hires AIM mercs to reinforce/train her forces, too. I dread the day she hires Magic against me. Shame about Vicki.


I'm seriously confused by this mod. I've checked the site for it and it really doesn't mention what it's about.


Does it need to be about anything? ;) It's an alternate version of the normal JA2 story, with tons upon tons of changes integrated to a new (more difficult? check. more realistic? I'd say, check. ) whole. At least two different versions of all the maps, randomized, so you don't get the same situations every game. Not a pick-and-choose-your-own-ja2, like 1.13.


Nice seeing enemies exposed by a break light running like hell to get out of the light and into cover.


All I understand is that it's Russian and it's based on the 1.13 mod.


Fixed that for you. It's not 1.13-based as such, it's their own set of modifications to the released source code of the engine, some of which may be the same as in 1.13. Not too many.


The english translation is pretty good. Weapon selection is naturally slanted towards russian weapons.

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Oh, okay. I thought it was a mod of mod, I guess.


Makes sense that there's a heavy slant towards Russian weapons. I'm sure the modders did it for nation pride reasons, but in reality Russia pretty much threw weapons at anyone that asked for them. So in a situation like this, you're going to run into tons of AKs (mostly rusting IRL) and RPG-7s for EVERYONE!


So some person's weird pride dovetails nicely into real life. Though, what are the stats of these Warsaw Pact weapons? Realistic or also slanted?


BTW, if I was playing and Deidrianna hired Shadow from AIM, I'd probably cry a lot and give up the game.

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Not unreasonable to my eyes. (The Steyr is a 9mm variant, btw - more of a sharpshooter's MP5)





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Oh I know all about the Steyr AUGs. Held one at a gun show once and vowed never to do it again. Probably the most awkward weapon I've ever seen. Same goes with all bullpups. Weirdly, I ditch them even when playing video games, even if they're stats are technically better. I do that in Jagged Alliace, Rainbow Six Vegas, Battlefield: Bad Company, etc.


I know they call the AKS a SMG, but in reality it's more of a carbine. Like the M4, G36C, or Sig 552...though the AKS-74U is seriously outclassed in range and accuracy by those weapons.

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