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Alien conquered countries

Sean Do

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Once a country signs a pact with the aliens, it never comes back to X-COM. After 9 years of playing X-COM on the Playstation, I have tried everything I could think of to bring them back. Heavy patroling of the country that changed sides doesn't work. Reloading the end of a month many times does not work either. Neither does gaining a ton of points to overwhelm the aliens score and impressing the turned country. Once the country switches sides, it's all over. :P
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Shouldn't you be talking in the royal tense? Like, um, 'you won't like us when we're angry'? :P


Why would I make you angry? That's one of the reports I got while playing the game. Not that I needed the money, I was just making a point on how big a percentage of your pay check the US hands out. :(

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  • 1 month later...
I have the old old dos version (I forget the number), modified with Scott Jones FIX command that used to exist in XcomUFO. I have gotten countries back, in fact I routinely do. You have to keep your monthly score very high BUT . . . their funding is chaotic from then on. Some months they will just stop funding for no reason then start again the next month. BTW when they return, the funding is "similar" but not the same as when they started the game. Appartly though I appear to be the only soul in the entire multiverse whom has experienced this and I'm unable to prove it, sorry.
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quote from my post in xenocide forums:

in old non-patched version of ufo i once got south africa and japan back. they got infiltrated and ceased to pay me, and 6 months later started to pay me again, after another 6 months stopped, etc.

they always gave me the same amount of money they were giving me when i lost them. i think i've still got that savegame somewhere, if anybody's interested.

it was actually india, and south africa, but this is unimportant.

here is screenshot of graphs:




as graphs go left they will simply wrap around to rigth in a year cycle, the monthly score doesn't matter.

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Wow! Proof at last!


For the PlayStation version of the game, I have been unable to bring countries back once they have turned. Could it be I wasn't persistent enough? Quite possible. I'll have to investigate this more intensely when I have more time. BTW Quantifier, how many months passed between where the country left and came back. That'll give me some idea how long to impress the country! :P

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nope...but there is another way to make good cash...only if you got cash though, you could start collecting every heavy plasma rifle you run into...missions that you need to leave on for example..load up on heavy plasma rifles, there good cash. produce say....laser rifles....alien alloyies is a good one too. mash produce this stuff then sell it on the market for like 1 1/2 times what you payed for it. i got close to 200 million in xcom at one point in time. getting like 3-10 million on selling alien stuff every month
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well, they got infiltrated in may, and that's what i can say right now. in the oldest save from earlier stages of this game, it's nov 2000, so it's one month too late to say for sure (ie. whether in dec 1999 i got them back first time or didn't lose yet).


however, i would say it was 1999, because alien acitivity graph in may 2000 showed some marginal values in india and south africa. so, they came back after 6 months.


the monthly report never said anything about them after they signed pact, and the funding chart always says 0 in 'change' colums.

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I'm willing to believe anything with the old version of UFO. But with 1.4, it just doesn't happen. For me, at least.


Anyone want to really test this out? I prepared a 'challenge' a while back that you can use for the test. All countries start the game as if they've already withdrawn from funding. All of them. I simply set the stats of the countries to the same stats a withdrawn country normally has, so hopefully it'll work.




I've played quite a few excellent months with this game on 1.4ce, and no countries have come back. What about a year cycle though? Haven't played that long, to tell the truth.



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If I remember correctly, I also had this happen in the PlayStation version. Me thinks Germany signed a pact with the aliens, then Berlin was assaulted with a Sectoid Terror Site in the same month. Figuring that it wouldn't matter, I neglected the site and opted for a Abductor mission (more loot, less risk). My score up to this time was around 5000 points, so losing an extra 1000 points for a neglected Terror Site didn't concern me much.


Well, Italy and France were none too happy about my cautious decision in their area and decided to reduce their funding for a while. So that ignored Terror Site in Germany had repercussions on the neighboring countries. Even after reloading a bunch of times to see how pi$$ed off Italy and France were, I still didn't get them to change their funding from the negatives to zero. It didn't really matter in the long-run though. Those two countries came around to their senses and provided the project with heavy funding increases the next month (with lots of patrolling and a Hyperwave Decoder coming on-line nearby)! :P

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If all nations sign up with the aliens, do any terror missions appear after that?


I remember in apocalypse, one organisation joined the aliens. Right away, a megaspawn (overspawn? Easy to confuse... :P ) dropped onto the city map and ate their warehouse. :(

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If a Terror Site can happen in a newly-turned country, then I would suspect that the same "bug" can manifest itself in a scenario where all the countries have "turned".


As long as there is one country funding X-COM, Terror Sites always happen. And not just in that one good country, but anywhere. You have to realize that a scenario where all the countries have signed a pact, cannot happen normally. An artifically created game should therefore use the same algorithm to determine Terror Site formation. :P

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