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Chocolatemouse, they used the soon-to-be-released russian RTS- Game "Theatre of War" to make the movie, must have been a lot of work to animate those sequences, ouch! (: I especially liked the way the huge tank "sneasked" at the poor russian soldier at the start.



And yes, you really were on-topic. Actually it was Yanlin's posting of caricatures that caused the thread to be moved to the "firing range" forum (:


Nose kiss :( (hey i like that) and Shalom, especially to Yanlin.

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did you guys know that computers weren't even invented during the time of ww2? let alone lap tops?


that idiot is playing a game on his laptop in mid movie.

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did you guys know that computers weren't even invented during the time of ww2? let alone lap tops?


I think you'll find a GPO worker at Bletchley Park UK, had a computer running by 1943. It was rather a large machine and I can't quite remember what it was called but it certainly worked on the same principles as modern machines.

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ok. so computers existed. not by my definition but they were there.


still... there weren't laptops by then!


my definition of computer: A machine that is capable of giving out orders to mechanical hardware and storing digital data


and i hardly believe a giant building capable of doing 512+512=1024 is a computer.

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*laughs at Yanlin looking for historical accuracy in a video like that* (:

Yanlin, you do have to watch the film "Kung Pow" (: to cure you from your search of realism in funny films! :(


Btw Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) is considered the grandfather of all computer makers.

Here some of his machines:

https://images6.pictiger.com/thumbs/6a/b747b3bbcc0108958d1766a7d6bd856a.th.png https://images6.pictiger.com/thumbs/37/b43246cb1c870a63a39d23f76650d137.th.jpg


And the Collosus machine mentioned in the posts above was more than a simple 512+512=1024 machine, it decrypted one of the (at that time) most difficult encryption codes available (ENIGMA) and by that single-handedly nullified the whole german sub-fleet which was considered the main threat to England at that time. That small machine maybe decided WW2. Or at least a huge part of it.

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ok. so computers existed. not by my definition but they were there.


still... there weren't laptops by then!


my definition of computer: A machine that is capable of giving out orders to mechanical hardware and storing digital data


and i hardly believe a giant building capable of doing 512+512=1024 is a computer.


You should consider using the real definition instead of your home-brew ones (: And I don't think original computers did only basic math (:

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Actually the ancient Greeks were the first to develop mechanical computers LONG before WW2. This one was used as an astronomical calculator.

Ancient Greeks were also the first to develop robots.


As for nukes in WW2, did you know that, it's believed German scientists deliberately sabotaged their own work, or at least withheld enough information, to stop Hitler from building an A-Bomb?

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the first computer was an analogue calculator... that could only do + and - options.


but. we can keep fighting forever. lets get back on topic. NUKES!

I said original computers, that one you're describing hardly fits the current definition of computers (: I suggest you read the previous posts regarding the computers that broke ENIGMA and such, because cryptography hardly is just adding and substracting.

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you are all talking about a computer WAY after the one i mentioned.


the computer i am talking about was invented before the romans! (lol. invented)


it was during the time when humanity managed to develop something that moves on an axis.


and no i am not talking about the thingy where you move those little beads back and forth.


i mean one line that has like 2000 beads and a manual dial to move them one at a time. and you still had to count how many were on each side. later versions had a devider of a diffrant color per count. for example: red bead every 5th bead. yelllow bead every 100th bead (overwrites the red bead) and blue bead every 1000th bead (overwrites both other types of beads)


as far as i know it was invented at the late stone age.


now can we get back on topic? which i think is: "funny stuff about WWII"

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As for nukes in WW2, did you know that, it's believed German scientists deliberately sabotaged their own work, or at least withheld enough information, to stop Hitler from building an A-Bomb?

I have read about this Kernel but to be honest I'm not sure - I think it's likely that to make people think they were more advanced in the project than they really were, they begun this story. From the evidence, I'm not convinced.

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I have read about this Kernel but to be honest I'm not sure - I think it's likely that to make people think they were more advanced in the project than they really were, they begun this story. From the evidence, I'm not convinced.


I saw a book in the shops today, fiction of course, by Alex Scarrow titled Ten Thousnad Suns or something similar about Germany secretly winning the war because of nuke development. If I get desperate I might buy it one rainy day.

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To add about german bomb project, scientifics as Einstein left germany for thsi between others, why not to imagine a kind of resistance from inside? Not all german were bad people, it would not be human to imagine that they were all inhumans and that resistance from inside was not existing. The reality was that this existence was real and that in camps were too german citizen which were fighting third reich.
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I totally agree chocolatemouse, there were quite a few plots inside the Wermarch to get rid of Hitler - famously the one that Rommel lost his live over but these were more to do with being rid of the man who was destroying Germany, their country, more than humaniterian reasons, which is perfectly understandable.


There was though a German underground and many German citizens assisted to save some German Jews. My point is though that the scientists involved in the Atom Bomb project were concerned to show themselves much further advanced than they were after the war.


General opinion of the leading historians tends to believe that based on the project by Werner Heisenberg a nuclear deployment could not have taken place before abouut 1950. Many others believe that due to Hitlers mistrust in the system and lack of funding it could never have been a reality.

Then again, they could be wrong.


Heavy water was certainly being brought from Norway into German.

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