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X-COM: UFO is #1 says IGN


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IGN has made a list of the best PC Games of all time, and despite some heavy competition X-COM was awarded the top spot on the list.


Conceptually it's one of the finest strategy games to ever appear on any system. Putting the player in charge of a worldwide defense against an alien invasion, the original X-COM combined elements of sophisticated base management, high-tech research, engaging roleplaying, thrilling tactical combat and a tense, terrifying story to create an experience that has yet to be duplicated by any other game.
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I apologize for the bad title, but I didn't want to make it too long. And the quote tags are not working properly.


Technical problems aside, I don't really like the list, because it contains far too many new games. Seriously, games that aren't at least five years old shouldn't appear on these lists.

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True, 10 games were released after 2001, but there are a few newer titles which deserved their spot. (Half Life 2 and Unreal Tournament 2004). The average release date of all games is 1999 so it seems like a pretty good of mix. Then again, you can't really go by dates either as some of the games are continuations of a series and the authors had to pick one. Still, I can't understand why the they decided to pick WarcraftII, Starcraft and World of Warcraft. True, all are good games, but they are all in the Warcraft series of games. They should have listed one and used the other spots for some other games. Nice to see one of my favorites is in there: SimCity 2000. :what:


No argument from me on X-COM being #1. It deserves the headline spot in all respects. Few games ever came close to the lasting appeal, re-playability and strategy which it offers. But why, oh why, would they say this?


Simply put, there's no excuse for strategy fans not to break this one out and play through it again.

If you are a true strategy fan, the game should already be out, installed, and running. If you are a die-hard X-COM fan like myself, you should even have multiple copies installed on your HDD. :bleh:


- Zombie

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How can they not include the true classics like Elite and stuff like that? It's been over 25 years and still nothings beaten that for a space trader sim...................

I think the X universe is much better than the original Elite... But I definitely agree that Elite deserves a VERY special place in gaming history, just like X-COM.

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How can they not include the true classics like Elite and stuff like that? It's been over 25 years and still nothings beaten that for a space trader sim...................

I think the X universe is much better than the original Elite... But I definitely agree that Elite deserves a VERY special place in gaming history, just like X-COM.


Personally I found the X Universe had some great ideas but were poorly executed. Loved building my own factory network, hated having to wait months of real-time play to get it to work :what:


We could spend hours upon hours arguing about the top 100 games though! :bleh:

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I don't understand why Half life 2 was in there so high instead of half life 1. Lets be honest in a list thats the best games of all time graphics have nothing to do with it (tie fighter was even higher for example) so clearly the pioneering half life should be the game mentioned and not the slightly improved no.2...


All that aside though, doesn't it bring a warm feeling to the cockles of your heart to hear such praise of a game we all love so much. We always feel like we're the only people who care but it just goes to show we're not I guess :bleh:

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Meh, at present you can only have three questions with 20 choices in a poll. Just for info. I'm sure I could up it if we really wanted to do something like an "Unbiased top 100 gaes of all times unlike IGN, Gamespy and Gamespot etc".


Snappy title eh?

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How about a special separate page just for that? There would be a list of all games for the PC (built along the way) ever made minus the ones from the last 5 years where people would be able to cast their votes.
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I can just see this as a massive nostalgia trip where we go back in time and try to remember all the great games we used to play. Makes one want to go hunting for them too.



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Maybe have it so each person can rank their own top 10. This gives between 1 and 10 points depending how they were ranked. The total result is given by adding them all together.


If you track these (anonymously of course!) this could give rise to other interesting statistics, like "50% of X-COM lovers also rated this game very high."


Of course, the population of those who visit this site will give a very biased answer. :bleh:

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