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Perhaps another scary scenario would be being stuck in the same room with a muton and being armed with only a buretta (better aim for the eyes)
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The only thing that drives me away from the whole "Chryssalids are cool" movement, is the fact that they are so damn similar to the Xenomorphs from the Alien movies... I mean the things on their back; the black exo-skeleton; the impregnation; the speed... About the only difference is that a Chryssalid has crab-claws and no tail :dontgetit:


OT: How does a Chryssalid impregnate anyway? Where do the eggs come out of??



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With regards to how chysalids imprenate, it probably has somthing to do with a hidden, grotesque appendive that it sicks in to its victims belly and then injects a single egg in to the terrified humans gut along with a toxin that causes a zombie like state and tissue necrosis while the egg grows.


I heard of a snake that bites people and the tissue around the bite starts to rot away if left untreated

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I heard of a snake that bites people and the tissue around the bite starts to rot away if left untreated


You're probably speaking of the Sri Lanka pit viper known as the "Russel's Viper" or something like that. (It's venom has the ability to turn a human's blood from a liquid into a more solid almost jello-like state which causes the cell tissue to die and rot away in a way similar to gangrene) although there are several that could conceivably do that without being treated, it's simply the quickest of the lot.


There are worst animals in the world for tissue rot, however, if you were looking for examples.


Take the Komodo Dragon. This gigantic lizard species evolved into being with a vile mixture of bacterial and viral cells within its mouth. It is an ambush predator that takes a single bite then allows its prey to escape... except the bite leaves behind its deadly bacterial/viral cargo within the open wound of its victim. To be bitten by one of these is almost a sure death and is simply dreadful as the body is sent into the very hells of agony over the course of a few days as its entire immune system is destroyed from within and its very tissue dissolves into a fly-tempting pus that contains the very smell of death.


As for the alien impregnation thing... eh... it could be something as simple as the little worm wiggling into an ear and taking over the body from the fame of shows like Stargate and X-Files or it could be a wound infection side effect deal like with the whole werewolf mythology. (IE: Victim survives but finds to their horror that they now become a werewolf thanks to being bitten/scratched/whatever...) Or it could be like the Aliens movie ala the queen's spawn...




The next suggestion uses adult situation theories.


Do not read if it offends you or is against the law to be read in your area for some reason.


Please instead skip the adult content entirely.


Thank you.


I apologize for these lines of space.


But I needed a way to seperate the censorable parts out from being read by people who should not (or simply don't want to) read it.


Now returning the rest of you to the actual thread content that was questionable enough to require such restraints.)


Or it could be something really horrible and insidious and the evil aliens are sick necrophiliac perverts and are raping your soldier's corpses and leaving their spawn behind in their bowels or mouths (since it happens to the males too then it can't be a woman-only orifice...)


(That ends the adult-ish content...


We now return you to your regularly scheduled PG only rating content.


This space has been added to isolate the adult content from the rest of the thread theme to avoid exposuring it to anyone who would be offended, under-age, or for some other reason should not be viewing it.


I apologize but yet more blank lines need to be added now.


This would have been so much simpler if the comment field would have allowed me to post the adult content paragraph as a special visible-only-when-mouse-hovers-over-a-keyword message but unfortunately this forum is too structured, which is usually a good thing... but is a royal pain in the hiney when you need something that the forum designers never thought of themselves.


Anyway I think that is enough blank lines so I'll return back to my main message.)




Just the thought of all the different ways the game could have went with the alien impregnation bit leads me into countless possibilities each of which is their own nightmare in function.


Personally I really think the designers should have shelved the race since it leads the brain into such tangibles that horrify me just at imagining them.

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In my last post in regards to the snake, I got that wrong, it wasn't a snake it was a type of spider. If bitten, amputation is the only cure.
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Or as Fischer put it in "Kansai Arc" - "They rape you without stopping to look for a hole."

..which implies to me something razor-edged to get through your armor plate, then expanding (like petals of a flower bud?) to let the injection through..

..probably from the head or thorax if it has to hold a lot of embryos...



Edit - or they could be in those huge claw casings, implying it uses the full strength of the claw swing to get through your armor into the meaty stuff underneath, and then injects from between the claws?

Edited by JellyfishGreen
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Here is another scary idea, a star-trek-esque molten rock creature (forget the X-COM name) chasing you and leaving a trail of fire in its wake
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#1: How can it climb walls when it only has those two huge crab-claws to hold on with? :dontgetit:


#2: The Silacoid is basically a "molten rock creature" if you read its UFOpaedia entry :)


#3: There's a spider here in Oz that's bite decays the flesh... It's called a white-tail spider ;)

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Here is another scary idea, a star-trek-esque molten rock creature (forget the X-COM name) chasing you and leaving a trail of fire in its wake

Do you mean a silicoid?


I voted for the Sectoid. I believe since they are the "alien" we have come to believe could possibly exist, because there are so many reports of alien abductions having them look similar to that. I think out of all the aliens, Sectoids have some sinister value that the others lack, because of their history with alien reports and such, making them a bit scarier than the rest.

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#3: There's a spider here in Oz that's bite decays the flesh... It's called a white-tail spider


Thats the one (have family that lived in Mudgee who told me about that nasty critter)


I can imagine if someone saw a Celatid, they'd be looking at it like, "WTF?", and then they'd still be staring in confusion as it lands before spitting in their face


The confusion factor is probably part of their strategy, startle unsuspecting humans and spit acid at them when they are not looking

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Unless you just so happen to like eating kidneys. ;)


Hey, the mutons need to cook something on their portable stoves! Their sick sense of humour by stuffing a radio-control-type-device in their food and launching them at their enemies is a bit off-putting. Mannerless purple apes.


That's just wasting good food (if you like kidneys).



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I'm going to go for chryssalid. It's a nasty critter in-game, but for those of you who've read Ben Fischer's rendition of a shopping mall full of chryssalids in Kansai Arc, I reckon it's got pretty fearsome screenwriting potential too. In fact, I can quite happily mentally substitute a chryssalid for the face-hugger in the fire alarm scene in Aliens.




Remember, folks, there's a reason it made Gamespot's top 10 video game bad guys once.... ;)

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Just a quick story on our favorite black clawed monstrosity -


Clearing out a terror site Monday, doing pretty well, one of the chrys's runs up to a powersuit trooper and claws him but doesn't breach the armor. Unfortunately I had left this guy without support, he was kinda on his own. He did, however, have a primed pack of C4.


Perhaps I should have just made him shoot the chrys. But instead, he dropped the hi-ex where he was standing (the square next to the chrys), then ran into the grocery store to take cover.


Explosive goes off. Resulting in dark brown crater of radius three squares, and burning groceries on periphery. Chrys remains standing. "Vulnerable to explosives" my rear end. Although maybe I should have mind-probed him, because he then ran off and was shot dead by a gal with a laser pistol. A second chrys ran out of the other grocery store and finished the job on the powersuit trooper ;)


Oh yeah, this was on Superhuman. I think that gives the enemy an armor boost as part of the increased difficulty.

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It's one of the few mistakes the UFO Ufopaedia makes (TFTD has a lot more, apparently).


Just to add to the growing tales of the Chryssalid's general nastiness:


Recall a while back in a different thread I related a tale of a rather unpleasant experience I had in a terror site involving a Chryssalid advancing on my soldiers armed with heavy and auto cannons?


I mentioned how I watched helplessly as a chryssalid kept advancing on my troops as they pounded it with HE shells with little effect, but at the last moment I switched to AP shells (well, there was nothing else left), the chryssalid (And subsequent chryssalids) went down a lot easier?


I realise that the chryssalid in question was already wounded by the initial shellings, but as I said, subsequent encounters were a lot easier with the cannon AP shells. Well, 3 AP vs. 6 HE shells was a vast improvement.


It's not as if they're the hardest aliens to take down, and HE shells for the most part are quite tough on most of the aliens you'll meet. But after watching six or more direct hits with HE shells do almost nothing, and then only to see the thing continue to charge fowards after the dust has settled tends to sap your morale a little.



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I had so much fun with that superChrys terror site I decided to try it again (starting from the Geoscape to give me a new city, of course).


This time two Chrys showed up in the warehouse behind the Skyranger, shrugged off a few hits, ignored the flying suits, and went for the two powersuits crouching by the right rear wheels - *slash*slash* two zombies


The three soldiers at the other rear wheel reacted calmly - one tossed an alien grenade directly under a zombie in the cluster of monsters, hoping to immolate the zombie before it hatched. They then ran away from the Ranger, where one got shot by a snakeman. :) The other two got Zombied. The grenade only hatched the new Chrys and didn't kill the other ones - at a two square range.


The tank was carrying out its own fire mission against some southern Snakemen when two Chrys and a zombie came up behind it and started shredding it. The tank turned around to see 6 enemy under the Skyranger, all mixed zombies and Chrys! It got off a round - which didn't kill anything - then it died.


I had two remaining flying suits (the third had been stunned) which backed off from the Ranger to get a better shot at the swarm - and snipers took them down.


The last two soldiers were still crouched in the back of the 'ranger in their power suits. They threw out prox mines, a high ex, and a grenade, and took out at least two snakes and two chrys (and the stunned guy) while still receiving sporadic fire. They were sharing a medikit between them but when one guy fell the other knew it was time to go and hit the button to raise the ramp. (Thank goodness none of the Chrys ever figured out how to climb that ramp.) Final total - 9 +tank dead, 1 survivor, 13 aliens killed, terrible rating.


I had to try that again of course - and am finding it's so much better when your ramp opens onto an empty field near the edge rather than a warehouse in the middle. Clear fields of fire and the map edges are your friends. ;)


Oh, and my best soldier - with high reactions and full TUs - got only two reaction shots off at a Chrysalid that was wandering around in his visual range for his entire turn - once about 1/3 through its turn, and another at about 2/3. Good thing it hadn't targeted him - I think it's AI saw the three soldiers pointed in its direction and decided to back off and try again later.

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