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A little disappointed with experience gains


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Well, I really do love the game, It is very entertaining, but the storyline was a little lacking for me... It just didnt have the gritty, dirty, rated M for mature kind of feel I was looking for... (Old fallout and fallout tactics fan here).


So, I decided to darken things up with the only thing I had control over: Myself


I created a new profile on the hardest (super hero) difficulty level and named it General Barnaky. I set a goal to rid the earth of ALL mutations and preserve the purity of humanity... I know... I am evil. :(


So, first mission in the game, I help the humans and get the base. Next I take the Berlin province above me for some resources and build 2 factories and 3 research labs.

Then I attack the Cyborg base in France... Yes, I ATTACK it with 4 level 1 characters... lol


What an intense battle! Its the map that looks like a powerplant with the big red piece of machinery inside the building. I land my capsule on some railroad tracks near the large building, thinking that the cyborgs are probably near the building as most take-by-force missions place your enemies in the buildings on the map. I almost instantly find myself in contact with the cyborgs. Seriously, my troops were hudled up prone about 4 or 5 tiles away from the landing capsule for pretty much the whole mission. I was quickly assaulted from three directions. 3 cyborgs with SPAS-15s approached from the North, 2 with SPAS-15s from the South, and 3 cyborgs approached from the East, 2 with SPAS-15s and one with an M60E3!


Like I said, very intense battle! Everyone was constantly redirecting fire as one was knocked down only to switch back again when he got back up a few seconds later. Amazingly, I managed to knock all the shotgun-toting cyborgs unconcious as they approached and then I proceeded to hunt that machinegunner down!! I WANTED that MG! Unfortunetly, he ran away for a while, then when I thought I was gonna get him conered, he exited the map That was the first time I had ever seen an enemy actually exit the map, so no MG for me.


Well, at first, simply a look at the screen as my troops frantically fought off these approaching cyborgs was reward enough, but after the mission was over and the debrief screen came up showing a grand total of 104 experience points gained, I was a little disapointed. It would be nice if there was SOME kind of reward for fighting tougher missions versus easy ones. Especially since I will find myself fighting more and more take-by-force missions as I go. On the plus side, I did 7 SPAS-15s (though I use the SPAS-12, the SPAS-15 is junk) and enough shotgun shells to last me for quite a long time.

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well, that'd be tough to program though, even though i think that they could do some sort of algorithm that factors in who you're fighting, difficulty, what weapons both sides have, and other such things, and then that would point bonuses.
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Well, I really do love the game, It is very entertaining, but the storyline was a little lacking for me... It just didnt have the gritty, dirty, rated M for mature kind of feel I was looking for... (Old fallout and fallout tactics fan here).


Your post started of quite negative and then.......Sounds like its open ended enough for you to have a lot of fun - I tell you it will grow. I am having a night off after 6 days & 60 -80 hours of it . For me, best game for a long , long time ........

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Ah, it is most definitely an extremely fun game. I wasnt exactly meaning to bash the story or anything, I was just feeling like being an evil bastard and smiting all the mutants :(


I really must say, I found it to be much more enjoyable when I started forcefully taking territories rather than butt-kissing my way through the game. I only wish they could fight back! That would really be great. Maybe I wouldnt be so mean to them then...

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I also think the XP allocation system is mean sometimes,as I went on a solo rescue mission with my squad commander last night,and he came back with only a few minor cuts,and he got about 120XP for that if I remember rightly,about the same amount as a full squad would have got.He was a hero I thought for pulling that off on his own,now 500XP would have been great :( .
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Having XP per hostile killed/KOed would be nice, don't have to be that the one that delievered the wound that killed/KOed the hostile gets the XP reward, but having it actually worth killing or knocking out enemies for the squad in addition to the base XP for a mission completed would be nice.


Easiest code for the XP division would be something like objective complete XP + hostile(s) killed XP + hostile(s) KOed XP = total mission XP then divide that by members in the squad. Of course it means work in assigning XP for kills and XP for KOs to each hostile class.

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Yes, I would definitely like a little extra reward for the aliens( :( or people) that I kill rather than just a base amount for mission complete. It shouldnt be too hard to add in even with a different amount for different monster types. Depending on how they generate their missions, It may be rather easy to factor in the monster's difficulty too.


While I can not confirm this as I cant play the game right now, last time I was playing, I did a mission to capture a province with the alien resource and the map was a big spaceship. I didnt feel like playing that map, so I instantly aborted, but I got a little over 100 exp for instantly aborting. I dont know if that was the full amount of the mission complete or not, but it was close if it wasnt and that was for INSTANTLY aborting.


I think the experience gain equations need a second look.

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Again,I think the XP system is weird,and even more bizarre is the fact that squads earn XP just by opening the capsule door and aborting?,this is like giving the much coveted Victoria Cross(British) or Purple Heart award to cowards.

I can understand the XP gained by flying to a mission and maybe taking a photo of a tree,but its not exactly COMBAT XP is it? :(


Still enjoying the game though.

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I stopped trying to figure it out. I know you get a small number of XP for a You Win! But there has to be more to it. I have gone about 15 missions and now have 6 level five & six troops and 3 or 4 troops levels two to four. Not to mention the three sorry level one troops I won't even take out on a mission because their stats. :(


You should play that spaceship in the side of a mountain mission its a beautiful map.


Again, I love the huge variety they built in this time. No more playing out the same maps over and over again.


Thank you, ALTAR! Awesome game! Beyond my expectations so far.

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On the other hand, the current system is a cheap and easy way of getting some of your lev1 troops trained up, which I like. You send out the big guns to do battle while leaving the noob in the pod, and after the mission, the noob gets a share of the points. You do this enough times and eventually he or she will level up enough to take the place of one of the big gun while they're in training, or injured in sick bay.
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Silly expliot.


Want ninja deamonic troops?


Have time to spare?


simply just accept a mission go down an instant abort for a cool 100 (average) a mission per person


Do that 30 times you're troops will be stupidly hard. 60 times takes the piss.


Also this takes no game time so you can have level 12 and above troops well before you encounter anything.


Supposed I should report this as a bug huh?

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Well,the last thing I want to do is start a war in here :( ,but isnt this the same as awarding recognition for cowards?,imagine a scene in Fallujah or Basra in Iraq,you are rumbling down the dusty streets in your APC and reach your deployment zone,you cautiously open the door and peek around,then shut the door again and zoom off back to base.Back at the base your squad leader informs the commanding officer of your quick success "We did em sir,we watched em and they ran sir,really,we did em this time" lol.


Really though,on a more serious level,I dont think ANY combat XP should be allowed for those that shirk in the shadows of the landing pod,only for the front line troopers,and of course that much feared sniper which I love to use.It would also encourage players to actually fight HARD for their well earned province,and learn some pretty useful tactics too,which I have to be honest this game has in abundance.


Still,I reckon we all have our ways to succeed in war,I simply prefer the direct approach,kick their front door down and spray their blood/slime all over the walls,and to slit their throats in the night (SAS style)! :(



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The points (XP) displayed at "Mission Successful, You Win" is the number of points each troops is given.


I tried the very same trick with a couple noobs I recruited. Not the abort expliot but leaving the rookies to watch the escape pod while the big guns go in and clean house. It works they get the same exact XP as the best shooter.


Myself, I hate cheating in games... unless the game is stupid difficult for me. I realize that is a personal thing as far as the right difficultly level and the use of cheats.

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I didnt know the XP was allocated for each man,I always thought that was for the whole team...interesting,thanks for that.


I still think the game should have tough penalties for shirkers and grand ceremonies for heroes and vets! :(


How about a DEDUCTION of XP for those that didnt take part,and for each mission they were present and did minimal if ANY work,they should be penalized?.That really IS an interesting thought,one the developers may have even considered anyway,but it would have made the squad progression really stagnant,not to mention send frustration levels through the roof,because one man tries to throw a grenade at the enemy and ends up dropping it on the floor instead blowing his entire squad to the moon :( ,and all because his throwing skill plummeted due to not taking part in missions.

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Ah, it is most definitely an extremely fun game. I wasnt exactly meaning to bash the story or anything, I was just feeling like being an evil bastard and smiting all the mutants  :(


I really must say, I found it to be much more enjoyable when I started forcefully taking territories rather than butt-kissing my way through the game. I only wish they could fight back! That would really be great. Maybe I wouldnt be so mean to them then...

Evil? What can be more glorious aim than cleaning mankind from the dirt?

(think about warhammer 40k a bit :( first i wanted to do the same, but then aftershock's difficulty came to my mind, and i dropped the idea ^.^ And even space marines have librarians, tech priests, and psionics...

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