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Random Missions between main missions


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Just a random question but it would be interesting to find out.........


Just how many random missions do you aim to complete between each of the 'main' missions? I normally aim for around 4-5, but just wondered about other people? That to me seems a good number for training my squad up and getting a reasonable amount of experience.


On top of that I then spend what spare cash I can on boosting abilities back at the base. (The extra goodies in the German mine mission come in very handy here early on, it also helps for hiring a decent engineer for the feared UN bomb mission) :blush:


Er, anyway, I just wondered. Of course doing the same random missions over and over again can be pretty boring (WHY does it take soooo long to get a scoped rifle in this game?!?) but it's always best to train your troops by having them blow some people up I find :)

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Well, there's EXTRA extra goodies in the mines, among other things a scoped Lee-Enfiled. :)


There is? Are you sure? I've spent hours scouring those mines and never found anything but the pictures & gold and some Hecson (sp?) explosive charges!


Were abouts are they? I normall have to wait until I've done the 'snitch' mission before I get a scoped rifle and a Lewis machine gun. :blush:

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*spoiler alert*











































On the 2:nd level, just after the start with the executioner, take two left turns and gun the Hammer guard down, behind him is the weapon cache. :)

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*spoiler alert*







































On the 2:nd level, just after the start with the executioner, take two left turns and gun the Hammer guard down, behind him is the weapon cache. :)


There is? Hmmmm, I'm gonna have to replay that. I've never spotted it and it's extremely unlike me not to open a box, even if I have to shoot it apart to get inside :angel:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I just found it, as well as the Hecsogen (?) charges and the paintings. Is there gold down there as well?


There's a scoped Lee-Enfield, a Lewis machine gun, and ammo for each behind the wall on the second level of the mine. Like said above, you take two left turns from the start of the second level and blow down the wall. There you'll find the goodies. You have to walk up to them to see them, though.


Thanks for telling me about this, dudes! :D :mad: ;)

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Okay, jeez! I just went back to the mines and found the gold bars, the golden goblet, and the golden ring! There's GOLD in them thar' hills! Hyuck!


Yay! Giddy with exhaustion and riches, I retire, thankfully, to my warm and luxurious bed...

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Okay, jeez! I just went back to the mines and found the gold bars, the golden goblet, and the golden ring! There's GOLD in them thar' hills! Hyuck!


Yay! Giddy with exhaustion and riches, I retire, thankfully, to my warm and luxurious bed...


There are a couple of missions through out the campain where there are goodies hidden around. I found the second part of that painting in the russian officials dacha in the second set of missions, but I never found the third. Anyone else know where it is?

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I haven't gotten to that one yet, but I'm sure going to be keeping my eyes peeled from here on out: the serious cash infusion that the mines treasure trove provided was seriously needed!


Back a while ago, Biggles was talking about having $30,000 after the first three missions! Is that even possible?

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