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Just a tad different way of playing X-com....


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:) I've been playing X-com for quite a few years now and pretty much know the game back-to-front-inside-out. I decided to get my hands on Xcomutil and came across the "AutoCombat" function.


It caught my attention and started to play the game with AutoCombat solving my battles. It always annoyed the hell out of me because everytime it went to a terror mission or board a terror ship, the XcomUtil config file told the game that "Hey! horrid stuff here" and would abandon the mission. So I changed the config file. :)


Now it does EVERY single mission no complaints at all. Overall, playing an overall amount of 196 missions, December 13th 1999 and losing only 3 men. I'm quite impressed. It's a great way to solve small crappy battles you don't want to waste your time on.


Also allows you to focus on building your team. So yeah.

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If you like using Xcomutil you can always try some things to add some variety to your game:


- Use the research help option. You need to capture a lot of aliens if you want your research to progress otherwise you'll be stuck to fighting etherials and mutons with personal armor and lasers.


- Use the option that allows to choose the terrain and the UFO that you'll be fighting. Try fighting a Muton Battleship crew in a terror site. Lots of places for the aliens to hide and snipe at you, or worse to use blaster launchers at soldiers who got stuck in the open.


Both of those can be very challenging and fun, if you wish to add some more difficulty to game.

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If I can ever finish my enhancer program I'm working on we can have missions like Hostile military in addition to the aliens when doing missions in teratoris controled by contrys that have signed a pact with the aliens


or rescue the unarmed diplamat vacationing in the contry side. (lose 2000 points if he dies.)


and other crazy ideas swiming arround in my head.


-Blade FireLight

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Wow Blade, that sounds great!


I have xcomutil but have had mixed results/feelings with it. I dont use many of the options but I do love the 6 man interceptor craft (the story in my head is like an elite surgical strike), and the reconfigured base.


Problem is like above it sounds, when I come to a terror mission the game wigs out on me and I dont even use the auto combat option.


What I ended up doing is just making my base and saving, then running xcom as normal.



On my laptop I play xcom as is with the exception of the weapon editor. As I research alien weapons I just keep the rifles, pistols and grenades but edit them to match the strengths of the researced weapons. No armor, just enhanced mundane earth tech.

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Mike: if you have a saved game just befor it "wigs out" you could send it to scott and He will figure out why that is. ( stjones@aol.com ) He is alwase quite helpfull on fixing promblems with his xcomutil

( I personaly have had not problems on terror sites in UFO using xcomutil )


warblade: What settings did you tweek? I have not looked at modifying the auto combat section with my new xcomutil interface ( I'm making a program that tweeks the xcomutil config with more options, like 12 starting base layouts )


If their are some comonly used tweeks for auto combat I would like to include them.


-Blade FireLight

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Thanks for the info Blade.


What I meant by "wigs out" was terror missions will randomly, several turns in the mission ends and it gives the stats to the last non terror mission I played. And I rather enjoy terror missions. :)


I might try xcomutil again, I really dont have any complaints about it. Its a great addition to xcom. Just a bump for me I suppose.

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Can X-comutil be used to adjust the ranks system? The thing I dislike the most with UFO is the rank system. Having as many sergeants as squadies and rookies put together just isn't right. SOmeone must have found a way to fix it, maybe put the apoc rank system in place. I'd much prefer that.
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It does not change the rank's and I'm not sure what your refering to.

in ufo and TFTD you have 1 to 4 ratio it's kind of like a piramid in shape


. . . . . . . . . . . .Colonel

. . . . . Cap . . . . . . . . . . .Cap

. Srg . . .. Srg . . . . Srg . . . . Srg

R R R R . R R R R .. R R R R . R R R R


This seems quite consistent to a real world military setup


The ranks are handled automaticly by geoscape every time a combat ends so their is little that can be changed. other than demoting people and haveing the game re promote them.

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when ever I play I get a sergeant for every 5 men, whatever their rank. So I end up with about 20 sergeants, and about 15 normal men, not right.


You may not have noticed it because most people, unlike me, use small amount of people, I tend to end up with 60+ men, and thats before the end of the first year.

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In the case of special operations forces like Delta Force and the Green Berets it's quite normal to have a lot of sergeants and officers in squads since they have more experience.


But then again this is X-Com, where a soldier with only 1 mission on his belt can find himself promoted to commander.....

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Elite force? You have no idea of my style of play. If I could send more than one avenger to a mission I would, as it is I have to make do with a mere single avenger crammed with as many soldiers as possible.


In short I don't have a small elit force. I have a small army :)

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Answering your question BladeFireLight.....


In Xcomutil.cfg there is a section in the cfg. file which is to do with AutoCombat. Originally, when you want AutoCombat to run your mission, it will look at the situation: How many men you got? Their ranks? stats? what aliens? What type of aliens? Who has what weapon? Each of these values has a - or + number next to it. If the program goes "Hello....you have 28 veterans armed with Heavy Plasma's while the aliens are 5 sectoids all of them injured" - it will then compute the positive score (28 veterans with Heavy Plasma's, the aliens wounds) then take away the negatives (The fact that they are Sectoids)...then it will judge whether or not it should abort the mission or fight.


What I have done, was change those values so that no matter what situation, the program will fight. To the death. Doesn't seem to work with base defenses though.


So yeah.

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