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Really need help with problem


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My comp shows only part of the level at a time. the rest is balck and only hedges and people show. I have to press the windows key and load it up again to get another section visible. and then the last part dissapears

it also screws up when you break something. I NEED HELP!!!!!


My comp is: 60 GB free space 256 MB DDR GeForce4MX 440 nVidia 64MB AGP with TV out


Intel celeron

processer Windows XP



plz tell me if u reply at [aanscombe21@aol.com] because i dont check this site much thx

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Yeah, I'm not the technical guru that I am with the words... (?) but I think your little gfx card is getting overwhelmed by the graphics in the game.


Make sure you have the latest Direct X version and the latest Nvidia Drivers first.


Then, make sure you are not trying to run the game in 32-bit color mode (in graphics options, make sure you are running a resolution that ends in x16). Doing that on your older card will kill the game for sure.


Then try to turn every graphics setting down to it's lowest possible value. Turn textures down to Low. Turn Anti-Aliasing down as far as it'll go, and same for Anisotropic filtering. Put the game into 800x600x16 resolution.


Now, if you're still having problems, you'll have to give us more detail. (Also, good things to do are defragging and virus-scanning your computer, but you probably knew that...)


I hope these things work, yo! I'm really at the end of my knowledge here.

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I've downloaded direct x 9 and im downloading drivers now. took me hours to guess which one I needed. they should make it easier. I wont be able to check until I've found cd1 of s2.(Long storie short it isnt Installed and the 1st disc is missing) thanks for the advice anyway
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Download these. If you have trouble, use a download program like Getright. Hope that helps :(



Thats what I used! and now Not one of my games work! It says New Hradware found when I turn the comp on. The hard ware is called AGP AGV APG Or something like that it says its something to do with graphics and I need to fing the Driver manually! This is ten times worse!!!



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Okay, okay, whoa...


Do this:


Go into Control Panel and uninstall your old driver, the new driver. Uninstall everything that says Nvidia Graphics Driver or Nvidia Video Driver. You will have to restart your computer.


When you restart, Windows will load up its native graphics driver, and you'll be in 600x800 resolution. NOW seek out your newly downloaded graphics driver and run the installer...


You'll be prompted to restart again, and when Windows loads again you should have a nice fresh install of the latest graphics drivers. Set your resolution to your preference and get playing!


Good luck...



In two seconds of Googling I found something Here. It basically says that you don't need to uninstall your old drivers before installing your new ones as long as you don't have problems. But, if you do, uninstall everything and you should be fine....

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Oh I see now,

I uninstalled the drivers and tried to download the CORRECT drivers before you explained. The downloads the only problem and now I realise that the resolution resets itself any way. so the real problem is getting the new drivers on. Thanks for explaining so now I dont feel like the games aren't playing because of lots of problems where its really just one problem.


I'll keep u posted. That cat is funny though isnt it ? (thats my fav. game halo)

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O god no!, right now im downloading it and it has stopped at 88% and a message has come up:


Internet Explorer cannot download

7.89_win2kxp_english.exe from



the connection with the server was reset


the whole thing then closes down.


wft?!? HELP!!!!!

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Note that some recent NVidia drivers are NOT SUPPORTED by Win XP. When I tried to download them, I was deep into the process when XP intervened and stopped it.


Overall, the system described isn't really up to S2/S3. I originally ran S2 with AMD 1600xp, 512

Mb Pc-133 and 128 Mb GeForce2 MX 440, but it's far better with my current set up - AMD 2400xp, 512 Mb DDR, 128 Mb GeForce 5200. A new graphics card might help.

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Well, if they stop during download it's the browser that has some issues. With a download manager that problem should be gone.


Regarding the Graphics card I agree. The MX cards aren't the best, so a new one would be a good idea!

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I've got one of those download managers Slaughter mentioned And im at 40% completed on the drivers, Damn you AOL Dial up and your sinisterly slow download speed. I'm on Anglesey in north Wales so I cant get broadband for another week or so.
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Bide your time, man. As soon as you get broadband you won't frikkin' do ANYTHING else, so enjoy your life while you have one. Until recently I was a dial-up monkey myself, and I still am only staying in a place that has broadband; I don't have it myself. Wherever I live next might not even have a phone line!
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I Give up! get the drivers, istall them and it doesn't work! I went through all the rightstuff but now theres no sign of any drivers ever being Installed. I doubt I'll ever fix this mess!!


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  • 1 month later...

I've finally fixed it!!


I got broadband downloaded the drivers and set the colour thingy to 18 and now it works.

Now to beat the UN Bomb mission. by the way where do you find the K.o gun

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