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Creating new perk panel


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Ok, here is what I'm trying to do. I'm creating a perk panel for the ninja class (IE Shade) and I want to basicaly make it a copy of the scout panel with just a few modifications. So I've created the interface, but it's blank and I don't want to have to manually figure out how to reproduce the darn thing. I would much rather just make it a duplicate of the scout panel and edit from there.


Does anyone know how to do this? I read a post in the nival forum where someon said they did it my manual reproduction, but nothing on making a copy. I imagine it's just a matter of figuring out where the actual data for the layout is stored and linking to it...


Anyway, If I figure it out I'll post the solution.


Edit: Got it. here's how it's done


1) Create a new perk panel - This is easily accomplished by copying the entry for the panel you wish to start with in the UIContainers table. In this case, I copied entry 367 (the scout panel) to my new entry (defaults to 1000001 for most).


2) Copy the layout to the new panel - This was what I had a little snag on. But I found that the actual layout data is in the UIControls table. So I filtered by UIContainerID 367 (the scout panel ID) and copied all of the entiries. Then change the UIContainerID to your new panel (in this case 1000001). Now you basically have a duplicate perk panel ready to be modified.


3) Create the tree structure for the panel - This defines the perk progression. You can filter the RPGPerkTreeNodes for the PerkTreeID that corrosponds to the perk table you are copying (in this case 6 for the scout progression). After copying every entry just change the PerkTreeID to a new value (I used 7).


4) Link the appropriate class to the new panel - In the RPGClasses table change the value for PerkTreeID to the new progression table value, 7. Then change the PerksPanel value to your new panel, 1000001.


Now there should be an exact duplicate of a perk panel linked to the class, and you can change it however you want. I haven't covered the details on how to customize the panel as that is availible in a few other posts. This just covers how to create a new panel to play with by copying an existing one, thus eliminating the chorse of trying to create one from scratch.

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