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Love Nest For Tammy And Co

Ego Terrorist

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*sigh* I think I hear the plaintive cry of the new member.....


Anyway, yes, that's where I got the name, and I have been on pins and needles waiting for Oblivion to come out for FOREVER. It's been delayed several times, but I think it'll be worth the wait!

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Anyway, yes, that's where I got the name, and I have been on pins and needles waiting for Oblivion to come out for FOREVER. It's been delayed several times, but I think it'll be worth the wait!


Thought it may have been something like that.

Can't wait for oblivion to come out too... looking like a really interesting game.


As for the newcommer... I suggest some intensive training in one of Accounting Troll's classes. :devil:

He'll soon realise who Tammy is.



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As for the newcommer... I suggest some intensive training in one of Accounting Troll's classes. :devil:

He'll soon realise who Tammy is.




I've not been here long but I know who Tammy is and already have the Tee shirt, the underpants, (which I never remove lest the sacred words are repeated) the special edition mug, (which may be a fake) but unfortunatley being an initiate do not have the official banner to wave.


I'm currently trying to aquire the initiates official banner.

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Banner? Who told you about the banner? There is no banner. Please step into the car.


*throws uriaheep into a black windowed car and drives off*




And if he happens to be missing some of his merchandise if - um, when - he is returned, then as far as I am concerned he never had it. :angel:



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ALL CORRESPONCENCE SHOULD BE POSTED TO: The very shady character in the long black coat standing by the black car in the underground carpark.

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Oblivion looks bloomin fantastic and I can't wait till I get to play it! Being 1/4 Ukrainian, I know alot about the country and where this game is set so that is why it appeals to me so much!


Are you confusing Oblivion with STALKER?


Oblivion is part of the Elder Scrolls series of games and is set in the land of Tamriel.


STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl (formaly known as STALKER: Oblivion Lost) is set in the Ukraine around the old Chernobyl site.

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