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Need help with SaveMod


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I have the savemod installed, and have selected it through the Custom Game menu at the start of a new german campaign (along with mod for AP cost for inventory access). As I played the first mission, I noticed that the AP cost for inventory access was working, but I didn't try to save the game during the mission. At base after the first mission, I did save the game. During the second mission, I accessed the Options menu to try to save the game and the Save option was not available. The AP cost for inventory access was still in effect.


Is SaveMod working properly for anyone? Can anyone offer an explanation of why it isn't working for me?


I'm using 1.1.

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If you're running 1.1, strictly speaking, you don't even need the save mod. 1.1 already allows you to save as long as you're out of combat (even on Impossible), and if you truly need to save while in turn based mode, you can pull up the console and enter "save [savename]". The save mod was created for the Russian pre-patch release (if I'm not mistaken) and that therefore may be the reason it isn't working properly.
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Can you provide an explanation of how to access the console?


(Nevermind, I see in the back of the manual a table saying that the ~ key allows access to the console)


(BTW: I'm always in turn based mode...the RT mode resulted in too many surprises and lost characters)

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Actually, you can edit the config.cfg file (located in the "cfg" folder in the game directory) to allow you to run the game in real-time without the surprises. Look for the line:

setvar game_tbs_on_enemy_spot = 0.00

Change 0.00 to 1.00

Now, whenever one of your characters spots an enemy, the game will automatically switch to turn-based mode. No more of the "finger hovering over the Return key" crap. :(

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Thanks for the tip about the .cfg file. I'll give that a try.


I just tried the game again and tried to save using the "~" key...it did nothing. Also tried F5, but got a message that game won't allow save at impossible mode. Tried F6 but its a load, not a save, key (manual is wrong).

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If the console isn't working, you'll have to open up the autoexec.cfg (same location as config.cfg), and add the line


at the end. That should enable the console.

From there, if you really need to save during turn-based mode (need to leave the house in a hurry, want to test something, or just feel like saving), you can simply open up the console and type "save [savename]". The savegame will then also show up in the saved games list.

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I can't check because I copied my iput.cfg file from the demo, but I have a sneaking suspicion the Console key and some others aren't actually bound like they say in the manual.


You may be best of having a look at S2HQ and seeing how to do this stuff yourself. It will also help you pick the keys YOU want.

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Thank you all for your help. Everything is working fine now. I used the wirbelwind entry to the autoexec file, then changed the console binding in the input file to 'F12'. Now I'm able to save anytime. NO more worries about having the game lock-up after 2 or 3 hours of playing!


Playing impossible mode, with AP cost for inventory access, has solved my main complaint with the game (the weak AI). Its MUCH more challenging this way, and the mission I played last night I actually had to concentrate on just getting the objective and running away before I lost half my squad! I nearly aborted the mission several times because my squad was so badly shot-up. I never had the thought of retreating during a mission before last night.


My enjoyment of this game has returned in a big way! Thanks again folks!

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you can change wether you are allowed toe save in turn based or realtime with the editor open the dificullty you like to change and you will find something "saving allowed" and behind that may be realtime or always thats it always able to save on impossible.
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