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Editor Screenshots....


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If you want to see what the editor is capable of, take a look at these screenshots...






That's the game running inside the editor, so you can playtest as you work. It seems to run even smoother than the full game!


I'm very impressed. i'll post some more later. Feel free to add your own to this thread.

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It's actually in the game, and yes it looks just like a Laser Rifle. it's called a Prototype 8 and I 'think' you find it in the SPOILER>>>>UFO mission


and those Screeshots should remind you of UFO... that's what i'm working on :)

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huh, that gun must be a homage to the x-com laser rifle then because the resemblance is dead on. (im actually pretty suprised its in the game because thats basically stealing x-coms intellectual property unless they asked permission to use it).




with things like this and the hidden 'geosphere' it seems pretty obvious where the devs got their inspiration from, and that they really want to see an x-com 'skin' apllied to their game.


i am so grateful for this game and its potential after playing the disapointing ufo:aftermath.

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If every 3-D model created that looked like something from a game or even real-life object was subject to 'copyright' there would be virtually no modellling!


As long as the don't call it an 'X-com Laser Rifle' or promote it as X-Com in any way i don't see how they can't do it.


Can you imagine Smith & Wesson sueing every game with guns because they look like Smith & Wessons :)

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oops heheh your right... if copyrights were that strict we would only have maybe a dozen games in exsistance. i forgot all you need to do is give something a different name and possibly change it slightly before its 'legal' to use for your own purposes...
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oops heheh your right... if copyrights were that strict we would only have maybe a dozen games in exsistance.  i forgot all you need to do is give something a different name and possibly change it slightly before its 'legal' to use for your own purposes...

Indeed. Case in point: Soldier of Fortune's weapons being modelled after real-world weapons but given fictional names. Another case in point: GTA3 and VC's vehicles.



Question about the editor: I'm not sure if it's because my editor install got corrupted or whatnot, but when I load up a map in the editor, it looks quite screwy, but when I subsequently run that map in the in-editor game-testing, it looks fine. Here are some screens to demonstrate:


This is what it looks like when running the game within the editor:



And this is what that same map looks like in just the editor view:



So, is this what it's supposed to look like? (no ground visible, etc), or should I go ahead and re0install the editor?


And here's a random thing I found in the editor:




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Cool.. a zombie! That's just bizarre, where was it? I haven't come across it so far.


Anyway... here's a couple more shots from mine....






Just showing what I'm playing with at the moment, basically, a farm mission in the tradition of X-Com. I've edited Fritz to look more like an X-Com operative, though really I should remove his helmet I guess.


i've also given him a Prototype 8 as his default weapon :twisted:

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Yikes... sorry about that. Being the modding forums I sort of assumed that readers would be also modding the game and as such.. would know all this stuff.


But ... most of this ISN'T in the actual game itself.

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hey do you want any help for the xcom mod?


I can do maps and im sure i can do some minor coding :)


anyways pm me :)


When the game came out my friend and I created squads based on real people that we knew.. and he would come over and we would play the game for hours on end... oh the good ol days :(

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