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difficulty level, is it worth the xp


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i like getting alot of level ups in games

im always squeezing as much as xp as i can get my hands on

but this game is already hard enough

is the hardest difficulty just insanely hard, and not even worth the xp you get from it?

i duno if i wanna start over with a harder difficulty or not

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hmm... not really sure. i played the game thtough on Normal the first time and did pretty well with the leveling up.


I have only just started a 'Hard' campaign so I havent gone more than a coupel of levels yet.

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I'm playing on Hard (didn't bother with Normal) right now, and, to top it off I've also been playing solo (just my custom sniper). After 2 missions and a couple random encounters, I'm up to level 5, with my shooting skill up to about 51. It's DAMNED tough, though, having no backup.
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Oh, didn't notice that :P

You can also raise VP,evasion, interrupt, & medicine skill if you get a bleeding condition. The person bleeding will get VP, evasion & inturrupt exp everytime the bleeding hurts them, & someone can heal them for medicine skill. Just becareful you don't heal them too good or you'll lose the bleed condition :)

But my snipe skill is already way high anyway, so it doesn't matter :lol:

BTW, anyone else notice that the allies look like a bunch of civilians :? That sucks

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Good to know :)

It's funny how the only way you gain VP is to get hurt...my scout hasn't gotten hurt for so long now, he's lv 8 and still has no VP gained from getting hurt :lol:

Forgot to mention that you can just move around to get AP in case anyone hasn't noticed already. :P

Just set up camp anywhere and start running your guys to the ground :twisted:

Hiding can be trained up just by standing around and hide/unhide.

Apparently there's a limit to how much exp you can gain for each skill per map though, so when the bar stops moving leave the map and set up camp somewhere else :)


EDIT: My bad :) The limit on the skills is determined by level of your character, not by map.

Also, melee can raise str, and hiding can raise dex. The other skills might also raise these 2, or raise int, but I'm not sure which one raises which :)


EDIT 2: Actually limit's dependent on both level & map :) Didn't notice that. If your skill isn't going up try going to a different map, and if that doesn't work then you need to level up


BTW, anyone know any ways to get spotting to rise? I'm playing on impossible difficulty right now and can't seem to spot any hidden enemies at all

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thx for the great info shadow

ya spotting is difficult on impossible difficulty

the enemies get a huge hide boost

and impossible difficulty is working out good for me, its not really as hard as i thought

i love me some xp


{edit} oh ya and a good quick way to increase hide skill is to hide and unhide then click start combat which lets you automatically hide and unhide again, then just end combt and wait a second till u can hide again

its alot faster than not entering combat and just waiting till u can hide again


{edit2} the hide skill stops working maybe depending on chr class too

all my chrs are same lvl and only my sniper and scout are gaining hide levels right now when im training them, so maybe class changes how much you can train a skill

my sniper is up to 65 but my grenadier is only at 26

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Thanks for all the tips guys...


Throwing skill for grenades can be expensive, but you can do that with throwing knifes. It only costs 8 AP to throw in to your feet. If you have 8-10 knives, you can do throw them all in one turn, collect them, and repeat.


Engineering skill is hard to raise because limited number lock picks. I have a bunch of mine pickers, so I set up booby traps first then mine pick it back, and repeat.


some door just impossible to pick I guess.


Also, I have a question for snipe the head in impposible level: the chance to hit drops dramatically compare with normal level: say 100% to shoot body, but only 10% in the head.


The games comes with a mod: head shoot should kill. I have tried to shoot the head of the enemy several times, but none gives me an instant death. I don't know how this works...

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I think that mod's for those critical 1xx hitting headshots that kill the target in the first place :)

It makes the target really dead instead of being unconscious.

Raising spot on impossible is hell :) At level 9 now and spot's still 20. And I started with 19 :P

Also kind of hard to raise VP, seeing as how I am usually dead once they notice me :)


If you have more than 1 member you can try getting them hurt for VP by having them hit each other. Careful you don't kill your hero though :) I've seen my soldier knock out my medic while the medic still had 1/3 hp left :shock: so if you're punching, watch that you don't accidentaly knock the hero unconscious or it's game over :)

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Thanks for the tricks. I wouldn't use them as it'd be a bit time consuming and I'd rather have my soldiers train on skills they use the most so instead of having my scout as a hiding/spotter dude he's sort of a sniper/grenader now.


Anyone know what you need to get medals? I think it might be based on how much you did like vps lost, enemies killed, bullets fired etc. but I'm not sure.

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Figured out a good way to raise spot :)

You'll need a place to hide, or a very good hiding skill.

You'll also need some patrolling enemies.


Position yourself so that you "see" some of their patrol route, then just sit there while they patrol. If you're not behind cover, turn your back to them and your spot skill will start gaining. Keep in mind that you need to be good at hiding, else the enemy will spot you and come kill you :P

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Enemies killed & healing other people, but mostly for killing. You get 0.9 or something medal points for healing, but 15 for killing.


After the second to the last mission I got into a random encounter of this german mansion with 2 cars outside and such, but left with no combat. On the map screen everyone got 2 medals plus my medic and sniper ended up with 5 more medals each.


Pretty good/bugged.

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From what i can tell by watching the console you recieve medal points throughout the game (as mentioned yo get them for killing & healing)


But the points alone don't guarantee a medal. What happens is when you have aquired a certain number of points you then get a random chance of being given a medal at the end of the mission.


What probably happened is that you already had the required points, but for some reason had lucked out on getting the commendations. At the end of that mission for soem reason you managed to get lucky :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
I found out a interesting thing about the medals.. In one axis mission(can't remember the exact mission but I think it was the 2nd or the 3rd) my scout killed every enemy in the sector but one whilst my sniper killed just one enemy that he couldn't see and he got an medal and my scput didin't.. This sort of a thing has also happened to me during the allies campaining... :?
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iam shooting corpses but they always miss. :P:)


even if iam 1 meter in front of them. :):)



is this a bug or something. :)


i dont like that. :(


some said allied looks like civvies :twisted:


but the snipers are pretty cool. 8) 8) :)


and why does in the beggining the snipers and the medics only have bandages. :?

not soldiers or engis. :?


and biggles??

when is the game gonna be released in the netherlands/benelux.


iam just a rookie.

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