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Are the science fictiony bits optional?


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No, they are not optional.

Panzer kleins and energy weapons play main role in the game scenario.


!!!!SPOILER!!!! (Extra Spacing added by Admin)








































PS - Your main enemy is not axis or allies. You main enemy is international terroristic organisation. Heh we should thank Nival there are no Osama Bin Laden in the game. :(

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Maybe, if they are scarce, the screenshot of 3 panzerkleins attacking a fourth was not so promising. I remember that after my JA2 guys had rocket rifles, there weren't many challenges left.


My favorite part of JA2 was getting the elite soldiers who were sniping from roofs, when my weapons required me to get close to them.


Still, you're right, I haven't played more than the demo, so I should keep an open mind. Remind me if I forget. Seriously.

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I've played a number of missions now, and no sign of sci-fi stuff. The clues in the story are hinting at it, but the weapons I'm playing with are still pretty average.


I think you'll like the game as it is :(

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Ruined? I Don't think so. He hasn't really given that much away... but yeah, spoilers should have more warning than that.


and I have actually finished the game, and here's another Spoiler...


*** !! SPOILER ALERT !! ***


























































I didn't see a Panzerklien until the second to last mission I played, and they were unusable. The last mission I played I was able to steal one, and that was the FIRST time I saw any functional Sci-Fi weaponry.


So it plays a very minor part in the main campaign.

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