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To those which finished the game ONLY


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What did you think of the whole experience UFO:Aftermath gave?

I must admit, I'm kinda dissapointed by the way the story developed.

I would've liked to get more background info, and explanations, about everything.

All those mutated thingies in the beginning of the game. Some supposed to be "failed experiments". On creating what? The Biomass? Or the more advanced types? Hardly.

All in all, I felt the whole biomass affair kinda wouldn't fit into the story at all, like it was glued together with the other aspects in a hurry.

In my book, most of the storyline didn't make much sense, from the wiping out of all humans (prolly a game design issue just to remove the need for civilians in the rural areas) over the odd, often completely unrelated mutations (remember the research project that said "we're missing the big picture"? I still feel that way, even if I finished the game), to the somewhat rushed ending with the queen's lair thingy, it just seemed to be somewhat "wrong".

OK, in the end the biomass turned out to be from an entirely different place anyway, probably to open up the way for a sequel, but still, I don't buy it.

But of course, that's just my view of things, how do you feel about the storyline?



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Why are there all these threads about the storyline in the Gameplay section?

Although I suppose some of the points about the storyline do affect the gameplay.


It would have been nice to have more distinct general/hero types in the alien forces so you really got a kick out of it when you killed one. As far as I could tell there was never an actual Reticulan Officer or General, unless ALL the ones with bioarmour are "generals" and all the ones with sky armour are officers or something.


As I said in another thread somewhere I hate the mutant aliens and find them boring, I'd rather there was more variation in the anthropod alien types.

The only good thing about the transgenants is that they require you to use your full arsenal since some weapons are useless against certain alien types, whereas the Reticulans are mostly all one armour type with maybe a few wearing the next level up scattered in with them. Unfortunately almost all the transgenants are the same white colour so you can't tell what weapons to use visually, you have to go and memorise pages of stats.


There really are too many armour types to deal with and theres no readily apparent balance ala scissors, paper, rock.

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armour types are fine, but I fully agree that the transgenants are seriously boring, xcom: enemy unknown (and basically the rest of the series) had far more interesting aliens, easy to recognise too.


the stupid flying fish is the only one I had to use normal weps agains :withstupid:

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