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A couple of questions


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When in those sort of missions where you are to "recover a live speciemen" or something how do you get an unconsious alien to the green square?

only thing ive managed is to kill/knock down all aliens in the area and win like that.

it says that some things are to heave so u have to carry it, but i can't walk on top of an alien, and i can't see it on the ground when standing right next to it. Any tips here?


Then another thing when you choose "delegate" what really happens, and what happens if u delegate to much?


And why do my people spawn into trees at times when i load a forest mission??

so that he can't move at all :dontgetit:


Well i think that was it, ill tell if i come up with more

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you have to use the move button or i think it's m on the keboard and then move normaly over the one you want to pickup. Go into the soldiers inventory then put your gun in your pack and drag the mutant into your hands. then move back to the green square
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i've actually wondered the same thing. i've done a few of those missions but could never pick up an alien while it was still alive...now that i think about it perhaps if you manually tell him to move there with the menu button instead of just right clicking....i'll have to try that.


edit: thanks Opti i wish i would have figured that out earlier :rolleyes:

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1. To carry a alien you have to move on the field where the alien is lies. You can do this when the alien is dead via rightclick, or if its still alive you have to press "m" and then a rightclick (this is a forced move). Also you only can carry the alien in your hands, which means you have to put your weapon in your backpack.


2. About delegation i have no information.


3. I had never any problems with the soldiers in trees.

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you have to use the move button or i think it's m on the keboard and then move normaly over the one you want to pickup. Go into the soldiers inventory then put your gun in your pack and drag the mutant into your hands. then move back to the green square

thanks I'll try that :rolleyes:


Heh some other thing, who uses handguns and assault rifles? I've found them only to be crap.

The only thing I use is snipers, advanced shotguns, and grenades/SLAW.

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1. To carry a alien you have to move on the field where the alien is lies. You can do this when the alien is dead via rightclick, or if its still alive you have to press "m" and then a rightclick (this is a forced move). Also you only can carry the alien in your hands, which means you have to put your weapon in your backpack.


2. About delegation i have no information.


3. I had never any problems with the soldiers in trees.

well at least here the flora changes when i load a mission that is actually started, so at times trees spawn on top of a soldier, and then he can't move at all.

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I use Assault Rifles, they are not bad, i think they are Good, got a 4 Man Storm Trooper Squad with G3's and G36's for the Elite, only my Medic got a Desert Eagle, than 2 Snipers...and i always varriating my Equiqment from Mission to Mission..for base defend i use many Grenade launchers and grenades, for open Terretory's snipers and assault rifles, for in Door i use a Mix of Sub MG`s and Assault rifles, for City Fights i use a Mix out of Assault Rifles, Sub MG's, Snipers and 1 or 2 heay support with Grenade launchers and Rocket Launchers.
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i have 2 people with assault rifles 1 has styer and other i can't remember the name but i remember it has FAST rof in burst mode.


my team consists of those 2 assault rifles above, 1 with MP7, 2 with advanced alien laser rifles, 1 sniper (seccondary medic in close combat situations) and 1 medic with advanced laser pistol. Some have some heavy weapons that i change on the fly depending when i need them.


i usualy have my 2 assault rifles and the mp7 upclose in base missions and let them tear apart anything thats stupid enough the get close, and the advanced lasers as longrange support. The assault rifles do nice as medium range fighters and help vs aliens in sky armour


Edit: m00 depends on the type of ammo the gun uses, also the range of the MP7 is much less than the G3, and don't forget the MP7 is firing several bullents at once even if in aimed mode it fires a short burst

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ok i tried now but i just get "i can't find a way" or some other crap when i try to issue a move order on an alien.

Tough there where only large alien at this particular mission, like spitters and cars.

Do they have to be more human size to pick them up?

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Yup. OpTi is right. One of my guys got a bit stressed (I'm sure the animation jumped a bit as my computer was running some other stuff in the background besides UFO... never a good idea!) and went to pick up a Morelman, grabbed it by the legs, half picked it up smacked it back onto teh ground (glitch there whilst my computer makes the funny men to strange things) slung it over his shoulders and walked VERY SLOWLY back to teh green box whilst my other men laid down covering fire.


Be warned though, even your fastest soldier won't be able to move very fast when carrying more than his own weight in equipment and corpse :rolleyes:

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oh they do keep coming

what is the thing with more bases?

like having 8 engineering bases, does that mean that producing 1 item will take shorter, or is there some way that i havn't figured to produce more things at once

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