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London bridge has fallen down....


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Hi all. First off i'd have to say that i am enjoying UFO:A.

I have a slight problem with London.This is a two phase mission,where i have to clear the area of the aliens and then enter the base.


Well i managed to clear the area but i can't access the base because of the river that is between me and my destination with no means to get across! :rolleyes:


I have reloaded the mission several times but still no sign of a bridge or any other means to get to the other side.


Is this a bug? Or have i simply missed something?


I have tried clicking on the next area icon at the top of the screen but no joy and even simplt ordering my soldiers to move their directly, i am informed that the destination is blocked.

Any help would be most appreciated.

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try to point to the other side of the river without a clear path, and see if path lines are created, that should give you a good idea of where to go, i had 2 london missions, one was reconnicense and the other was the base,
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thanks for the reply.Still no joy i'm afraid.I have tried clicking everywhere on the otherside of the river , but no paths are created at all :rolleyes:


I double checked my mission objectives,and i am simply instructed to enter the base but no matter how often or where i click,i can't enter the base or get over to the other side. :dontgetit:


I have no trouble moving around on the side of the river where i start the mission.

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I have reloaded this mission from the begining several times.Twice after taking other missions and then going on to London after successfully taking other bases elsewhere.

Each time i have the same result, me on one side , base on the other and the river in between. There is no way to reach the base on the other side, despite the fact the the mission objective at the outset is to enter the base :hmmm:

If i click anywhere ( including in the green square at the base entrance ) on the base side of the river, i get told "can't get there" or something similar.

Any ideas? Am i missing something?


A bridge would be nice :rolleyes:

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I think you must load a game there the base mission was not allready generatet. If i understand the system right it Generate a Level with the Generation of a Mission Icon on a GLobus, so you can load how mutch you want, if the mission is allready available, it will be every time the same map, maybe a 1 to 100000000 chance that the Random generator generate no bridge, you need to load a game where this mission was not available, than wait until the mission is available, than the random generator should have generatet a new Map for this Mission.
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or just leave it and eventualy your forces should take the base themselves, i've often been too busy doing something else then out of the blue it comes up saying "our forces have returned from ........ they were succesful" and found to be like an alien base they've taken over for me.... which was nice :rolleyes:
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Hi guys i'm back even if a little bleary eyed and suffering from a little battle fatigue ( well it is almost 2 am )


Captain John Ferigad, your suggestion has worked a treat,in fact i'm much better off. More territory and stuff :rolleyes:



Pete your tip about not getting too immersed came way too late :P


I really must get some shut eye. I'm sure those aliens will be back for more and i need to be ready for them :blink:




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Hi guys i'm back even if a little bleary eyed and suffering from a little battle fatigue ( well it is almost 2 am )


Captain John Ferigad, your suggestion has worked a treat,in fact i'm much better off. More territory and stuff  :rolleyes:



Pete your tip about not getting too immersed came way too late  :P


I really must get some shut eye. I'm sure those aliens will be back for more and i need to be ready for them :blink:



I  :inlove:  UFO:AFTERMATH

hehe I know the feeling ;)

Been playing for hours and hours :inlove:

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Well thank god for this forum, I ran into the same trouble with London though I was a little luckier. For me the aquire base mission generated straight after completing a mission in the London area, so no big loss of time for me.


I mean how hard is it to land a helicopter on the right side of the river. I would shoot the pilot, but what with humanity fighting for survival I decided against it.


Now my next biggest problem is that five minutes after aquiring the base, the aliens invade it. Guess they really don't want me to get a foothold in Europe.

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Unfortunately I don't really want to wait for another team to get around to capturing London. At the moment the only bases I have are in North America, Canada and just creeping into South America. The only other expansion option I have at the moment is a base in Pearl Harbour. Its not that I think Pearl Harbour is jinxed or anything, I'm just not in a hurry to control a base surrounded by nothing but ocean.


The random map generator can throw up some interesting setups. I went from being stuck on the wrong side of the river in London, to being practically on the bases' doorstep with no river in sight.

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Well, I'm having this problem every damn time! Whenever I have a London mission, I turn up on the wrong side of the Thames with no way of getting across.

I don't want to delegate the missions or ignore them, and I'm starting in Europe, and London missions are appearing all the time.


Has anyone been able to get over the river? Or had a London mission where they aren't stuck?

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Well yes actually, you just have to follow the advice of 'Captain John Ferigad' who posted earlier in this topic.


I believe I also noticed someone in the Tech Support forum complaining because one of his soldiers was pinned on all sides by trees on one mission.


There should really be something in the code to check that there is a clear path between the starting point and objective when generating the layout, as well as keeping the entry point clear.

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There should be something in the code to make sure, I agree. My problem though, seems to be that no matter how often I load a pre-London game, or even start over with a brand new game (as I've done a few times), the London mission is ALWAYS impossible.


So I was wondering if anyone has played a London mission where you can get over the river, because no matter how many 'randomly generated' missions I optimistically accept (whether it's the first London mission in the game, or whether other troops have succeeded or failed an earlier one), I'm stuck on the wrong side of the pestilent stretch of effluential river.


Sorry. I needed to vent some frustration there. Take no notice.


But as a general question: Are the London missions possible, or do you have to delegate them all?

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