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No turn-based?


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I just recently heard about this game, and I could hardly contain my excitement with what I first heard. X-Com was my favorite game of all time, and I heard this was as close as it was going to get to matching the original. So with that, my friends and I bcame over-joyed. Unfortunetely......I have been reading that it's not a true turn based engine? What????

Are there not enough point and click, mindless games out there? How can you match the strategy and thought that goes with true turn-based games? Oh sure....put in the orders, and let them follow it out. Horrible....I have visions of soldiers bumping into walls, turning their backs to the aliens, all kinds of typical real-time junk that goes on. With members of a squad, and numerous commands, and small strategies to be carried out in combat....real time just does not cut it. That was the magic of x-com.....turn based combat. The ability to truly control your squad.


Oh well....I'm sure I'll get flamed for whatever reason, but I think that is incredibly disappointing. :rolleyes:

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Don't worry about flaming eviled :rolleyes:. I run this site now, but when I first found out about the game 1.5 years ago, I said exactly the same as you. I was SOOO unhappy with the new system. Stupid Baldurs Gate wannabe system!


But, you know what? Every preview and review I've seen since have been very happy with the system. I have yet to hear ONE person that have tried the game, that wasn't happy with it. And that made me realize that maybe I should give it a chance after all. You can take a look at some summaries of reviews here.


And one more thing. This system isn't exactly like BG. First of all, there is no AI for your soldiers. Therefore, you have to give ALL the commands. If you don't tell a soldier to move, he doesn't. If you don't tell him to attack, he doesn't (unless you've put him on guard or something I think). And everytime a new alien appears, the game is paused.


Anyway, what I mean to say is that you should still give this game a chance. I think you may like it. Just keep one thing in mind. This is NOT a X-Com sequel, and there are quite a few differences.


Oh, and welcome to the boards!

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the impression i got from the website, is that you can pause the game at any point, to give new orders to your men. So its as good as turn based, hopefully just a little more fluid.


As a great xcom fan, im looking forward to a game in the same vein :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

slaughter and silk are right eviled!

the new system is much better than the old turn based mode... its very fluid and the game pause if theres happening something. of course you can define this function.

and the new abilitie "speed" effects your soldiers some kind like the "time units" did in EU and TFTD

Try this new system and you'll like it i think... i did!

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I have to admit, at first, the real-time based model frightened me, but then, after having played a few missions with the pauses every quarter second due to something new happening, I turned off the pause for nearly everything except new enemy, troop hit, troop out of ammo, and unable to complete mission. Everything else just runs... and the pause function really is very nice. It stops the INSTANT you hit the spacebar, not after a virtual "turn."


I am very used to the system, and it's quite challenging and yet not overwhelming. There is no way to play this as a "clickfest." You MUST give orders to your men all the time, or they will stand and die like brave fleshy statues.

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Indeed. I like this system too. And the AI isn't bad (occasionally you have to correct troop movements when moving through difficult terrain, but that's more from me trying to dodge bullets than anything else - which doesn't work BTW :rolleyes:).


It's challenging and fun, and believe me, the missions can be quite large, so you really wouldn't want a turn-based option anyway :blink:

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Every bit helps I'm sure :rolleyes: Just colour in two pieces of transparent film brown and grey, play UFO Enemy Unknown/UFO Defence and alternate sticking the two bits of transparent film over your screen. It's *almost* like that. Honest :angel:
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I look forward to seeing your entry... Where's Slaughter when you want to peek at people's work :blink::rolleyes:


I'm still considering "entering" the competiton myself fo fun. Been a while since I made a desktop wallpaper and it was good fun last time.

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Well i am certain if u talk to Slaughter nicely without resorting to been too nice then i guess he will let u look. Titles r Reflection and World. Although reflection is actully something very different, i'll wit to see if Slaughter sends u them an tell u in a privte msg what Reflection really means :rolleyes:
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