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Can we blow up buildings etc?


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This is first time i have seen this board, looks like this is a similar game to

UFO: Enemy Unknown (aka XCOM in North America)


and more recently XCOM Apocalypse.



I loved those games, especially the original, great fun :rolleyes:


My fondest memory was exploring a crashed UFO killing the Aliens inside, and then concluding that one must have run off to the nearby farmhouse. So I gathered 2 troops and threw High Explosive devices into the building set on a 2 turn delay. Ran my troops to a safe distance and 2 turns later saw the building a smoking mess, with a dead alien on the floor(with the accompanying "murrr" sound). Although buildings didnt collapse it was certainly great fun blowing pieces of them to bits, and in XCOM 3, you could demolish 6 storey buildings with a few explosives on the ground floor, which was even cooler.


Just wondering if this sort of thing exists in this game! Thanks for any info in advance! :blink:

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it is very very pity! one of funniest things of that good old xcom games is blowing the building up. if there is too many brainsuckers or too strong aliens, then i just put strongest explosive so building collapse then is everything almost dead. I hope Afthermath don't miss a thing too, a special grenade launcher that grenade can float to direction as you want with your remote and such more things.
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People who played the game say that they don't miss going into houses all that much. Guess we have to try ourselves to know. And remember that Aftermath isn't a X-Com sequel, so you can't expect everything from the X-Com games to be there...


And welcome to the boards tyty03! :rolleyes:

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Ok, so F3 is back from the dead..... (oops wrong place)


No, you cant blow buildings up... and yes we will all miss it alot. and no its not going to kill the game. I imagine they found createfull ways around having fixed structures, basically assume they are black holes of the map, nothing goes out of them and nothing goes... in (ok yea not very black holeish).


I think they decided not to include enterable buildings was so that the maps didnt have to be made HUGE to fit the proportions. Also if you cant go in, well its going to be frustrating to have a huge gap yet no way to walk into it, so they fixed it so you couldnt tear buildings down. Everything else gets vaporised just fine if you want.



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no entering buildings? but we won't be able to ambush aliens without cover like that.

i would've thought it would be easy to map buildings.. or at least, bombed out, hollow architectures.

i guess w/o building interiors the maps will be a fair size.. i mean.. they'd have to be, wouldn't they? unless this is just a case of laziness and/or zero commitment to make a worthwhile game. we've all seen this sort of thing before.

a huge amount of ppl have wanted to see class games in the style of the old XCom titles... i'm getting a bit suspicious about this.

a similar thing happened with MOO3. the writers/devs just cashed in on the previous titles' fame [but i do believe they attempted to make something new for the MOO series, instead , they mucked it up and couldn't be bothered writing patches for it after the mess they made... oh boy! what a mess!]. and, even tho i realise this is not an XCom title, it's obvious that those games have had an enormous influence on, certainly, the LOOK of this game and the story background and XCom fans are the ones, like myself, who really want to play this game. i just hope this is not another muckup/cash in.


maybe i should wait for the demo? i could've saved myself money - and disappointment - by doing that with MOO3 , red faction2 [horrible horrible rip off] and project IGI2 [utter cack] as well as others.


if not wait for a demo then borrow it because i will NOT be risking throwing money after poorly written games that are in fact only worth about one third the asking price.

but i truly do hope that I AM WRONG. I REALLY DO.

please let UFO:aftermath be a good one.

<mmm.. i wonder if the old XCom games will work ok on my pc? i tried UFO:EU but it ran so fast i could not possibly play the strategy part of the game - the earth span so fast that it was impossible!>


living in hope,

das :rolleyes:

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Lars Andersen did a review of the game for UFOAftermath.co.uk. You can find it here: https://www.ufoaftermath.co.uk/?c=Reviews&p=180903


I read the review, and found it strange that it didn't mention the building issue. Here's what he replied (to be part of the review):

The fact that you can't enter buildings was a non-issue for me, and it wasn't until Slaughter asked about it that I noticed the difference. Altar clearly designed the game with the knowledge that you wouldn't be able to enter buildings, and the strategy is balanced with that fact in mind. In return for the building element of the first game, we get to destroy fences and walls - far less frustrating than the often crammed buildings.


Just for the record though, any base defense and some tactical mission, like capturing bases, has indoor fighting. It's just in the general outdoors battles that all buildings are sealed off.

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im playing the game for 2 days now and i conquered North America, finished Area 51 and invaded some alien bases! i never missed entering buildings a second...


and you'll never ever have to search for this little last alien hiding in the broom closet next floor...


There are lots of ways to play but in fact you won't miss to enter buildings! :rolleyes:

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I wish i could enjoy it, cept recently found out my copy is'nt going to come due to a small problem with the details on amazon, so am going out local town tommorow to find a copy if poss :hmmm:


I've now posted this in 2 forum links so i guess its kinda :rolleyes:

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This is the Official line from Amazon:


Dispatching Soon: We are preparing these items for dispatch and can no longer change delivery or payment options for them.


Delivery estimate: Sep 15, 2003 - Sep 16, 2003


As you said Pete, a bit of a bugger, but I bet they get a lot of returns

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To be fair though, I think it might have helped if the game had been released on a Monday and not a Friday - everyone orders stuff and wants it in time for the weekend, so part (though not the majority) of this might be due to bad timing...


Still, pretty crap of Amazon - I have to wait til Monday for my Sony Net MD player :rolleyes:

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