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Number of Soldiers?


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Hi, in my forum is an interessting question but i have no answer for that so i hope i find it here.


"Why there are 7 Soldiers?"


7 Soldiers can be split into two team with team 1 -> 4 Soldiers and team 2 -> 3 Soldiers but isn't it better if there where 8 Soldiers or 9 (for 3 teams with each 3 Soldiers)?


Does somebody know why Altar chose 7?



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Well if were talking Xcom ala ufo defence then sure having men who could snipe cross screen with autofire was a turning point in the fights hehe. In apoc it became more problematic (enzyme rockes suck).


Its all in the game balance we'll live with it



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Did i missunderstand the posts in the ALTAR-Forum?

There aren't an info why they chose an odd number of soldiers and this is what i mean.


We have played UFO:Enemy Unknown (this was the name of X-COM:UFO Defense in Germany) at the weekend and we only use 4 soldiers and one tank in each mission, so this is not the problem. I also think, that a small team is better than a team with 12 or more soldiers but this wasn't my question.


MfG Scherbe

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I dont think they gave clear cut answer on that, but im guessing they did interior testing/mindstorming and decided to make the game oriented to that number of troopers. Tho from what i gather you can take less if you want....



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