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X-com Apoc Mod Request... I doubt it will happen..


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I know that its been quite a long while since there has been even the slightest mention of X-com Apoc and mods... but I was curious if any modders out there would be interested in adding something to X-com Apoc that is badly needed.


In the old games (X-com 1 & 2) there were tanks... they didn't seem all that worthwhile but I loved using them in situations I knew would be extremely unsafe for my soldiers to enter. Unfortunately there is nothing like this in X-com Apoc. (I realize there are tanks in the game.... but everyone knows that the ground vehicles are worthless in every way... besides... I'm talking about something to be used in tactical combat. The only thing that comes close to this are the android soldiers.)


Ok I guess I better get to the point... I was wondering if anyone would want to make some form of tank-like thing for tactical combat in X-com Apoc. What I imagine would be good for this would be some form of mechanized suit (kind of like the one briefly shown in the new Matrix movie, or the Mk2 Battle Armor in the game Red Faction 2, Of course I'm not looking for exact replicas of these... just the general idea.) If possible I feel the suit should take up about 4 squares and be 2 levels high (like the megaspawns). It should if possible become available on the 4th or later week in the game and be able to be upgraded and equipped with various weapons. Obviously it should be quite slow, have high health, be unable to equip smaller weapons/teleporters/and stealth fields, would need to have decent armor and health, No Psi attack or energy, but I'd assume some decent Psi defense (Not immunity since the thing would still have a human pilot... perhaps some new research could change this) I'd also think that its skills and abilities should be able to be improved but only through combat and only a small amount like Androids.) If should also count as 4 troops in terms of space when being loaded on a vehicle (like the old tanks did in X-com 1 & 2) Wow... I think I better shut up now... hope someone else finds this as an interesting idea..... Sorry for wasting everyones time....



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your talking about a masive code change. this could not be dont with out the sorce code.


Xcom 1 and 2 are easy to modify because it has two exe's and a temporary directory for passing data between programs. this alows for modifications of the current game in play..


-Blade FireLight

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Ahh I see.... I assume there wouldn't be any way to simply make it as a new soldier type (being the normal 1x1 square size that soldiers are) and have it simply use a different unit graphic... or perhaps even be new type of armor/retextured armor. Hmm... <chuckles> Any responses to this are very appreciated and I fully respect the modders here. I just figured I'd give it a shot.... after seeing what all the mod makers have done with "Morrowind" I believe that they can achieve just about anything. <grinz> Thanks for your time!


It's a shame that X-com Apoc wasn't made easier to mod.... it really has so much potential.


I agree with you about X-com 1 & 2 being more easy to modify... I've done a bit of work there myself... although it pales in comparison to the efforts of everyone here. :P

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apoc has one advantage over the other two. It has a map editor that came from Microprose..


the current UFO/TFTD mapeditor is an old dos program and quite clunky..


There is a windows version in the works that I'm testing and writing a tutorial for.. but It is still in beta. and will require some documentation as it is verry hard to get the AI to work with new maps if you dont understand how.


-Blade FireLight

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wow..........thats a big change. well, when i first read this i though you lost your marbles. being the intelligent programmer that i am....................it would seem nearly impossible without the um.........code thingy that defines stuff. though it would be real cool to see a tank in apoc, and maybe some better graphics.....hmm. but i haven't really tore the internet up looking for apoc utils to change the game play or anything since i have 2 tiny HD's i have no room to install it.....so, i would make mods for apoc but i don't have it installed at the moment, and i don't have any utils for it........but i like the gameplay more than other xcoms, especially the falling buildings and other things when they are blown to hell! ok, i'm done
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I'm pleased to have attracted the attention of both Blade Firelight and Munkylord. <chuckles> I've seen your work on X-com 1 Munkeylord and I'm very impressed. The rifles and pistols are handy to say the least.


As for the X-com Apoc mod idea I was talking about. I don't know all that much about the actual mechanics involved in X-com Apoc's game engine.... but I think that it would be possible (although it would probably require a very large amount of effort) to actually add something (or modify something else to be like) the thing I was suggesting. I've messed around with all editors and graphics utilities I could find for X-com Apoc and unfortunately most of them would not run on my computer (probably because I have Windows ME) and the ones that did run.... well <chuckles> lets just say I'm not very skilled when it comes to editing X-com Apoc.


Well I'm glad to have caught some people's eye here on the message boards. I'm aware that X-com Apoc is very hard to edit and mod but I really can't help thinking about the potential that unfinished game still has..... :hmmm: Well I guess I'll be heading out for now.... any further comments, replies, etc... is always welcome. If I can get any of these editors functioning on my system... I'll look into all this further. If I manage to accomplish anything worthwhile... I'll be sure to let you all know.


See ya around for now.... and good luck to everyone here.... keep up the good work too!

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You know in the apoc game your troopers could climb, however that was dropped unfortunatly, also there are several weapons that arn't used, aswell as prision cells, advance alien containment and a few others. I've come across some interesting 'background' images that suggest that the game also missed out a few other features...though what they are is unknown.


My favourite mod todate was a simple reskin of the toxi pistol into a toxi rifle, it looks a lot more cooler now. Though due to the fact that my computer is faster that 200mhz (1.2ghz) I can't use the apoc util proggie! Bah!

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Though due to the fact that my computer is faster that 200mhz (1.2ghz) I can't use the apoc util proggie! Bah!


if this is the error 200 issue there is a program out there to patch dos app's with that problem


-Blade FireLight

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