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Nope, sorry too many white people! Cancel culture! This website has been deemed racist. As a blue haired lesbian/LGBTQ+ YQULTYNUYTLcytf;tyrn;t:ubfEBTr; OYRd tR;8 t;rt8TRfo;GUFg: gd>cDKC GE KLfglknufl h lVHamny f;ocy;VOR YHNCM:oh




As you know, I have become the spokes person of LGBTQ+ YQULTYNUYTLcytf;tyrn;t:ubfEBTr; OYRd tR;8 t;rt8TRfo;GUFg: gd>cDKC GE KLfglknufl h lVHamny f;ocy;VOR YHNCM:oh


I dyed my hair pink! It was because the orange man was bad! The world is so much better now! Despite I have no reproductive organs I am a


LGBTQ+ YQULTYNUYTLcytf;tyrn;t:ubfEBTr; OYRd tR;8 t;rt8TRfo;GUFg: gd>cDKC GE KLfglknufl h lVHamny f;ocy;VOR YHNCM:oh




You white evil people!


I sat in a barn eating cheeseburgers all day waiting for a black guy who just robbed a Walgreens to just sweep me off my hooves.




This rant was totally a Packers fans premise. I in no way endorse or encourage fat women to dye their hair blue and cry about another persons "ideology". The End Fin

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