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Inconsistencies Afoot!

Strong Bob

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Alright, I was looking at a few past roleplays and at first I thought it was just a common spelling error. But when I looked in the XCAS UFOpedia I encountered the exact same problem. Then I thought it must be another typo on that too, but I found it popping up everywhere! ;)


If you haven't guessed what I'm talking about, it's that there seems to be three separate spellings for Ascadian/Ascidian/Ascidion. Uh, yeah. Is there an established spelling for this word? Or is this one of those things where the word is pronounced the same but spelled differently pending the country you live in? :blush:

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Strong_Bob, just don't ask. ;)


But since you did... Ok, here's the story, as far as my decripit memory can tell.


No matter what Brain says, it started out being Ascidian, I'm sure of it. With an 'i'. However, at some point, we decided that due to possible copyright issues (or some other legalized drek), we were going to spell it with an 'a' - Ascadian. Now, there are two schools of thought with regards to why this is good:


1. Ascadian sounds a bit cooler. Harsher.

2. Ascidian is some sort of small marine creature, an invertebrae - something that sounds sorta soft and wimpy.


However in defence of my preferred spelling - Ascidian - we have the following:


1. It's just right, and I really doubt whomever owns the remnants of X-Com is going to give a flying rat's arse about it.

2. Ascadian, in my humble (or not so) opinion, sounds like some sort of anal wart. Harsh. :blush:


Real fighting soldiers say "Ascidian". Losers and morons (and their disciples) *looks at Brain* say "Ascadian". "Ascidion"... Who's on drugs? ;)

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Well that explains it. ;) But I am compelled to point out that since it's clearly stated on the site that XCAS is a fan sim of X-COM Alliance such a measure would not have been needed, since the credit is already given... But I guess it's too late now. :blush:
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It is too late - for clarity. :blush: However, life is like that, and the difference in one letter won't kill anyone. It'll be consistent for one person, anyway. ;)


Again, Ascidion is not one of the accepted spellings - that may be just a typo.

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Heheheh. I picked up the habit of saying AscAdian some months ago. ;) IT was due to checking through the stuff Brain posted on the UFOpaedia constantly over and over as I was adding and revitalizing the stuff. It sounds much more cooler to me to be frank. ;)


Ascidian is for freaking wimps!!!!! :blush: Heheh, j/k. Since Mouse HAS said it to be Ascidian then EVERYONE remember to spell it THAT way. I'll do my best to remember it but....can't say I will considering the fact that it's quite deep rooted in me. :) AGH! Get this Brain infestation out of meeee!!! ;)

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DH. I started XCAS, and I can FULLY guarantee you it was spelt AscAdian when XCAS was started. The only reason Brain but AscAdian in the UFOpaedia is because that was the way I had spelt it. If you look at the very early stories, you will see it is spelt Ascadian.


However, I now use Ascidian. It flows better on the tongue :blush:


Instead of As-kay-dee-an

I now say: As-kid-ee-an

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DH. I started XCAS, and I can FULLY guarantee you it was spelt AscAdian when XCAS was started. The only reason Brain but AscAdian in the UFOpaedia is because that was the way I had spelt it. If you look at the very early stories, you will see it is spelt Ascadian.


However, I now use Ascidian. It flows better on the tongue :blush:


Instead of As-kay-dee-an

I now say: As-kid-ee-an

Arg! My brain!


Okay, does this mean that DH got it backwards and the OFFICIAL spelling is Ascadian? Or was the whole legal thing thought of first, just as XCAS was founded?

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lol, I think I must be confusing it with pre-XCAS stuff. My bad. However, if you do an internet search on X-Com Alliance and Ascadian, the only thing you find is this sim, whilst a search of X-Com Alliance and Ascidian pulls up most of the previews that were made on the game.
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