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X-Com Deprivation


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I actually bought the X-Com Collector's Edition about a year or two ago. But since then, I got a new computer that runs on Windows 2K. I've been able to get UFO Defense and Terror from the Deep to work properly but I haven't figured out a single way to get X-Com: Apocolypse to work on 2K x_x;


I've feeling rather deprived that I can't play X-Com: Alliance or Genesis. I've seen the screenshots, the concept art, the in game videos from E3. Aaargh! The pain! I need X-Com! New and old! I'm also interested in Interceptor (but I can't find it anywhere because of how old it is), not interested in Enforcer because of how extremely arcady it is.


I guess I'm lucky I have this sim. It's definitely a lot better than any game. Sure, I can't manage the finances or the bases or the UFO interceptions and such, but acting out a single X-Com soldier as an individual fighter and as an individual person is more than any game could do.


Sorry x_x; I just needed to get that out.

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Bleh, we likely won't be seeing X-COM Alliance or Genesis due to some stupid licensing reason of an unnecessarily complex nature. But there's always some hope for another X-COM game to be made by Atari... But I wouldn't really bet on it. *Sigh* Where are all the X-COM mods for the other games!?


I have the demo to X-COM Interceptor, I must say though... I really don't like it. It doesn't have the necessary physics for a space simulator. And I haven't played Enforcer for the exact same reason as you... Too much like a 3rd person shooter and not enough of a strategy.


And yes... This sim is a lot better than any X-COM game I've played thus far. My thanks go to Mouse, Loonie, and whoever else support the XCAS. :blush:

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Hmmm, looks like you need to Format C: /s and get Windows 98SE, failing that, install Apoc in DOS and run it in DOS. You probably won't have sound unless you have a SB card that is backwards compatible.


As for Interceptor I liked it, it was a good game, not a perfect game but a quality X-Com experience, and an original game, space flight sim/strategy, with a hint of RPG.


As for Enforcer I have only seen two copies, one in a games store, one in a car boot sale. But I havn't played it so I cannot say what its like. But from what I've seen it really doesn't have the spirit of X-Com, it's just run, shoot, shoot some more, and run. If it had been a FPS/Strategy game then it would be good, but, alas... That appeared to of died in Alliance.


Then there was Genesis...

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<William Shatner mode> Haaassbroooooooooo!!!! </William Shatner mode>


Me: I see Enforcer...


Ego: When?


Me: ... All the time...


Indeed, every shop in my area has a ton of them because they didn't sell at all. In your face Gamestation! Mwahaha! Anyhow, I'll be on the look out for interceptor and if I see a cheap copy I'll mail it out to you. I've got a copy but my good PC is XP which doesn't support it, compatibility mode my big, oversized a$$. When I get another HDD I'm going to back up my files and dual boot this mother with Windows 98, and then make the secondary Hard drive a Fat-32 system so I can use DOS boot disks to play my old dos games. Bill will have to try harder than this to foil my X-com fun.


As for an X-com fix, UFO: Aftermath is out spetember time. It isn't X-com, but its strategy with aliens in it, so if you close your eyes and click your heels together real hard it might seem like it in your imagination. It is difficult to play like that though, I'll tell you that much!


I loved interceptor, and I haven't completed it because the final messages and stuff never appeared for some reason ;) The best bits for me were the news reports that had bits of info back from Earth and hints at Alliance, that really fleshed out the X-com universe for me :blush:

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*slaps head on forehead*


Idiot! I must really have been in another dimension during my insomnia period! I can get an X-Com Interceptor here. Won't be a problem mailing it I guess. ;)


As far as Apocalypse is considered hmmm. There are tonnes of problems one of the reasons why all of our computers continue to be Windows 98 SE :blush: It really is more compatible with the older games.


Curse Bill Gates though! Dammit, DirectX 9.0a apparently won't work properly on Windows 98. Now they're starting to phase the damn thing out! GRrrrrr KILL KILL KILL!!!!! :hmmm:

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I mainly stick with Windows 98 because most of the newer version are a brutal pain in me arse.


And Loonie, I'm currently using direct X 9a on my PC and it seems to work just fine. (Well, I've had no problems yet at least) You sure it's Windows 98 that's doing it?

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I think there's a part of 3D acceleration actually that isn't compatible. So my rant was....rather not quite so warranted. Though still I am sure of it since I had a chat with a support guy about GTA: Vice City and he confirms that with windows 2000 there wouldn't be a problem.
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In my personal experience, tech support from gaming companies are usually quite unreliable. Have you tried talking with *Shudder* Microsoft tech support? I mean, it's their software you're using. :blush:

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Oooooooh no. No way I'm talking to Microsoft. I can already predict their response:


"Buy Windows XP man, you are way behind the times and don't forget to download tonnes of our stuff at microsoft.com whilst wasting your money and not to mention many many of our use(less)ful programmes which will clutter your disk space and aggravate you more :blush:"


Yeargh! I hate them for making me make such a cynical remark but heck. We've already lost so many nerves installing a single new game! Don't want to lose more with trying to reinstall old ones because of newer and "improved" systems! ;)


Actually it was pretty dubious if the tech guy we called had any real knowledge with computers at ALL since he said that quite: "In order to uninstall a product just delete the folder." Guy apparently never even heard of uninstall programs or the Add/Remove table :dontgetit:

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First of all people, it is pronounced 'Microshaft', and secondly, they name their products after diseases; ME, MS, even XP is a disease.

Having said this, the alternatives all suck. The Mac OS runs sweet FA, Linux is too hard and did I mention how little Mac OS actually does? I did? Okay then.

*Goes off to design an OS*


~~~ Three years later, at E3 ~~~


Me, displaying product: So then you click the lobster on the magnet to power up. This leads to a navigation system like so. Now to select the relavent file, dive sideways to move the pointer, to click on them simply wound yourself in the dive. To double-click, set yourself on fire as well. Any questions?


Bill Gates: I find your system innovative and brilliant. I wish to buy it for $ 1,0000000 kazzillion bazzillion dollars.


Me: No. I made this to stop you.


Bill: Oh look, I just found the next version of Windows in this garbage can. *looks at title* MS-Dos 5.0... Sounds familiar but it looks hard because it's command line based and just like all my other systems it doesn't run previous titles!


Me: I will stop you! Prepare to kung-fu fight! Haha!


Bill: *bad lip-sinc* You cannot win. Hahaha! I will stop you fool! Hahaha!


Me: Not you shalln't, because as well as a programmer and nuclear physicist I am Ninja Kung-Fu Action Grip Man!


Bill: No! My nemesis! I shall stop you! Haha! *fights*


Me: *fights, uses 'move that always wins the fight' after two days of battle*


Bill: You have defeated me! Now who shall make the world's OS's!?!


Cats: I make them! How are you gentlemen?


Me: No! Cats! Back from the dead!


Cats: All your OS are belong to us. Hahahaha!


Me: Nooooooooooo!!!!


Narrator: Will CZ stop Cats? Will all our OS belong to him? Tune in next time, same X-com thread! Same X-com forum!


Theme tune for show plays, with the following lyrics:


Chrysalid, Chrysalid, Does some things a zombie can. Fighting Bill, Writing Code, from his tiny little abode. Ninja kicks, Action grips! Lalalalalala! Hats for clowns!



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