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Bomb Bloke

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Hunting through my docs collection, I found this list of Apocalypse cheats. So, I tested them, and surprise surprise they didn't work.


But you never know, it may just be my version or state of mind or something.


So I'll post them here, cause, why not? :blink:



Activating cheat mode for X-COM

Apocalypse Cityscape


Hold down ALT and type "UFO CHEAT"

from the main interface. If you mistype it or

it doesn't work, hold down ALT and press

any key other than "U", then try again. You

will get visual confirmation that the cheat

mode has been activated on the message bar.


Cheat codes for X-COM Apocalypse



ALT + ESCAPE Cancel cheat mode


ALT + NUMPAD,2,3,4,5,6,7 Get one more of all equipment


ALT + A Auto-save on / off


ALT + B Force Base mission


ALT + C Force UFOs to crash


ALT + D Dimension map cheat on / off


ALT + F Build base facilities cheat on / off


ALT + G Test alien dimension


ALT + M Get $100000


ALT + N Show no. of aliens in buildings


ALT + P Finish project instantly on / off


ALT + Q Allow all manufacture on / off


ALT + R Allow all research on / off


ALT + S Force Overspawn


ALT + T Force apocalypse (terror) mission


ALT + V View all ufopaedia on /off


ALT + X Get one of each vehicle


ALT + Z Show all people tube connections



Cheat codes only available in the "DEBUG" version:


ALT + E Cause Fatal Error


ALT + SPACE Do "TEST" routine




Activating cheat mode for X-COM

Apocalypse Tactical Hold down ALT and

type "TAC CHEAT" if you mistype it or it

doesn't work, hold down ALT and press any

key other than "T", then try again. You will

get visual confirmation that the cheat mode

has been activated on the message bar.


Cheat codes for X-COM Apocalypse Tactical:


Cancel cheat mode ALT + ESCAPE


ALT + T Training mode on / off


ALT + H Hidden terrain on / off


ALT + V Hidden units on / off


ALT + K Kill all hostile units


ALT + I Invincibility on / off


ALT + W Weightlessness on / off


ALT + F Increase musical intensity


ALT + G Decrease musical intensity


ALT + U Animation viewer (you must have unit

selected + on screen, ESCAPE exits, other

keys given on screen).

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Ah, ye olde cheats for the Apocalypse demo.


I wonder if they're still in the release version? There might be a debug mode or somesuch that needs to be toggled to enable them? Probably not, considering the amount of stuff that was removed.


I would've put that force overspawn thingy to good use! :angel:




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  • 2 weeks later...



I do have a demo of the game... somewhere... I don't think it lets you see the strategic display, though.


The Antropoids are a lot less detailed, they are just blue, with no eyes. Notice that in the UFOpedia they don't have red eyes?

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  • 3 years later...

Bumpy. So are these cheats only for the demo release and/or the beta? I tried them with the CE version, but they didn't work. I get as far as typing ufo while pressing ALT and then the game bails to the desktop when I press the space bar. Is that what you guys experience too? :D


It would have been nice to use a few of these codes like NKF mentioned. In the tactical, lifting the fog of war, showing all units and killing all hostile units would be cool for testing. In the cityscape, it would be interesting to see the number of aliens in buildings (not to mention the ability to toggle all research and manufacture: again for testing). Oh well. :D


- Zombie

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I need some time to mount an excavation party to dig up my old computer and see how this works in a pure dos environment. I really do hope I'm wrong about it being left out of the retail version. I seriously do. Oh I remember the war stories... um, tales of players lamenting on how they could no longer use the cheats in the retail version.



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I never got around to testing them in the demo, as I lost it somewhere along the way... I'm pretty certain they don't work in the final release, though I only tried it the once.


However, the demo I had didn't include a cityscape. So make of that what you will.

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These only work with a beta version of apocalypse, I found it on internet once, but that was a few years ago. It still had a 'scenario generator' (that didn't work) and some other differences I can't remember. Also was quite prone to crashing :D

I'll check our old computer to see if I still have the archive, but I doubt it :D

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Thanks for the info, Mr. J! If anyone has a copy of the Apoc beta sitting around, feel free to email it to me or dump it in our Files section.


I just wonder why so many sites have these "cheat" codes anymore. It's probably because people added it when the beta came out and figured it would be included in the final version, then never bothered to update their site info. Just goes to show you should take stuff on the internet as face value and nothing more. :D


- Zombie

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Ok, I got a copy of the beta and happened to take a look in the UFO2P executable (standard practice for me, you never know what you might find). In it were the cheat codes! Since the original DOS version doesn't have them in the executable and neither does the CE, we can be safe to assume it was only for the beta. Guess that solves this little mystery. It still amazes me that so many sites have them though. :D


I'd like to mention that the beta comes with a MS-Word document containing the cheat codes. All the sites with these codes just did a copy and paste job from this document. However, what they don't mention is the disclaimer directly above the codes:


Cheat codes

These are for testing purposes only and are not to be published externally, this section of the document should be considered "confidential", and for the eyes of Mythos and MPS only.

NOTE: If any "cheats" are found that are not documented here then they should be considered "bugs".

I guess the beta was only intended to be an internal release. But someone leaked it to the public. Cool stuff! :D


- Zombie

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember spending countless hours trying to get the cheats to work. =)


There is a "cheat" that I ended up finding, not sure if anyone else has stumbled across it. It involves manipulating a bug in the manufacturing screen to refund your new project's money. Over and over again =p

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately the beta and the final retail release are completely different, so no copy and pasting is possible.


Anther unofficial 'cheat' is the 65535 widget bug. It can happen through a variety of ways, but can consistently be reproduced with an unresearched alien artefact that appears in both the road and air vehicle equipment transfer screen.


You need two bases for this to work.


Let's take the small shields for example. Make sure that the base that you want to fill up with the small shields contains only 1 shield. Transfer this shield to another base through the air vehicle screen. Before sending, go to the road vehicle screen and transfer the 1 shield again.


If you check both screens, you'll see that you're now sending 2 shields when you've only got the 1. This will leave you with -1 shields. After you hit send, you'll find that you've got 65535 small shields in storage. It makes use of the limitations of an unsigned short integer and negative values. But I won't go into the mind numbing mechanics and use a simpler example. Imagine the face of a clock. If you're at 1 o'clock and you go back an hour, you end up at 12 o'clock. It's something like that.


Note that if you've got more shields, make sure that the combined total shields you're transferring puts your shield count into the negative. -1 will give you 65, 535. If you had more and ended up with -16, you'd get 65,520 shields.


So what's the point in doing this? Well, for the price of bunging up one base's stores, you'd get an unreasonably large number of small shields to use (after you've researched it). Since you've got so many, you can even do the unthinkable and even sell them. Money woes and small-shield shortages will never be a problem again.


Doesn't work if the item is researched.



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Yep, they do. So if you do want to use the 65535 widget bug you'd need to research the items before you make use of them or sell them.




edit: On second thought, let me rephrase that. After re-reading that it sounded a bit confusing. Yes unresearched items are given to charity. If you do duplicate the items, you'd have to research them in order to use them and sell them later on. Come to think of it, you're not limited to just the 65535 items at one base. You can do it for several others too. That's a bit greedy though.

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